The goods are full strength; i.e., they are not injured by strong chemicals, the coloring matter only being removed, and the fibre being left uninjured. The goods are not artificially weighted; i.e., they contain nothing but pure cotton, no sizing, clay, or chemicals to make it appear heavy, and which all disappear when the cloth is washed. The goods have the softest and best finish; i.e., you can sew through any number of thicknesses which you can get into the sewing-machine, the needle passing through with ease. Needles and thread do not constantly break; no soaping of seams is required; the goods not being overbleached will outwear goods bleached by the old process. Do not purchase cotton goods until you have examined the "Canton Bleach." Be sure and demand of retailers generally to see the goods; and do not fail, before purchasing a yard of cotton goods, to see if the stamp "Canton Bleach" is on it. NOTICE.—Your attention is called to this new bleach as seen on cotton goods, which are now for sale by Messrs. C.F. Hovey & Co., Shepard, Norwell & Co., Hogg, Brown & Taylor, Chandler & Co., R.H. White & Co., Jordan, Marsh & Co., and others. Contains no Rosin, Sal-Soda or Lime; is not made from Grease, and contains nothing injurious to the skin or the finest fabric. Is entirely pure. Will not full or harden woolens. Insures a pure and lasting white. Used like any soap, and by everybody, even inexperienced hands, with perfect success. Contains no bleaching powder or anything of like nature, Removes easily all stains met with in the laundry. Is a true odorless, antiseptic and sanitary soap, rendering it valuable for sick rooms and hospitals. If you cannot get it of your grocer, send direct to the office of the Company. Manufactured under Patent Jan. 23, 1877, and for sale by the CANTON MANUFACTURING COMPANY, |