SIR, In the extracts from the ‘Diary of a Dilettante’ in your Harmonicon for February, the song of ‘Mad Tom,’ sung by Braham, is mentioned, both there and in the bills of the Vocal Concert, as the composition of Purcell, but I think I shall make it appear that he has no claim to be considered the author of that composition. In a manuscript collection of Airs for the Virginals, once in my possession, which bears the date of 1638, there is one called ‘The Man in the Moon,’ a copy of which I have subjoined; and in a work entitled ‘Choice Ayres, Songs, and Dialogues to the Theorbo Lute and Base Viol, 1675,’ it is to be found ascribed to Henry Lawes, and I have no doubt, correctly. The latter part of it as now sung, from the words ‘In my triumphant chariot’ to the end, is the composition of Thomas Hayden, composer of the well known duet, ‘As I saw fair Clora.’ The words, we learn from Walton’s Angler, are by Mr. William Basse, one that made the choice songs of ‘THE HUNTER IN HIS CAREER,’ and ‘TOM OF BEDLAM.’ I am, Sir, We give admission with pleasure to our correspondent’s letter, because it may lead to further inquiry, and ultimately enable us to assign the song of ‘Tom of Bedlam’ to the right owner. If his memory does not deceive him—for it will be observed that the writer speaks of a collection formerly in his possession—the air he has sent us from the Virginal Book must have been the foundation of the song in question; indeed the two differ but little in melody: but the original is so incorrect, or the copyist has transcribed it in so inaccurate a manner, that we cannot venture to insert it, till it has been carefully collated; a task which, perhaps, our correspondent may yet have the means of performing. The air, we must say, bears no marks whatever of being the composition of Henry Lawes: his style is essentially different in every respect. It has always been given to Purcell, and in a volume published by Walsh more than a century ago, under the title of MR. HENRY PURCELL’s Favourite Songs, out of his most celebrated ORPHEUS BRITANNICUS, and the rest of his works, this very air, called ‘Tom a’ Bedlam,’ is included. We never before heard that the added part is by Hayden,—whose name, by the way, was George, not Thomas—but very probably our correspondent is right. As to the words, there can be little doubt on the subject, though some have, most erroneously, supposed them to be Tom D’Urfey’s. But honest Izaak Walton is an authority, who makes PISCATOR (i. e. himself) say, ‘I’ll promise you I’ll sing a song that was made at my request, by Mr. William Basse, one that made the choice songs of the Hunter in his cariere, and of Tom of Bedlam, and many others of note.’ (5th edit. 1676) Dr. Percy, in his Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, inserts the entire song, under the name of OLD TOM OF BEDLAM, and thinks that it was written about the beginning of the 17th century. ‘It is worth attention,’ he observes, ‘that the English have more songs and ballads on the subject of madness, than any of their neighbours. Whether it is that we are more liable to this calamity than other nations, or whether our native gloominess hath peculiarly recommended subjects of this cast to our writers, the fact is incontestable, as any one may be satisfied, who will compare the printed collections of French, Italian songs, &c., with those in our language.’ (ii. 348.) Ritson likewise, in his collection, gives the whole song, and also the melody, down to the line, ‘To bring me my senses again,’ and, without naming the author of the words, ascribes the music to Purcell. (ii. 162, and iii. 290, 2nd Edit. 1813.) We shall be very grateful for any additional information on this subject. |