What is this, with blue Lit-tle shoes, so new— Cun-ning lit-tle feet, Trot-ting down the street, What will mam-ma say? Ba-by’s run a-way— Ba-by Fay Fer-ny. Calls a boy: “Hal-loo! Come with me!” No, no, Ba-by’s do-in’ do Ba-by’s own self! Fast Round the cor-ner passed Ba-by Fay Fer-ny. Little girl kneeling down BA-BY FAY FER-NY. Stops a great big man Hur-ry-ing all he can: “Here! what’s this! My! Dropped down from the sky? Some-bod-y’s to blame! Ba-by, what’s your name?” “Ba-by Fay Fer-ny.” “Where you go-ing? say!” “Day-day.” “What’s that, hey? See the ba-by fidg-et! What d’you want, you midg-et.” “Piece o’but-ter-bed, Su-gy on it, ’las-ses on it, Jam on it,” said Peo-ple pause to see: La-dies, one, two, three; A po-lice-man, too; But no one that knew Whence the ba-by came. “What’s your pa-pa’s name?” “Pa-pa Fay Fer-ny.” Comes a breath-less maid: “O dear! I’m a-fraid Ba-by’s lost and gone— Ba-by Fer-gu-son! No—there down the street! O, you naugh-ty sweet Ba-by Fay Fer-ny!” |