An English Pug only six weeks old To a wealthy lady one day was sold For sixty-five dollars. Bless me! no! Yes, yes, my dears, it was really so. To learn good manners this Pug was sent To an excellent school on the Continent, Where the price per quarter you'd never guess Was twenty dollars! No more nor less. And when the lady made up her mind To cross the ocean, nor leave behind Her pug-nosed pet, on the famous ship She paid twelve dollars for doggy's trip. Arrived at New York, she went straightway To the "Windsor," paying a dollar a day For the pup that needed especial care, And must be fed on the choicest fare. But this terrible climate soon began To tell on the pug-nosed Englishman, Who had to be sent with haste emphatic To an M.D., whose patients are all dog-matic. But he died, alas! and the doctor's bill Was thirty dollars. And if you will Take the trouble to count these figures up, You'll find 'twas a pretty expensive pup. A GAME OF LACROSSE AT THE POLO -GROUND, NEW YORK CITY, OCTOBER 24, 1881.—Drawn by W. St. John Harper.