Two intrepid velocipedists, M. le Baron Emanuel de Graffenried de Burgenstein, aged twenty years and six months, and a member of the Society of Velocipede Sport, of Paris, has accomplished, with M. A. LaumaillÉ d'Angers, the greatest distance that has been made with a velocipede in France. Leaving Paris on March 16, they returned on the 24th of April, after having traveled a distance of more than three thousand miles. [Illustration] Their route extended through a part of the west, the middle, and the south of France, Italy, and southern Switzerland. They traveled through OrlÉans, Tours, Poitiers, AngoulÊme, Bordeaux, Montauban, Toulouse, Montpellier, Marseilles, Toulon, Nice, Menton, San-Remo, Genoa, Turin, Milan, the Simplon—where they barely escaped destruction by an avalanche—Vevay, Berne, Lausanne, Geneva, Dijon, Troy, and Provins. The longest distance that they accomplished in a single day, was between Turin and Milan, a distance of 90 miles, which they made in 9-1/2 hours. [article separator]