Red: White: Blue.
Love: Peace: Heaven.
God of justice, smile upon us!
Justice yet will rule our land;
Equal rights bless native, alien,
High or low, from every strand;
Pledged within our Constitution,
They will bless a woe-worn world:
God, 'tis Justice makes it holy—
Freedom's Charter wide unfurled!
Float, O Flag, reflecting Heaven! where God plants the clustering stars,
In the blue depths of thy infinite—so vast that nothing jars!
God of mercy, smile upon us!
Mercy yet shall rule our land;
Thought be free, all creeds untrammelled,
Honor follow labor's hand;
All be equal; men be brothers;
They must work who fain would soar,
Work in earnest for the Human,—
Pride and scorn be known no more.
Float, O Flag of mystic colors; red with love; star-gemmed thy Blue;
Peace blends in white thy Rainbow light, and waves her snow-wings through!
God of love, O smile upon us!
Love shall shine through all our laws;
Love shall link each State in Union;
Love which knows nor rest, nor pause.
Love is central Heart of nations;
Love will draw all wandering stars
To our field of boundless azure,
Held by God from all that mars!
Wildly pours our hearts' blood on thee—crimson current warm and true,
Each dead hero links us closer—float on Flag, Red, White, and Blue!
God of Union, smile upon us!
Flag of Union, greet the skies!
On thy stars and chording colors
Every hope for mortals lies!
Blasted be the hand would strike thee!
Blighted heart and palsied brain!
Float till earth knows no oppression,
Falsehood, bondage, slavery, pain!
Float, Flag of love; fused States and lives! shine stars on God's own Blue!
Love's crimson current gird them close! white-winged Peace wind through!

M. W. C.


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