What do you think the ba-by did? Why, Ba-by did as he was bid! The dar-ling took a pen, and wrote— A lit-tle in-vi-ta-tion note, To all the aunts, and grand-mam-ma, To all the ba-by kin ar-ray, To come to din-ner Christ-mas Day. baby writing letter HE WRITES IT. He wrote it ver-y black and plain, Criss-crossed and marked it all a-gain; baby held up to post box to mail letter HE MAILS IT. And though he had not had his nap He next was seen in cloak and cap, And go-ing up the crowd-ed street, Safe in his hand the mis-sive sweet, To drop it in the box him-self, The aw-ful lit-tle dar-ling elf! |