Entertainments for the Fund.


Not a few fairs and entertainments are planned for the near future in aid of the School Fund. There are to be fairs at Newton, N.J.; Upper Nyack, N.Y.; and Edgecombe Road, New York city; and stereopticon entertainments in Washington, Louisville, Dayton, and Piqua, O.; Easton, Pa.; Somerville, Perth Amboy, and East Orange, N.J.; Brooklyn and Utica, N.Y.; Newport, R.I.; and, a little later on, Cincinnati, O. Besides, Mr. Kirk Munroe is to give a reading and reception in New York city.

Why may not there be held, at or near the holidays this year, say early in December, a great number of fairs? Mr. Munroe's letter describing his visit to Good Will Farm has aroused much interest. It explains all about the work there. If you are interested, send to us for a copy. It will be sent you free. Write us about any proposed effort in your town. Suppose we hear from three or four persons in one town? We immediately bring you together and there is a working force all ready to hand. Besides, we can help you with suggestions—possibly with an entertainment all ready to your hand. How many can we hear from?



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