THE French school of music, and indeed the lovers of the art everywhere, have just sustained a great loss by the death of M. HEROLD. He fell a victim to a pulmonary complaint with which he had been for some time afflicted, and which has carried him off before he had completed his fortieth year. His death is an almost irreparable loss to the French school of music, as he almost alone, among the operatic composers of the present day, had shown a genius worthy to compete with those great German masters whom he had made the idols of his adoration. He was a pupil of the Conservatoire, where he obtained the grand prize of composition, and was sent to complete his studies at Rome at the expense of Government. His opera Marie first made his name popular, and shortly afterwards Zampa, particularly the finale of the first act, secured to him a more solid and imperishable renown. His last work, PrÉ aux clercs, is now in the zenith of its popularity. It is said that the agitation which he felt in consequence of the suspension of the performances of that opera after its first representation, in consequence of the refusal of Madame Casimir to sing, tended to hasten his end. The managers of the Opera Comique, as soon as they learnt the fatal event, announced that the theatre would be shut for one night. SIGNOR NOZZARI, the celebrated tenor singer, died at Naples, the beginning of last month. He was born in 1775, and studied under the famous David, who was in England some forty years ago. Nozzari first appeared at Milan, and in 1802 and 1807 sang at the Opera Buffa in Paris. He afterwards went to Naples, where at the theatre San Carlos, he continued to perform till bad health much weakened his vocal powers, and finally compelled him to quit public life. He has left a fortune of above 100,000 dollars. Early in last month, SIGNOR GIUSEPPE DEVILLE, who for many years had been a useful performer at the King’s Theatre, was found dead in his chamber, owing, it appeared upon examination, to apoplexy. He first arrived in this country in 1816; afterwards was engaged at the ThÉÂtre Italien in Paris; then went to St. Petersburg, where he sang during three or four seasons at the Italian Opera in that city, and subsequently returned and settled in London. Though never much distinguished as a singer, Signor Deville was highly valued for the regularity and zeal with which he performed his professional duties; while his high sense of honour, his generous nature, and the benevolence of his disposition, made him respected by all to whom he was known, and loved by the few with whom he lived on terms of intimacy. The newspapers have represented that he died in the possession of a large sum of money, but erroneously: though not expensive in himself, he was too liberal-minded, too kind to such of his countrymen as needed assistance, to be able to save much of his income. In fact when his funeral and other expenses are defrayed, very little will be left to transmit to his nearest of kin, who are residing in Italy. |