The Bermuda Islands are coming more prominently before the public each season, as a health resort and winter watering place. Although it is but sixty-five hours' sail from New York to these coral islands, yet they are strangely unfamiliar to most well informed Americans. Speaking our own language, having the same origin, with manners and customs prevalent in New England a century ago, it is only now that these islands and their inhabitants have attracted much attention and led the public to inquire concerning them. It is to satisfy this demand and also to bring to the notice of those unacquainted with the beauties of these semi-tropical islands that the writer has been led to issue this work, which is the first illustrated guide-book and history of Burmuda yet published. The book contains two hundred pages, and is embellished with sixteen photo-mechanical prints made by a new process from negatives (taken by the author during the past winter) of the finest scenery in Bermuda. This is a new feature in the matter of book illustrations, and it makes the work both BOUND IN CLOTH, PRICE $2.00, POST-PAID ADDRESS ALL ORDERS TO PHOTO-ELECTROTYPE COMPANY, No. 63 Oliver Street, Boston, Mass. |