Adjectives, The Game of, 400.
"Alice" and the Wolves, 35.
Alligator, Adventure with an, 68.
Ambush, A double, 615.
Andrew Jackson Washington Jones, 777.
Anecdotes, Country, 22.
Ants at Home, 294.
Apprentice's Leap, The, 515.
Arab Girl's Mission, A little, 195.
Archie Kirk's Leap for Life, 276.
Aunt Ruth's Temptation:—555, 574, 587.
Awful Scene, An, 298.

Baby, Our, 22; Our Baby again, 427.
Ball, Game of, in Japan, 624.
Barney's Foot, 70.
Barrel Trap, The, 480.
Bears, The two, 172; Short Bear Stories, 803, 822.
Beata's Locket, 313.
Beating the Parish Bounds, 423.
Beaver, How the, builds, 72.
Bee-hunting, 135.
Bicycle Meet at Boston, The, 514.
Biddy's Birthday, Little, 218.
Bird, Only a, 490.
Birds, Wild, in the Country, 169.
Bit of Foolishness, A, 635, 650.
Bits of Advice:—Visiting, 2; Spending Money, 148; Going to a Party, 259; Behaving at Table, 420; Getting up in the Morning, 525; "I beg your Pardon," 611; About being obliged, 647; Telling the Truth—All fair and no cheating, 714; A Stitch in Time, 771.
Blackbirds' Nest, The, 353.
Blockaded by a Lion, 630.
Boarders, The little, 707.
Bob Perkins's Parcel, 442.
Books, New, for Young Readers:—"The Boy Travellers," Part II.—"Harry Ascott Abroad"—"Queer little Wooden Captain," 15; "Moral Pirates"—"Queer Pets at Marcy's," 63; "Drifting Round the World"—"Story of the United States Navy"—"Young Folks' CyclopÆdia"—"Stories of the Sea"—"Friends worth Knowing"—"Aboard the 'Mavis,'" 143; "Rhymes and Tunes"—"Zigzag Journeys in Classic Lands"—"Five little Mice in a Mouse-Trap" 175; "Who was Paul Grayson?"—"West Point and the Military Academy"—"Young Nimrods," 527.
Bound for America, 422.
Bows, Mud, 656.
Boy-General, The (Lafayette):—6, 18, 42, 50, 67.
Boy who could not be hurt, The, 779.
Brave little Rebel, A, 362.
Bravest Man in the Regiment, The, 471.
Broken Vase, The, 738.
Buffalo, The Game of, 260.
Buoy, How the, saved the Boys, 658.
Burglars, 76.
Buzzard's Bald Head, The, 407.
Bythesea, Admiral, 192.

Cameos, 803.
Camp-Bed, A simple, 608.
Camp-Stool, A folding, 813.
Canaries and other Cage-Birds, 435.
Canoes and Canoeing; 562.
Captain's Boy on the Penny Boat, The, 90.
Captain Weatherby's Fur Cap, 154.
Cards, A round Game with, 464.
Catamaran, How to build a, 390.
Cats, Anecdotes about, 781.
ChevaliÈre Bayarde, La, 391.
Chinese Children love their Parents, How, 51.
Chinese Tales, Popular, 368.
"Christ in the Temple," Holman Hunt's Picture of, 87.
Christmas at Bethlehem, 126.
Christmas Decorations, 86.
Cleopatra's Needle, 183.
Coal for Nothing, 624.
Colosseum, A Story of the, 465.
Coney Island, Wonders of, 594.
Conjuring. (See "Magic.")
Cooking Clubs, 588.
Count of Corfu, The, 724.
Cranes of Ibycus, The, 234.
Cricket, A Game of, 823.
Croquet, Great-Grandfather of, 496.

Daisy Cot, The, 523, 539.
Diamonds, South African, 83.
Diamond, The Point of a, 224.
Dog-Catcher, The little, 664.
Dolls' Reception, A, 132.
Dormouse, The, 155.
Dragon-Killer, The, 439.
Drawing Lesson, The wonderful, 32.
Duck! Oh, what a, 547.

Easter:—Easter Eggs, 371; Something to think about at Easter, 396; The Easter Butterfly. 396.
Egypt, Ancient, 26; Egyptian Boot-Black, 296.
Electric Trick, 448.
Elizabeth's, Queen, Youth, 586.
Embroidery for Girls, 75, 109, 234, 365, 717.
Empty Stocking, An, 140.
Engine, How Tom ran the, 519.
Esquimaux, The young, 151.
Evening's Amusement, A pleasant, 48.
Exchange, A good, 595.

Face, The, 703.
Fagots, 656.
Faithless Sally Brown (five Illustrations), 205.
Faith of the two Sheiks, 406.
Fields's, James T., last Poem, 436.
Fire-Crackers, 640.
Fish, How the Children caught some queer, 551.
Flamingo, The, 679.
Flirtation Cards, Funny, 160.
Flora Macdonald in North Carolina, 593.
Flowerless Flour Garden, A, 821.
Forest Fire, A, 812.
Fourth of July in Kerim, 570.
Fox-skin Coat, The, 33.
Friends in Need, 727.
Frog, What a poor little, found out, 309; Frog-Catching, 691.
Frost, Jack, About, 103.

Galileo in the Church at Pisa, 771.
Games:—Tip, 10; Initials, 10; Illusions, 48; Machine Sonnets, 64; Still there, 64; Buffalo, 260; Kangaroo, 272; Phantom Faces, 288; Throwing Light, 336, 480, 528, 720; Adjectives, 400; Round Game with Cards, 464; Lawn Tennis, 501; Sentence-making, 752; Polo, 791; Personation, 800; Cricket, 823.
Garfield's Boyhood, 793.
Geiger, Emily (The Fair Messenger), 533.
Geography Puzzle—Islands in New York State, 528; River in Idaho Story, 704; Lake in Canada Story, 784.
"Ghost," The Cruise of the:—437, 449, 468, 485, 497, 517, 533, 549, 563, 581, 597, 612.
Glaciers, 387.
Good Day's Work, A; Or, How the Widow's Apples were gathered, 65.
Grammar Court, The, 506

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