A. | An Affecting Incident at Sea, | 32. | Alone, | 42. | A Midnight Mass, | 42. | Abolishing Barmaids, | 80. | A Valiant Soldier of the Cross, | 132. | A Child of Mary, | 144. | A Christmas Carol, | 165. | A Silly Threat, | 173. | A Chapter of Irish History, | 223. | About Critics, | 256. | A Thought for Easter, | 460. | B. | Bay State Faugh-a-Ballaghs, | 229, 347. | Blaine on Britain, | 438. | Before the Battle, | 550. | C. | Crown and Crescent, | 79. | Christianity in China, | 81. | Capital and Labor—Strikes, | 232. | Columbus and Ireland, | 368. | Chanson, | 406. | Canossa at Last, | 522. | Chinese Labor, | 505. | D. | Dead Man's Island: The story of an Irish Country Town, | 33, 145. | Drunkenness in Old Times, | 351. | Deaths of the Apostles, | 460. | Decrees of the Third Plenary Council, | 529. | Death of Rev. Father Ryan, | 570. | E. | Encyclical Letter of Our Most Holy Lord Leo XIII, by Divine Providence, Pope, | 1. | Encyclical Proclaiming the Jubilee, | 259. | England and her Enemies, | 264. | Echoes from the Pines, | 310. | Emmet's Rebellion, | 335. | Emmet's Love, | 435. | Early Irish Settlers in Virginia, | 523. | Etoile du Soir, | 501. | F. | Four Thousand Years, | 80. | Faro's Daughters, | 82. | Frau HÜtt: A Legend of Tyrol, | 308. | Farewell, my Home, | 345. | Father Matt, | 497. | G. | Gladstone at Emmet's Grave, | 61. | Gerald Griffin, | 62, 139. | George Washington, | 142. | Give Charity while you Live, | 333. | Gladstone, | 536. | H. | His Eminence John Cardinal McCloskey, with Portrait, | 18. | Harvard College and the Catholic Theory of Education, | 31. | Honor to the Germans, | 57. | Historical Notes of Tallaght, | 405. | Hancock and the Irish Brigade, | 411. | Heroism, | 542. | Home Rule, | 565. | I. | Interest Savings Banks, | 228. | Ireland: A Retrospect, | 266. | Ingratitude of France in the Irish Struggle, | 277. | Instances of Divine Vengeance, | 445. | Ireland our Mother Land, | 447. | J. | Juvenile Department, | 83, 179, 270, 373, 469, 552. | John Scotus Erigena, | 306. | John C. Schayer, | 568. | K. | Knights of Labor, | 433. | L. | Low-necked Dresses, | 367. | Leo the Great, | 466. | M. | Mary E. Blake, | 139. | Musings from Foreign Poets, | 312. | Much-a-Wanted, | 339. | Mixed Marriages, | 344. | Miss Mulholland's Poems, | 369. | Major-General John Newton, | 401. | May Ditty, | 465. | "My Victim:" A Tale, | 506. | N. | Notes on Current Topics, | 97, 193, 289, 385, 481, 573. | Notices of Recent Publications, | 105, 205, 301, 381, 397, 487, 585. | O. | Order of the Buried Alive, | 30. | Obituary, |
|   |