The charge for Insertion under this head is One Dollar a line for each insertion; about eight words to a line. Advertisements must be received at publication office as early as Thursday morning to appear in next issue. Best tempering fluid known—Mercury, potash, and hydrochloral. $2.00 per gallon. Samples, 25c. Address Chemical Works, New Albany, Ind. Hodges' universal angle union makes pipe connection at any angle. Rollstone Machine Co., Fitchburg, Mass. To makers of water wheels, current wheels, and horizontal turbines—Please address W. H. Garlick, Calumet, Ohio. Sphero! A new and original game; an out-door sport; unlike any other. Apparatus of wood, simple, inexpensive. Packed like croquet, and cost to manufacture about the same. Patent pending. Rights, etc. Address J. M. Hughes, Brooklyn P. O., N. Y. The H. W. Johns Manufacturing Co., 87 Maiden Lane, N. Y., will send to any address in the United States, postage prepaid, a trial package of ¼ pound of asbestos wick packing and 1½ pounds of asbestos piston rod packing, on receipt of one dollar; or ¼ pound of asbestos wick packing and 3½ pounds of asbestos piston rod packing, on receipt of two dollars. Give address in full—name, town or city, county, and State. The H. W. Johns asbestos packings are the best and most economical made. For Sale—Ivory button works. Large, well lighted building; 20 H.P. engine; capacity, 200 gross per day; doing splendid business; plenty of cheap labor. Price, only $3,000. Address T. Bergy, Caledonia, Mich. Wanted—A pushing man, capable of taking charge of a shop for building engines. A fine chance for a skilled mechanic. Address, with references, etc., lock box 17, York, Pa. Blake's Improved Belt Studs are the best fastening for Leather and Rubber Belting. Greene, Tweed & Co., 83 Chambers St., New York. Wanted—Tool agents in shops. Outfit free. E. H. Randall & Co., 154 Lake St., Chicago, Ill. Link Belting and Wheels. Link Belt M. Co., Chicago. The Railroad Gazette, handsomely illustrated, published weekly, at 73 Broadway, New York. Specimen copies free. Send for catalogue of railroad books. Protection for Watches.Anti-magnetic shields—an absolute protection from all electric and magnetic influences. Can be applied to any watch. Experimental exhibition and explanation at "Anti-Magnetic Shield & Watch Case Co.," 18 John St., New York. F. S. Giles, Agt., or Giles Bro. & Co., Chicago, where full assortment of Anti-Magnetic Watches can be had. Send for full descriptive circular. Woodworking Machinery of all kinds. The Bentel & Margedant Co., 116 Fourth St., Hamilton, O. Guild & Garrison's Steam Pump Works, Brooklyn, N. Y. Pumps for liquids, air, and gases. New catalogue now ready. Concrete patents for sale. E. L. Ransome, S. F., Cal. The Knowles Steam Pump Works, 44 Washington St., Boston, and 93 Liberty St., New York, have just issued a new catalogue, in which are many new and improved forms of Pumping Machinery of the single and duplex, steam and power type. This catalogue will be mailed free of charge on application. Presses & Dies. Ferracute Mach. Co., Bridgeton, N. J. Nickel Plating.—Sole manufacturers cast nickel anodes, pure nickel salts, polishing compositions, etc. $100 "Little Wonder." A perfect Electro Plating Machine. Sole manufacturers of the new Dip Lacquer Kristaline. Complete outfit for plating, etc. Hanson, Van Winkle & Co., Newark, N. J., and 92 and 94 Liberty St., New York. Iron Planer, Lathe, Drill, and other machine tools of modern design. New Haven Mfg. Co., New Haven, Conn. Supplement Catalogue.—Persons in pursuit of information of any special engineering, mechanical, or scientific subject, can have catalogue of contents of the Scientific American Supplement sent to them free. The Supplement contains lengthy articles embracing the whole range of engineering, mechanics, and physical science. Address Munn & Co., Publishers, New York. Planing and Matching Machines. All kinds Wood Working Machinery. C. B. Rogers & Co., Norwich, Conn. Billings' Drop Forged Steel C Clamps. Drop Forgings, all kinds. Billings & Spencer Co., Hartford, Conn. Curtis Pressure Regulator and Steam Trap. See p. 45. Chucks—over 100 different kinds and sizes in stock. Specials made to order. Cushman Chuck Co., Hartford, Ct. The Improved Hydraulic Jacks, Punches, and Tube Expanders. R. Dudgeon, 24 Columbia St., New York. Hoisting Engines, Friction Clutch Pulleys, Cut-off Couplings. D. Frisbie & Co., 112 Liberty St., New York. If an invention has not been patented in the United States for more than one year, it may still be patented in Canada. Cost for Canadian patent, $40. Various other foreign patents may also be obtained. For instructions address Munn & Co., Scientific American patent agency, 361 Broadway, New York. Veneer Machines, with latest improvements. Farrel Fdry. Mach. Co., Ansonia, Conn. Send for circular. Tight and Slack Barrel Machinery a specialty. John Greenwood & Co., Rochester, N. Y. See illus. adv., p. 28. Walrus, Bull Neck, and Buffalo Leather for polishing emery, glue, composition, Polishers' Supplies. Greene, Tweed & Co., New York city. Catarrh Cured.A clergyman, after years of suffering from that loathsome disease, catarrh, and vainly trying every known remedy, at last found a prescription which completely cured and saved him from death. Any sufferer from this dreadful disease sending a self-addressed stamped envelope to Dr. Lawrence, 212 East 9th St., New York, will receive the recipe free of charge. Lick Telescope and all smaller sizes built by Warner & Swasey, Cleveland, Ohio. Send for catalogue of Scientific Books for sale by Munn & Co., 361 Broadway, N. Y. Free on application. |