Alpine Photography, 9
" Outfit for, 9
" Lens for, 10
" Carrying camera in, 12
" Plates for, 14
" Carrying Baggage for, 15
" Outfit for Developing, 16
" Exposures, 17
" Development, 18
" " FormulÆ, 20
" Light (tables), 21, 22
Accelerator, 24
Alum Bath, Formula, 41
Aberration, Spherical, 60
" Chromatic, 61
Astigmatism, 62
Aplanat Lens, 64
Astigmat Lens, 64
Aperture of Lens, 68
Angle of Image, 70
Accessories in Portraiture, 79
Architectural Photography, 117
" Camera for, 118
" Lenses for, 119
" Plates for, 122
Actinometer for Platinotype, 208
" for Carbon Process, 271
Backing Mixtures, 49
Background in Portraiture, 78
Breadth in Pictorial Work, 93
Blisters on P.O.P, 194
Bromide Printing, 225
" Safe light for, 226
" Negative for, 227
Bromide Paper, sensitive side of, 227
" Printing, 232, 233, 227
" " Lamp for, 228
Bromide Printing, masks and discs, 230
" Vignetting, 231
" Cloud Printing, 231
Bromide Paper, development of., 233
" Iron developer for, 234
" Metol, 235
" Hydrokinone for, 236
" Eikonogen for, 236
" Clearing Bath, 235
" Fixing Bath, 235
Bromide Prints, toning with gold, 237
" Toning with Uranium, 238
" Intensifying, 238
" Reducing, 239
" Cheap Trays for, 240
Camera, Carrying in Alps, 12
Caramel for Backing, 49
Curvature of Field of Lens, 62
Cooke Lens, 65
Composition in Pictorial Work, 95
Clearing Bath for Platinotype, 203, 218
Cloud Printing on Bromide Paper, 231
Clearing Bath for Bromides, 235
Clearing Bath for Gum-Print, 251
Carbon Process, outline of, 253
" Safe Edge for, 269, 255
" Negative for, 255
" Transfer Paper for, 266, 256
" Temporary Support, 258
" in Detail, 261
" Squeegee for, 263
" Stock Jelly, 263
" Coating Paper for, 264
" Transfer Papers for, 266
" Flexible Support, 267
" Sensitizing Tissue for, 267
" Drying Tissue, 267
" Negative for, 268
" Reasons for Transfer, 269
" Transfer to Opal, 271
" Actinometer, 271
" Exposure, 272
" Transfer from Opal, 272
" T'sfer. from Flex. Spt., 274
" Glazed Surface Prints, 275
" Transfer to Ivory, 276
" Transfer to Canvas, 276
" Preparation of Canvas, 277
" " Linen, 278
" " Wood, 279
" Single Transfer, 239
" Transparencies by, 280
" Reproduced Negs. by, 281
" Failures and Defects, 282
" Frilling of Print, 283
" Spots, etc, 283
" Pressure Marks, 284
Canvas, Carbon Prints on., 276
Development, 23
" Dishes for, 25
" Effect of Temperature on, 28
" Light for Developing Room, 28
" with Pyro-Ammonia, 29
" " FormulÆ, 30
" with Pyro-Soda, 33
" " FormulÆ, 34
" with Ortol, FormulÆ, 35
" with Hydroquinone (Quinol), 36
" " FormulÆ, 36
" with Ferrous Oxalate, 36
" " FormulÆ, 37
Drying Plates, 41
Dark Room Light, Testing, 44
Defects of Negative, 43
Dallmeyer's Portrait Lens, 64
" Stigmatic Lens, 65
Depth of Definition (Focus), 71
Distortion of Lens, 72
Development of Portrait Negative, 81
" FormulÆ, 83
Detail in Pictorial Work, 110, 93
Development in Hand Cam. Exps., 137
" FormulÆ, 138
" of Lantern slides, 149, 147
" of Enlargements, 168
" of P.O.P, 188
" Platinotype Paper, 221, 204
" of Bromide Paper, 234-6, 233
" of Gum Print, 250
Exposure, Over, 27, 32
" Under, 27, 32
" Table with Pinhole, 76
" of Lantern Slides, 146
Enlargements, 155
" Light for, 156, 162
" Daylight, 156
" Apparatus for, 157
" Lens, 164
" Direct, 167
" Development of, 168
Enlarged Negatives, 171
" Transparency for, 172
Exposure in Carbon Printing, 272
Fixing, 37
" Formula, 38
Frilling, 41
Flat Image, 44
Fog on Negative, 44
Fog-Green, 45
Focal Length of Lens, 66
" Comparison of, 67
Focussing Interiors, 127
Finders for Hand Cameras, 134
Focussing Scale for Hand Camera, 135
Fixing Bath for Bromide, 235
Frilling of Carbon Print, 283
Failures in Carbon Printing, 282
Flexible Suppt. Carbon Process, 267, 274
Development, Pyro-amm. (Abney), 20
" " (Bothamly), 30
" Pyro-soda, 34
" Ortol, 35
" Hydrokinone, 36
" Ferrous Oxalate, 37
Fixing, Hypo, 38
Clearing, Alum, 41
Reduction, Ferricyanide, 50
Belitzski Reducer, 51
Intensification, Mercury, 52
" Uranium, 54
Development, Metol (Baker), 83
" Pyro-Soda, 83
" Quinol and Rodinal, 83
" Amidol (Thomas), 138
" Hydrokinone, 138
" Eikonogen, 138
" Metol (Pringle), 150
" Ortol, 151
" Hydrokinone, 151
" Amidol (Hodges), 169
Fixing, Hypo, 171
P.O.P. Toning, Gold (Lambert), 180, 181, 182
" Alum Bath, 184
" Combined Bath (gold), 184
" " (lead), 184
" " (gold), 185
P.O.P. Glazing, 186
" Mounting, 187
" Development, Quinol, 188
" Toning, Platinum, 190
" Fixing, 191
" Toning (gold), 191
" Reducing, 192
" Tinting, 194
Platinotype Clearing (Hinton), 203
" Developing, 202, 214
" Toning, 223
Bromide Devlping., Iron, (Henry), 234
" Clearing, 235
" Fixing (Henry), 235
" Developing, Metol, 235
" Quinol & Eikonogen, 236
" Toning (gold), 237
" Reducing, 238, 239
Carbon Process Waxing, (Skelton), 259
" Tissue Jelly, 263
" Waxing, 274
" Collodion, 276
" Substratum, 276, 278, 279, 280
Green Fog, 45
" " Cure for, 46
Glazing P.O.P., 185, 186
Gum Bichromate Process, 241
" Paper for, 243
" Outline of Process, 245
" Gum Solution, 246
" Colours, 246
" Brushes for, 247
" Development, 250
" Clearing Bath, 251
Hypo.—Test for, 40
Hard Image, 44
Halation, 48
Head-rest in Portraiture, 78
Hand Camera, Photography with, 131
" Lens for, 133
" Finders for, 134
" Shutter for, 134
" Focussing Scale for, 135
" Development of Exposures, 137
Hardening P.O.P., 195
Intensification of Negatives, 51
" with Mercury formulÆ, 51
" with Uranium formulÆ, 53
Image Formation, 58
Image Angle, 70
Isochromatic Plates for Pict. Work, 115
Interior—Focussing, 127
" Exposure for, 127
Intensification of Lantern Slides, 153
" of P.O.P., 191
Intensifying Bromide Prints, 238
Ivory, Carbon Prints on, 276
Jena Glass for Lenses, 64
Latent Image, 23
Local Development, 20, 32
Lens, 57
" Function of a, 59
" Aberrations of a, 60
Lenses, Comparison of, 73
" Testing, 73
Lens for Pictorial Work, 113
" for Architectural Work, 120
Levels " " " , 121
Lens for Hand Camera, 133
Lantern Slides, 141
" Various Processes, 143
" Camera for Making, 144
" Exposure of, 146
" Development, 147, 149
" Warm Tones on, 148, 152
" Reducer for, 153
" Intensifier for, 153
Linen, Prints on by Carbon Process, 278
Mountain Photography see Alpine do.
Monocles, TWELVE...
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Ordinary Bromide Paper |
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