Inside Page, each insertion - - - 75 cents a line. Engravings may head advertisements at the same rate per line, by measurement, as the letter press. Advertisements must be received at publication office as early as Thursday morning to appear in next issue. TELEPHONES, Perfect working, at reduced prices. Send for illustrated circular to TELEPHONE SUPPLY CO., Box 3224, Boston, Mass. [Illustration: H.W. JOHNS' ASBESTOS TRADEMARK] LIQUID PAINTS, ROOFING, BOILER COVERINGS, Mill Stones and Corn Mills. We make Burr Millstones, Portable Mills, Smut Machines, Packers, Mill Picks, Water Wheels, Pulleys, and Gearing, specially adapted to Flour Mills. Send for catalogue. J. T. NOYE & SON, Buffalo, N. Y. [Illustration: boiler and engine] WARRANTED THE BEST. Tested to 200 lbs. Steam. LOVEGROVE & CO., Builders of Engines and Boilers, 1 to 100 horse power. Send for circulars and prices, and state size and style you want. ESTABLISHED 1844. JOSEPH C. TODD, Engineer and Machinist. Flax, Hemp, Jute, Rope, Oakum and Bagging Machinery, Steam Engines, Boilers, etc. I also manufacture Baxter's New Portable Engine of 1877. Can be seen in operation at my store. A one horse-power, portable engine, complete, $125; two horse-power, $225; two and a half horse-power, $250; three horse-power, $275. Manufactured exclusively by J. C. TODD, CAMERON Steam Pumps For Mines, Blast Furnaces, Rolling Mills, Oil Refineries, Boiler Feeders, &c. For Illustrated Catalogue and Reduced Price List send to Works, Foot East 23d St., New York. Address JOHN A. ROEBLING'S SONS, Manufacturers, Trenton, N. J., or 117 Liberty Street, New York. Wheels and Rope for conveying power long distances. Send for circular. $1200. Salary. Salesmen wanted to sell our Staple Goods to dealers. No peddling. Expenses paid. Permanent employment. address S. A. GRANT & CO., 2, 4, 6 & 8 Home St., Cincinnati, O. Working Models
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Patent Wood-working Machinery, Band Saws Scroll Saws, Friezers, etc. Cordesman, Egan & Co., Cincin'ti, O. CORLISS ENGINES. Beam, horizontal, vertical, condensing, and non-condensing Steam Engines. Machine Tools, Sugar Machinery. Facilities for Constructing Heavy Machinery. Send for Circular. PASSAIC MACHINE WORKS, Newark, N. J. [Illustration: grain separator] THE ONLY Genuine Geiser Self-Regulating Grain Separator. Celebrated for its light and smooth movements, also Separating and Cleaning all kinds of grain. Manufactured only by TheGeiserM'f'gCo.,Waynesboro,FranklinCo.,Pa. CIGAR BOX LUMBER, Manufactured by our new Patented Processes.
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Pyrometers, For showing heat of Ovens, Hot Blast Pipes Boiler Flues, Superheated Steam, Oil Stills, &c. HENRY W. BULKLEY, Sole Manufacturer, 149 Broadway, N. Y. ICE AT $1.00 PER TON. The PICTET ARTIFICIAL ICE CO., LIMITED, LAP WELDED CHARCOAL IRON Boiler Tubes, Steam Pipe, Light and Heavy Forgings, Engines, Boilers, Cotton Presses, Rolling Mill and Blast Furnace Work. READING IRON WORKS, 261 South Fourth St., Phila. OPERA GLASSES O PERA GLASSES At Reduced Prices. Microscopes, Spectacles, Telescopes, Thermometers. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. R. & J. BECK, 921 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. [Illustration: drill press] WOOD-WORKING MACHINERY, New and improved, for special work. Boring Machines, Turning Lathes, Saw Arbors, Saw Benches, Scroll Saws, Panel Raisers, and other Wood Tools. We build the only patented Panel Raiser, with vertical spindles, all others being infringements on our patents of July 11 and October 31, 1871. WALKER BROS., ALCOHOLISM. AN INTERESTING Paper upon the Relations of Intemperance and Life Insurance. The average Risks and Expectancy of Life of the Temperate and of the Intemperate. Physiological action of Alcohol; stimulating the Nervous System, Retarding the Circulation. Telephones. How made, adjusted, and operated by any person. Send stamp for full and interesting description, with illustrations and instructions. One pair first-class Telephones complete, except diaphragms, sent to any address upon receipt of $5.J.H. BUNNELL, Electrician, 112 Liberty St., New York. IMPORTANT FOR ALL CORPORATIONS AND" I MPORTANT FOR ALL CORPORATIONS AND MANF'G CONCERNS.—Buerk's Watchman's Time Detector, capable of accurately controlling the motion of a watchman or patrolman at the different stations of his beat. Send for circular. J. E. BUERK, P. O. Box 979, Boston, Mass N. B.—The suit against Imhaeuser & Co., of New York, was decided in my favor, June 10, 1874. A fine was assessed against them Nov. 11, 1876, for selling contrary to the order of the court. Persons buying or using clocks infringing on my patent will be dealt with according to law. THE HUGHES TELEPHONE. SIX FIGURES. Sound converted into Undulatory Electrical Currents by Unhomogeneous Conducting Substances in Circuit. The Simplest Telephone and the most sensitive Acoustical Instrument yet constructed. Instrument for Testing the Effect of Pressure on Various Substances. Astonishing Experiments which may be performed by any person with a few nails, pieces of sealing wax, a glass tube containing powders, and a few sticks of charcoal. Contained in Scientific American Supplement No. 128. Price 10 cents. To be had at this office and of all newsdealers. "OLD RELIABLE." TO KNOW ALL about the Best Pump for Paper Makers, Tanners, Contractors, and for irrigation, send for illustrated pamphlet, 78 pages. HEALD, SISCO & CO., Baldwinsville, N. Y. BOOKS, Papers. Want Agents. Send stamp. L. L. FAIRCHILD, Rolling Prairie, Wis. IT PAYS to sell our Rubber Stamps and Novelties I T PAYS to sell our Rubber Stamps and Novelties. Terms free. G. A. HARPER & BRO., Cleveland, O. DYSPEPSIA. BY DR. C. F. KUNZE. Symptoms. Appetite Diminished. Stomach Digestion much slower than Normal. Constipation. Symptoms in Children. Chronic Cases. Dyspepsia as caused by too much Food; by Indigestible Food; by General Derangement; by Altered Conditions of Innervation. Treatment. Nourishment should be Easily Digestible; taken Little at a Time; and Digested before more is taken. Necessity of Few and Plain Dishes. Treatment when Stomach is Overloaded. Aiding Gastric Juice. Treatment in Febrile Diseases. Contained in Scientific American Supplement No. 129. Price 10 cents, To be had at this office and of all newsdealers. [Illustration: lathe] SHEPARD'S CELEBRATED $50 Screw Cutting Foot Lathe. Foot and Power Lathes, Drill Presses, Scroll, Circular and Band Saws, Saw Attachments, Chucks, Mandrills, Twist Drills, Dogs, Calipers, etc. Send for catalogue of outfits for amateurs or artisans. H. L. SHEPARD & CO., 88, 90 & 92 Elm St., Cincinnati, Ohio. TO ADVERTISERS! We will send free to all applicants who do any newspaper advertising, the THIRD EDITION of Ayer & Son's Manual FOR ADVERTISERS. 160 8vo. pp. More complete than any which have preceded it. Gives the names, circulation, and advertising rates of several thousand newspapers in the United States and Canada, and contains more information of value to an advertiser than can be found in any other publication. All lists have been carefully revised, and where practicable prices have been reduced. The special offers are numerous and unusually advantageous. Be sure to send for it before spending any money in newspaper advertising. Address N. W. AYER & SON, Advertising Agents, Times Building, Philadelphia. PORTLAND CEMENT, ROMAN & KEENE'S. For Walks, Cisterns, Foundations, Stables, Cellars, Bridges, Reservoirs, Breweries, etc. Remit 10 cents for Practical Treatise on Cements. S. L. Merchant & Co., 53 Broadway, New York. [Illustration: North's Universal Lathe Dog. S. G. NORTH 347 North 4th Street, Philadelphia, Pa.] Machinists' Tools. Send for new illustrated catalogue. Lathes, Planers, Drills, &c. NEW HAVEN MANUFACTURING CO., New Haven, Conn. POINTS OF A GOOD HORSE. BEING the Report of the Committee appointed by the New England Agricultural Society to decide upon Rules for Guidance of Judges of Horses. The Points of Excellence. Size, Color, Symmetry of Body, Head and Neck, Eye and Ear, Feet and Limbs, fully described. Speed at the Trot, and in Walking, Style and Action, etc., with the percentage allowed for each quality. The Standard Size and Speed for Matched Carriage Horses, Gents' Driving Horses, Family Horses, Park or PhÆton Horses, etc. An excellent Guide in selecting animals. Contained in Scientific American Supplement No. 103, price 10 cents. To be had at this office and of all newsdealers.
Send for Catalogue of useful novelties and mention this paper. EMERY AND CORUNDUM WHEELS, for Grinding and Surfacing Metals and other materials. By Arthur H. Bateman, F. C. S. A paper read before the Society of Arts, London. Files, Chisels, Grindstones, Composition of Emery, where found, Quality, Specific Gravity, and Hardness, Manufacture of the wheels, Emery Powder, Buffing, Polishing, Cutting Power, Corundum. The Magnesian or Union Wheel, the Tanite, the Northampton, the Vulcanite, the Climax, the Vitrified, a porous wheel with central water supply. Fifty uses enumerated to which the wheels are put, for Metals, Stone, Teeth, Millboard, Wood, Agate, and Brick. How to mount a wheel. How to hold the work, and directions for various classes of work. Discussion and questions proposed and answered. Contained in Scientific American Supplement, No. 125. Price 10 cents. To be had at this office and of all newsdealers. THE BIGELOW BOTH PORTABLE AND STATIONARY. The CHEAPEST AND BEST in the market. H. B. BIGELOW & CO., New Haven, Conn. Shaped or Crude, furnished and set for Boring Rocks, Dressing Mill Burrs, Emery Wheels, Grindstones, Hardened Steel, Calender Rollers, and for Sawing Turning, or Working Stone and other hard substances: also Glaziers' Diamonds. J. DICKINSON, 64 Nassau St., N. Y. SECOND-HAND ENGINES, Portable and Stationary, at Low Prices.
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J. B. PIERCE, Sec'y. [Illustration: chuck jaws] Patent Portable Chuck Jaws. Improved Solid Emery Wheels, for grinding Iron and Brass Castings, Tools, etc. Manufactured by AM. TWIST DRILL CO., Woonsocket, R. I. $7 A DAY to Agents canvassing for the Fireside Visitor. Terms and Outfit Free. Address P. O. VICKERY, Augusta, Maine. HAND SAW MILL SAVES THREE MEN'S labor. S. C. HILLS, 78 Chambers St., N. Y.
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