Author of "Barriers Burned Away," "Without a Home," Etc., Etc. PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED NOW APPEARING IN ST. NICHOLAS.Showing how a city family, inhabitants of a "flat," were led to move into the freedom of a country home, and how the girls and boys all became farmers on a small scale. This promises to be one of Mr. Roe's best stories. It is only one of the many interesting current features of St. Nicholas, which include:
Numbers issued on the 25th; for sale by all dealers; price 25 cents. Subscription price, $3.00 a year. Subscriptions are taken by dealers and postmasters, or remittance may be made direct to the publishers, THE CENTURY CO. 33 East 17th Street, New-York. A Michigan mother (and competent critic) writes to the Editor of "St. Nicholas": "I am convinced that no child who is without 'St. Nicholas' can successfully compete in the race of life with those who have had the benefit of its wonderful pages." And a prominent clergyman of Chicago informs us that one of his parishioners recently said to him: "'St. Nicholas' has saved my boy from ruin." |