MR. VAUGHAN’s, Hanover Square Rooms, Friday Evening, April 26. MR. VAUGHAN filled his room completely without any aid from foreign singers; and except a duet from Spohr’s Jessonda—which was not well chosen for Mrs. Bishop and Mr. Horncastle—the music was almost wholly in the native language of the performers. Giovanni Croce’s madrigal, ‘Cynthia!’ was called for a second time, for madrigals are coming into fashion again. Mrs. Bishop sang Hummel’s Offertorium very chastely; and Miss Stephens, in ‘Sweet Bird,’ pleased every admirer of simplicity and pure intonation. Mr. Phillips’s ‘Old English Gentleman’ was received with a universal encore. MR. MOSCHELES’, Opera Concert Room, Wednesday Morning, May 1. M. Moscheles gave the septetto written for the Philharmonic Society, with exceedingly good effect. He also, with M. Mendelssohn, played Weber’s Gipsies’ March with concertante variations, as a duet for two piano-fortes, which excited the most lively interest—these two highly distinguished musicians having each contributed his share of variations, and, in friendly conflict, put forth all their powers in the performance of them. Their cadences were of the most masterly kind, and excited the admiration of a crowded room, in which were most of the connoisseurs in town. Miss Francilla Pixis made her first appearance in London, in a feeble air by Bellini. Her voice is a mezzo soprano, and as she had but recently recovered from an indisposition, her performance is hardly a fair subject for criticism. Mad. Pircher sang an air from Figaro, in German, not in the best manner. Indeed it was injudicious to give it in a translation. But the strength of the concert consisted in the instrumental part; this also included Mendelssohn’s fine poetical overture to A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and a clever extemporaneous performance by M. MOSCHELES. M. PIO CIANCHETTINI’s AND MAD. CAMPANILE’s, At Willis’s Rooms, Monday Morning, May 6. M. Cianchettini produced a new duet for piano-forte MRS. ANDERSON’s, Opera Concert Room, Friday Morning, May 10. Mrs. Anderson introduced, for the first time in public, Beethoven’s concerto in G, which she performed in her accustomed accurate and brilliant manner. Also the fantasia of the same composer, in which he has joined voices and instruments. She likewise played Czerny’s Military Fantasia, which, having the least merit of the three pieces, was most applauded, for the assembly—a remarkably full one, as usual—was of a very fashionable kind. Mad. Pasta sang (for the hundredth time, we believe) ‘Il braccio mio conquise;’ and the best thing Morlacchi ever produced, ‘Notte tremenda.’ Mad. Cinti gave ‘The last Rose of Summer’ with variations. The latter were executed in a most perfect manner, and the absurdity of them did not seem to strike the audience. She also sang an unmeaning air by Pucitta, but made up for the weakness of this by accompanying herself very skilfully on the piano-forte. Mori played a violin solo by Mayseder, in which was less of that skittishness than is commonly found in the productions of this ephemeral composer. And Miss A. Windsor performed a harp concerto by Labarre, with considerable applause. M. HUMMEL’s, Opera Concert Room, Monday Morning, May 13. The most attractive piece in this performance was a new concerto by M. Hummel, a composition in which knowledge and taste are equally and happily combined. He also played a new Rondo Brillante, the subjects and style of which are quite of the popular kind, though, of course, it can only be made available, should it be published, by a few—by those who devote their lives to the overcoming of difficulties. Mesdames Pasta, De Meric, and Pircher, Signori Donzelli and Tamburini, with Herr Blume and Herr Binder, sang each one aria. The German vocalists also attended, and performed what we should be inclined to call an English glee, to German words, and not a very good one. In fact, had they not been foreign, and had not the music been throughout the same, nothing but the urbanity of the audience would have prevented their manifesting some disapprobation at such a performance. The room was not fully attended. MR. F. CRAMER’s, At the Hanover Square Rooms, Wednesday, May 15. To the regret of his numerous friends, Mr. F. Cramer was by indisposition prevented from being present at his own concert, but his place was ably filled by Mr. Mori; and his brother, Mr. J. B. Cramer, delighted the Audience by a concertino, a pasticcio in fact, made up for the occasion, on the piano-forte. Mr. F. Cramer’s pupil, young Blagrove, played Mayseder’s concerto in E minor with great neatness and spirit; and Mr. Wright exhibited much talent in Hummel’s favourite concerto, adapted for the harp; a change, however, which we cannot quite approve, and trust that it will not often be imitated. Mrs. Knyvett sang ‘If guiltless blood,’ very feelingly. Mr. Phillips was very great in Neukomm’s cantata, Napoleon’s Midnight Review, and very amusing in ‘The Old English Gentleman.’ Mad. Pasta sang ‘Ah! come rapida!’ admirably: but why will she not extend her catalogue of arie? She doubtless has heard of ‘toujours perdrix.’ MADAME CELLINI’s, Hanover Square Rooms. Mad. Cellini sang in good taste a duet of Rossini with her pupil, Miss Heath, and joined in other pieces. Mad. Pasta, Mad. Devrient, Signori Zuchelli, De Begnis, Mr. Parry, jun., Mr. Bennett, &c., assisted in the vocal department. M. De Beriot played very finely a violin solo; and a M. Dorn made his first appearance in London, in a solo for the horn. He is a master of his instrument, but not so great a master as Puzzi. MR. DRESSLER’s AND MR. F. PELZER’s, Opera Concert Room, Wednesday Morning, May 15. This was not very fully attended, but Mr. Dressler and Mr. Pelzer on their respective instruments very much delighted their audience. MISS DORRELL’s, At the residence of Sir Giffin Wilson, Stratford Place, Wednesday Evening, May 15. Miss Dorrell, late a pupil of the Royal Academy of Music, performed Hummel’s piano-forte concerto in A minor, also the principal part in his military septet, in a very correct, neat manner. The rest of the concert was vocal; among the pieces were ‘Ah! come rapida!’ and a Tyrolienne, by Mad. Cinti, an aria, by Signor Zuchelli, a duet by the latter and Signor De Begnis, a serenade by Mr. Bennett, composed by Lord Burghersh, &c. A numerous and elegant company attended this concert. M. KIALLMARK’s, Opera Concert Room, Thursday Morning, May 16. The first movement of Moscheles’ concerto, No. 5, a concerto by Mendelssohn, and the piano-forte part of a trio by Hummel, were played with much brilliancy by M. Kiallmark. M. Dressler performed a flute solo. The concert was otherwise chiefly vocal; and except what was assigned to Mad. Cinti, was far from laudable. A song, in the programme, named ‘The Rhine,’ is too palpable an imitation of Neukomm’s ‘Sea,’ to pass without a stricture; and as if it had been intended to expose the author of it, the model was subsequently produced. M. MORI’s, Opera Concert Room, Friday Evening, May 17. The whole force of the London orchestra, and the corps de l’opera, were, as usual, assembled by M. Mori, and his room was filled in every part. He played with great force and execution a concertino, made up of Mayseder and Maurer, and some ‘grand variations’ by the former composer; besides the violin part of an ottetto by Spohr, in which Handel’s celebrated air in E is introduced, a work which certainly will not add to the fame of M. Spohr. In addition to the above were, Mrs. Knyvett, Mrs. Bishop, M. CIPRIANI POTTER’s, Opera Concert Room, Friday Morning, May 24. On this occasion M. Potter produced a new symphony, a new piano-forte concerto, and some brilliant variations on a French theme, all of which well sustained the high reputation he has acquired, both here and in Germany, as an instrumental composer. We regret that our limits do not admit of our entering fully into the merits of these fresh proofs of his ability. Mesdames Pasta and Devrient, Signori Donzelli, Tamburini, &c., were his vocal supporters; and his band consisted of nearly all the performers of the Philharmonic Concerts. M. HENRI HERZ’s, Opera Concert Room, Wednesday Morning, May 29. This was M. Herz’s first public appearance in England, and as his fame had preceded his arrival among us, a large audience assembled to hear an artist concerning whom so much diversity of opinion prevailed. As we have spoken of him in another part of our number we shall merely state here that he was received in a most encouraging manner, and that his performances were followed by very flattering applause. He played a concerto in C minor, ‘grand variations’ on the march in Otello, and a duet on one piano-forte, with M. Moscheles. His extemporaneous performance need hardly be noticed. It was as good, and made up of pretty much the same materials, as such things generally are. And we will take this opportunity of observing, that such exhibitions are, in our opinion, as derogatory to a great musician, as improvisation would be to a great poet. The vocal strength consisted of Mad. Cinti, Signori Rubini and Tamburini. Signor Puzzi played in a charming manner a fantasia on the horn, and M. de Beriot performed a solo admirably on the violin. MR. SALAMAN’s, Hanover Square Rooms, Thursday Evening, May 30. This gentleman announces himself as a pupil of Mr. Neate, to whom he does credit. On this occasion he played Mendelssohn’s fine concerto in G minor, and Czerny’s ‘Grand Military Fantasia,’ in a manner that gained him much applause. Mesdames Pasta, Devrient, De Meric, Puzzi, Mrs. Bishop, MM. Phillips, Donzelli, Haitzinger, Zuchelli, &c., were the vocalists; and M. Eliason played a pleasing fantasia, À l’Espagnol, on the violin. The King’s Theatre having been open this evening, Mr. Salaman was incapable of forming a very good orchestra, and Beethoven’s symphony in C minor suffered in consequence. A trio À la Tyrolienne was sung by Mad. de Meric and two debutantes, the Demoiselles Correldi, who accompanied themselves with the castagnettes! Neither the music nor the performance proved very satisfactory. The room was exceedingly full, but we doubt whether it was equally productive. MR. SALE’s, Hanover Square Rooms, Friday Morning, May 31. A very charming selection, in which some excellent music was allotted to our best English singers, and equally good Italian music was assigned to Italians. This is just as it should be, and proves Mr. Sale’s discrimination. A new and clever madrigal by Lord Burghersh was performed for the first time; as was a pleasing song by Mr. Phillips. Mrs. Knyvett in ‘Let the bright seraphim,’ accompanied by Harper, was most deservedly applauded; but we wish that she would not add any cadenza to what is an aria d’agilitÀ from beginning to end. Miss Stephens in ‘John Anderson,’ and Mr. Braham ‘In native worth,’ from the Creation, (sung by command) drew abundance of plaudits; as did Mad. Pasta in (the old story) ‘Ah! come rapida,’ and Mad. Cinti in Hasse’s fine bravura, ‘Sorprendermi vorresti.’ Sig. Rubini sang, or rather sacrificed, Mozart’s ‘Il mio tesoro intanto;’ and the Adelaida of Beethoven is too much for the physical powers of Mr. Hobbs. The concert opened with ‘God save the King,’ in compliment to the Duchess of Kent and the Princess Victoria, who, with their suite, were present in the royal box, and seemed highly delighted with the performance. SIG. GIUBILEI’s AND L. SAGRINI’s, At the residence of Sir John De Beauvoir, Connaught Place, Monday Morning, June 3. All the strength of the Italian Opera were here, augmented by Mrs. Bishop, Miss H. Cawse, Messrs. Haitzinger and Parry, jun., &c. Mrs. Anderson, Mr. Mori, and Sig. Costa, as instrumentalists. The performance was well attended, and deserved the applause it received. MESSRS. CHELARD’s AND ELIASON’s, Hanover Square Rooms, Friday Morning, June 7. This opened with the overture by M. Chelard performed at the third Philharmonic Concert, whose drinking chorus in Macbeth was also given effectively by the German party. Mr. Eliason played a violin concerto, the music by Rode and Mayseder, with much brilliancy of execution, and the violin part of a duet concertante with the harp. M. Herz played his ‘variations de concert’ on a subject from Guillaume Tell. M. SEDLATZEK’s, At the residence of J. Taylor, Esq., George Street, Hanover Square, Saturday Morning, June 8. Well attended, and M. Sedlatzek performed several pieces on the flute with that ease of execution and delicacy of manner for which he is distinguished. Mr. J. B. CRAMER’s, Opera Concert Room, Friday Morning, June 14. The highest treat in this concert was Mr. Cramer’s performance of his own beautiful concerto, op. 48, which he played with that pathos in which he excels all pianists, and with the spirit—but spirit devoid of feats of agility—that he ever possessed. With M. Hummel he performed the fantasia in F minor of Mozart, and, as a last movement, the finale to his duet in F major,—a most finished performance; and with M. Herz, a ‘grand concerto duet,’ which, though admirably executed, we could not but think a very incongruous union. He also introduced, by permission of the Philharmonic Society, the new quintet he wrote for their concerts, and which now went off in a very perfect manner. Messrs. Mori, Nicholson, and Wright, played fantasias on their respective instruments; SIG. AND MAD. PUZZI’s, At the residence of the Countess Cornwallis, Friday Evening, June 14. The Élite of the foreign artistes now in London came in support of this concert, and the company consisted almost exclusively of people of fashion. The music exhibited little that is new, but it was well performed, and chiefly vocal. Mad. Puzzi sang an aria, ‘Se amore soltanto,’ by Rossini, and was charmingly accompanied by Sig. Puzzi. The latter also played a fantasia on the horn. Messrs. Moscheles and Herz performed a duet on the piano-forte; and Messrs. Osborne and De Beriot a divertimento for piano-forte and violin. The tickets to this were a guinea each, and the rooms were well filled, but not crowded. |