Wednesday afternoon at 2 and Evening at 8, THE GUV'NOR, Only times this season. Thursday, FAST DAY, 2 performances, also Friday Evening at 8 and Saturday Afternoon at 2, Ticket of Leave Man, with remarkable cast. Saturday Evening at 8, benefit of Mr. Charles Barron, who will appear in The Three Guardsmen —and— A REGULAR FIX, Mr. Sol Smith Russell introducing his laughable specialties between the two plays. Monday, April 6, Redmund-Barry Co. in A Midnight Marriage. WANTED. Agents to secure subscriptions and advertisements for this magazine. EXCELLENT TERMS. ADDRESS BAY STATE MONTHLY, 31 MILK STREET, BOSTON, MASS. ARTHUR P. DODGE Attorney and Counsellor at Law, 31 MILK ST., ROOM 46, Notary Public. JOHN N. McCLINTOCK & CO., Publishers, Printers, Stereotypes, and Electrotypers, 31 MILK ST. BOSTON, MASS. FINE BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. Reasonable Terms. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED. PUBLISHERS OF THE BAY STATE MONTHLY, A Massachusetts Magazine. |