The twin screw dredger Dolphin was recently constructed for the Colonies, under the direction of Sir John Coode, assisted by Mr. Wm. Matthews, C.E., and is especially designed, says the Engineer, for harbor improvements in the West Indies. The dimensions are:
The boiler is of steel, for a working pressure of 90 lb. per square inch. The bucket ladder works through a well formed in the center of the vessel, and dredges to a depth of 33 ft. below the water level, and the buckets are made wholly of steel, and are capable of lifting 250 tons of free soil per hour. Triple-geared winches are supplied at bow and stern for working the mooring chains, the barrels of which can be worked independently or conjointly, as required. The cabins for the officers and crew are of the most complete description; those of the former being fitted on starboard side of the well, and consist of rooms for the captain, mate, and engineers, also mess room. All the rooms are large and efficiently lighted and ventilated. A powerful crane is erected at forward end for overhauling the buckets, hoisting gear, etc. THE DREDGER DOLPHIN. |