VIENNA.Josephstadt Theater.—Donizetti’s opera Der Verwiesene aus Rom (L’ Esule di Roma) has been brought out here with tolerable success, though it is not likely to become a permanent favourite. Die Stumme von Portici has also been produced, and was well received. On the 22nd September a concert was given by Mr. Fried. Wilh. Pixis, the violin player, and Madlle. Elise Barth, the pianiste, both of the Conservatoire at Prague, and Mad. Podhorsky, prima donna at Prague. The three artists distinguished themselves by a rich display of their respective talents, and were warmly applauded. M. Girolamo Salieri, a clarionet player from Venice, gave a concert here on the 7th October: this virtuoso, who has attained the most perfect mastery over his instrument, afforded a rich treat to his audience, which was unfortunately, however, not very numerous. Madlle. Heinefetter is at present here, and is engaged for a few nights at the Court Theatre. BERLIN.On the 22nd October was performed Die Hochzeit des Figaro, with M. and Mad. Reichel as Figaro and the Countess: the former sang with much spirit, and Mad. R. displayed all the qualities of an excellent singer, though not perfectly matured. The first winter concert, given by Mad. Milder, took place on the 25th, on which occasion were performed several pieces of Neukomm’s, which, though compositions of great merit, were not very remarkable in point of invention. M. Felix Mendelssohn played Mozart’s Concerto in D minor. This young artist, it is stated, is about to get up three charitable concerts during the winter, in which he will bring forward some pieces of his own, not yet performed here, besides other compositions of sterling worth, among them a symphony in D major, by Ludwig Berger. In short it is intended that these concerts shall be equally interesting and attractive to the cultivated musician and to the amateur. The Singing Academy proposes to give four Oratorios, Salomon, and Joshua of Handel, St. John the Evangelist, by Seb. Bach, and the fourth will probably be one of Haydn’s, but which it is not yet determined. The four brothers MÜller, the quartet-players, are expected to return in a short time from Brunswick. The musical soirÉes of M. M. D. MÖser commenced on the 31st October, when Mozart’s and Beethoven’s Symphonies in C major and the overture to Euryanthe were played. LEIPZIG.At the winter concerts, which commenced at Michaelmas, have already been played Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony, Kalliwoda’s Symphony, No 3, Onslow’s first Symphony, and a second of Beethoven’s, and the overtures to Ulysses and Circe by B. Romberg, and Euryanthe. Also a new overture by M. J. B. Gross, a young virtuoso on the violoncello, which, though its difficult rhythmical proportions and harmonic progressions are little in accordance with the present fashion, had the good fortune to be well received. Madlle. Henriette Graban is again the principal singer, and Madlle. Livia Gerhardt is engaged as second singer: she has a very sweet voice, particularly in the upper notes, great purity of intonation and considerable flexibility. M. Otto, the tenor, and M. PÖgner, the bass, formerly of the KÖnigliche Theater, have also sung at these concerts; and choruses have been given from Euryanthe, I Capuletti e Montechi, and Zemire und Azor. The solo players have been Madlle. Clara Wieck, and M. D. Schlesinger on the piano-forte; on the violin, M. Ullrich and M. Kalliwoda, kapellmeister in Donaueschingen, who played his last violin concertino to the delight of all present; and on the violoncello, M. Gross, who has great powers of execution, and his tone is remarkably sweet. On the 15th October, a concert was given by M. Kalliwoda, and the selection consisted chiefly of new compositions of that highly gifted master; two new overtures, powerfully instrumentalized, remarkable for their light flowing melodies, a rondo, a pot-pourri, and a concertante for two violins, were among the number; the second violin, in the latter, was played by M. Eichler. The principal singers were Madlle. Livia Gerhardt and MM. Eichberger and Hauser. M. K. is about to leave Leipzig, on a tour to Magdeburg, Berlin, Hamburg, Hanover, Bremen, &c. The next concert was that which M. Moscheles gave on the 22nd October, at which he performed his new concerto in C major, and his Recollections of Denmark, Op. 83. Mad. Beranek sang the scena Ocean du Ungeheur (Ocean, thou mighty monster), from Oberon, with energy and much feeling. A. M. Ferd. Vogel, from Berlin, has given two organ concerts at the church of St. Paul. Fugues by Seb. Bach and others, choruses of men, symphonies with trumpet accompaniment, sonatas (Mozart’s) arranged for the organ, elegiac romances, and other pieces chiefly compositions of the young organist himself, rendered the whole, by their judicious selection and order of succession, very attractive. M. Stegmeier, late of the KÖnigstadt Theater at Berlin, is appointed music director at the theatre here. KÖNIGSBERG.M. Friedrich Wilhelm Eichler, the excellent violinist of Leipzig, a young man twenty-five years of age, zealous in his profession and of great promise, is engaged as leader here, and is shortly expected; he is a pupil of Spohr’s. WARSAW.A Polish journal (Dziennik powszechny), speaks in the highest terms of the violin-playing of a Mad. Filipowicz, a pupil of Spohr. Her cantilena is superb, and she overcomes the must formidable difficulties with apparent ease; her performance of Rode’s Variations in E, produced the greatest effect. She has given three concerts in Warsaw, and has on every occasion inspired her audience with enthusiasm. BRESLAU.At the church of St. Bernhardin a sacred concert was given on the 19th October, for the benefit of the poor, at which, besides several pieces for the organ, in which MM. KÖhler and Hesse particularly distinguished themselves, was performed the first part of the oratorio Tobias, composed by the latter. On the 25th, a grand concert was given by Madlle. Elise Barth, and M. Fried. W. Pixis, who richly merited the applause which was lavished upon them. The winter concerts have already commenced. LEGHORN.Ferdinand Ries is at present here. At Milan, in fact at all places in his way where the celebrated composer visited his brother artists, he met with the warmest welcome, and the most cordial treatment. PARIS.ThÉatre Royal Italien. Bellini’s opera, La Straniera, (the Stranger) was produced here, lately, with success. In this Madlle. Judith Grisi made her dÉbut, in the character of Alaide. She much resembles her sister, Madlle. Giulietta Grisi, and the voices have a family likeness; that of the dÉbutante extends to two octaves, from si to si (i.e. from B below the lines to B above), is of a brilliant quality, though not flexible, but there is much energy in her style; she distinctly marks whatever she performs, and sustained her part with talent, both as singer and actress. She was supported by Rubini and Tamburini. The former was allowed to introduce a song, by Pacini, of very inferior merit, a practice which, whatever may be the value of the composition, ought to be discouraged, if not by directors—who too frequently are themselves directed—the public should take the matter into their own hands, and prevent such absurd and injurious intrusions. |