G.A.R. 25c. Brownies 10c. For printing cards, marking linen, books, etc. Contains everything shown in cut. Type, Tweezers, Holder, Indelible Ink, Ink Pad, etc. Thoroughly practical for business or household use and a most instructive amusement. Sent with catalogue illustrating over 1000 Tricks and Novelties, for 10c. in stamps to pay postage and packing on outfit and catalogue. Same outfit with figures 15c. Large outfit for printing two lines 25c. Brownie Rubber Stamps—A set of 6 grotesque little people with ink pad; price, postpaid, 10c. G.A.R. series Rubber Stamps, 12 characters. Makes all kinds of Battles, Encampments and other military pictures, 25c. postpaid. Address ROBERT H. INGERSOLL & BRO.Dep't No. 62. 65 Cortlandt St., New York. |