The Downey ones, meaning thereby the photographers W. & D. "of that ilk," have produced some excellent photographic portraits in their fifth series recently published. The Czarevich and The Right Hon. Henry Chaplin, M.P., two sporting names well brought together, and both capital likenesses, though the Baron fancies that The Czarevich has the best of it, for secret and silent as Mr. Chaplin is as a politician, yet did he never manage to keep so dark as he is represented in this picture. Here, too, is Mr. Charles Santley—"Charles our friend"—looking like a mere boy with "a singing face," where "Nature, smiling, gave the winning grace." Mr. Sydney Grundy, endimanchÉ, is too beautiful for words. But the picture of Mrs. Bancroft, wearing (in addition to a trimmed fur cloak) a wonderful kind of "Fellah! don't-know-yar-fellah!" expression, at once surprised, pained, and hurt, does not at all represent the "little Mrs. B." whom the public knows and loves. "How doth the little busy Mrs. B. delight to bark and bite" might have been under this portrait, and Downey must be more Downey another time, and give us a more characteristic presentment of this lively comÉdienne. The Right Hon. Arthur J. Balfour is the best of all. Capital. Just the man: "frosty but kindly." Then there is a first rate portrait of Miss Fanny Brough, and after her comes the King of Saxony!! O Albert of Saxony! after Miss Fanny Brough!! What'll Queenie Caroline say? Perhaps Messrs. Downey, by kind permission of Cassell & Co., will explain. Battle With Bacilli.—Dr. Roux has been successful against the Diphtheria Bacillus. He can afford to look on at any number of Bacilli and exclaim, "Bah! silly!" Unless he pronounces Latin more Italiano, and then he would say "Bah! chilly!" Which would signify that they were lifeless and harmless. "Bravo Roux!" OUR ALL-ROUND STOCK-EXCHANGERS' COMPANY. UNPARALLELED PROFITS TO EVERYBODY! THE ALL-ROUND COMPANY PERFORMS IMPOSSIBILITIES!! THE ALL-ROUND COMPANY ARE SQUARE DEALERS!!! TRY OUR NEW G STOCK. THE G IS A REGULAR GALLOPER. THE G CAN CANTER; BUT THE ALL-ROUND COMPANY CAN'T CANT. THE ALL-ROUND COMPANY ARE SHEKEL-SCOOPERS. THE ALL-ROUND COMPANY must be Tried at once. THE SENTENCE will be Hard Cash FOR Life WITHOUT ANY Labour. THE G STOCK FOR BREAKFAST. THE G STOCK FOR BILIOUS HEADACHES. THE G STOCK FOR BEANFEASTS. THE NEW G STOCK FOR THE NEW G WO-MAN. BY OUR COVER SYSTEM we have never yet drawn blank. Surprise profits are made by all Investors who trust us with their balances, so that a swinging amount always stands to their credit. We have never yet received a check. Our Customers come to Order, but they never go to Law. In June, 1893, we received information about Grand Post Defs. and Tympanum Prefs., and a Bull-dozing Operation was decided on. As a consequence we were able to present all Subscribers with a £50 dumb-bell apiece, which has made them strong enough to move a Market. THE ALL-ROUND COMPANY'S PEBBLE-BEECHED POPLAR HOAX DEAL. Everyone should therefore PLANK DOWN HIS MONEY and THROW HIS SCRUPLES OVER-BOARD. BY our New Purchase System all COMMISSIONS ARE ABOLISHED. THE ALL-ROUND COMPANY DEALS IN LARGE BLOCKS. THE ALL ROUND COMPANY BLOCK-HEADS THE LIST. THE ALL-ROUND COMPANY TELLS YOU HOW TO WATCH A STOCK and HOW TO STRIKE A TIME-BARGAIN. IF YOU DON'T LIKE G STOCK BUY B STOCK. THE BUSY B BUZZES! HUSH A-BUY B STOCK!! LAST YEAR we recommended all bonneted widows to buy B's. The result is that they now wear poke-bonnets, and own pigs. They are also in clover. H STOCK FOR EVER!!! Customers who deal with THE ALL-ROUND COMPANY HAVE NEVER FAILED TWICE. |