Cash in bank, on hand, and in transit (since received) $3,033,305.13
United States Bonds and other bonds and stocks (market value, $43,124,273.88) 39,522,443.99
Real Estate 6,839,974.22
Bonds and Mortgages, first lien on real estate (buildings thereon insured for $14,000,000 and the policies assigned to the Company as additional collateral security) 15,228,775.00
Temporary Loans (market value of securities held as collateral, $5,912,741) 4,450,000.00
*Loans on existing policies (the Reserve held by the Company on these policies amounts to over 408,619.44,000,000.00) 408,619.44
*Quarterly and semi-annual premiums on existing policies, due subsequent to Jan. 1, 1887 1,041,666.15
*Premiums on existing policies in course of transmission and collection. (The Reserve on these policies, included in Liabilities, is estimated at $1,050,000) 646,437.14
Agents' balances 161,905.31
Accrued Interest on investments, January 1, 1887 486,497.10 —$71,819,623.48
Market value of securities over cost on Company's Books 3,601,829.89
* A detailed schedule of these items will accompany the usual annual report filed with the Insurance Department of the State of New York.
CASH ASSETS, January 1, 1887, $75,421,453.37
Appropriated as follows:
Adjusted losses, due subsequent to January 1, 1887 $202,346.43
Reported losses, awaiting proof, etc. 355,625.28
Matured endowments, due and unpaid (claims not presented) 37,890.70
Annuities due and unpaid (uncalled for) 9,318.74
Reserved for re-insurance on existing policies; participating insurance at 4 per cent. Carlisle net premium; non-participating at 5 per cent. Carlisle net premium 62,525,599.00
Reserved for contingent liabilities to Tontine Dividend Fund, January 1, 1886, over and above a 4 per cent. Reserve on existing policies of that class $3,123,742.77
Addition to the Fund during 1886 1,320,530.69
DEDUCT— $4,444,273.46
Returned to Tontine policy-holders during the year on matured Tontines 267,848.21
Balance of Tontine Fund, January 1, 1887 4,176,425.25
Reserved for premiums paid in advance 33,720.72
Divisible Surplus (Company's Standard) 8,080,527.25

Surplus by the New York State Standard at 4½ per cent. (including the Tontine Fund), $15,549,319.53

From the undivided surplus of $8,080,527.25 the Board of Trustees has declared a Reversionary dividend to
participating policies in proportion to their contribution to surplus, available on settlement of next annual

Death Claims paid. Income from Interest.
1882, $1,955,292 1882, $2,798,018
1883, 2,263,092 1883, 2,712,863
1884, 2,257,175 1884, 2,971,624
1885, 2,999,109 1885, 3,399,069
1886, 2,757,035 1886, 3,722,502
Insurance in force. Cash Assets.
Jan. 1, 1883, $171,415,097 Jan. 1, 1883, $50,800,396
Jan. 1, 1884, 198,746,043 Jan. 1, 1884, 55,542,902
Jan. 1, 1885, 229,382,586 Jan. 1, 1885, 59,283,753
Jan. 1, 1886, 259,674,500 Jan. 1, 1886, 66,864,321
Jan. 1, 1887, 304,373,540 Jan. 1, 1887, 75,421,453

Number of Policies issued during the year, 22,027. Risks assumed, $85,178,294.


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