Cutler's Pocket Inhaler


and Carbolate of Iodine Inhalant. A cure for Catarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs—EVEN CONSUMPTION—if taken in season. It is the King of Cough Medicines. A few inhalations will correct the most Offensive Breath. Carried as handily as a penknife. This is the only Pocket Inhaler approved by Physicians of every school, and endorsed by the Standard Medical Journals of the world. OVER 400,000 IN USE. Sold by Druggists for $1. By mail $1.25.

W. H. SMITH & CO., Prop's,
410 Michigan Street, Buffalo, N. Y.

AGENTS WANTED (Samples FREE) for Dr. Scott's beautiful Electric Corsets, Brushes, Belts, Etc. No risk, quick sales. Territory given, satisfaction guaranteed.

DR. SCOTT, 843 Broadway, N. Y.


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