Growing old! The pulses' measure Keeps its even tenor still; Eye and hand nor fail nor falter, And the brain obeys the will; Only by the whitening tresses, And the deepening wrinkles told, Youth has passed away like vapor; Prime is gone, and I grow old. Laughter hushes at my presence, Gay young voices whisper lower, If I dare to linger by it, All the streams or life run slower. Though I love the mirth of children, Though I prize youth's virgin gold, What have I to do with either! Time is telling—I grow old. Not so dread the gloomy river That I shrank from so of yore; All my first of love and friendship Gather on the further shore. Were it not the best to join them Ere I feel the blood run cold? Ere I hear it said too harshly, "Stand back from us—you are old!" —All the Year Round. |