THE hundred and tenth meeting of the choirs of Gloucester, Hereford, and Worcester, for the benefit of the Widows and Orphans of Clergymen of the three dioceses, will be held at Worcester on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, the 24th, 25th, 26th, and 27th of September next. There will be, in all, seven performances—four in the Cathedral, on the mornings of the days before mentioned, and three Grand Miscellaneous Concerts at the College Hall, on the evenings of Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. We feel happy in being able to make this announcement, because, from the great loss with which several of the late triennial meetings have been attended—(the receipts not having been equal to the expenditure, and consequently leaving a large sum to be advanced by the stewards, to make good the deficiency)—it was for some time very doubtful whether these musical performances, which have been so long established, and from which, we believe, all other of our provincial musical festivals have emanated, would, or would not, be continued. To prevent, however, the abandonment of these most respectable and useful meetings—(we say useful, because although, as we have before stated, a heavy loss has sometimes fallen on the stewards, yet the ends of the establishment have not been defeated, for the total amount of donations, and the collection made each day of the performance at the doors of the cathedral, amounting, on the average, annually to between 700l. and 800l., is invariably, and without the least deduction towards the expenses, distributed amongst the several claimants—we say, then, in order to keep up these respectable and useful meetings)—and that the objects of the charity may not suffer from their being discontinued, the following distinguished personages have most willingly consented to take upon themselves the office of steward for the ensuing meeting: Lord Foley, Lord Southwell, Sir Offley Wakeman, Bart., Colonel Russell, M.P., Osman Ricardo, Esq., Joseph John Martin, Esq., Elias Isaac, Esq., John Taylor, Esq., the Bishop of Worcester, the Venerable Archdeacon Onslow, Hon. and Rev. James Somers Cocks, Rev. John Davison, Rev. John Peel, and the Rev. Thomas Pearson. To the foregoing list we have no doubt that other names will yet be added. The music to be performed in the cathedral will be chosen from the works of Handel, Mozart, Beethoven, Cherubini, and other masters of the greatest celebrity, including selections from the following Oratorios, which may justly be ranked amongst the most highly classical productions, viz.: The Creation (Haydn); Mount Sinai (the Chevalier Neukomm); The Last Judgment (Spohr); the Deluge, a new work, held in the highest estimation in Germany, no part of which has hitherto been performed in this country (Schneider); and, though last not least, Palestine, the masterly production of our countryman Dr. Crotch. This augurs well for the undertaking; and that the music so judiciously selected may lose none of its charms in the performance, the following principal vocalists are engaged: Madame Malibran, Miss Clara Novello, and Mrs. W. Knyvett; Messrs. Braham, Vaughan, W. Knyvett, Ed. Taylor, and Mr. Phillips; with a strong and efficient chorus. Signor Donzelli is also engaged, whose splendid voice will no doubt prove a great acquisition at the evening concerts. Mr. F. Cramer will lead the band, and be supported by Messrs. Moralt, Marshall, Loder, R. Ashley, Lindley, Dragonetti, Nicholson, Cooke, Willman, Mackintosh, Platt, Harper, &c. &c. The repieno performers will be principally selected from the Philharmonic Concert; and to make the arrangements as perfect as possible, M. de Beriot is engaged as concerto player, who, we believe, is allowed, by all good judges, to be the most finished performer on the violin in Europe. From this brief outline, it appears to no that the conductor (Mr. Clarke) has left nothing undone that is likely to contribute to the success of the meeting; and if novelty, combined with excellence, has lost none of its usual attraction, we predict that the meeting will be fully attended. |