The paper from which this document is printed is to be found in the first volume of the McDonald papers. It is such a census of the inhabitants of the colony as the historical student would like to see made out at several other periods of our colonial history. We can find no legal enactment requiring such a census to be taken, and no order to that effect, save in the Instructions to Governor Wyatt, dated 24th July, 1621, where, among other things, he is directed "To make a catalogue of the people in every plantation, and their conditions; and of deaths, marriages and christenings."—Hening, Vol. I., p. 115. The entries are as brief as possible, no middle names are given, and foreigners are entered according to nationality, or not more than one name allowed them. Not the least curious is the small number of negroes. Rolfe states, "About the last of August (1619) came in a Dutch man of warre that sold us twenty Negors" (Smith, p. 126), and nearly five years after, when this census was taken, there were but twenty-two in the Colony.
STATE PAPER OFFICE. CONTENTS Colonial. Volume 3, No. 2. | | LISTS OF THE LIVINGE & DEAD IN VIRGINIA Feb. 16th, 1623. A LIST OF THE LIVINGE. At the Colledg Land.[Q] | | Thomas Marlett, | David Williams, | Christopher Branch, | William Walker, | Francis Boot, | Edward Hobson, | William Browning, | Thomas Hobson, | Walter Cooper, | John Day, | William Welder, | William Cooksey, | Leonard More, | Robert Farnell, | Daniell Shurley, | Nicholas Chapman, | Peeter Jorden, | Mathew Edlow, | Nicholas Perse, | William Price, | William Dalbie, | Gabriell Holland, | Isaias Rawton, | John Wattson, | Theoder Moises, | Ebedmeleck Gastrell, | Robert Champer, | Thomas Osborne. | Thomas Jones, | 29 | | Att the Neak of Land.[R] | | Luke Boys, | Thomas Harris, | Mrs. Boys, | his wife Harris, | Robert Halam, | Margaret Berman, | Joseph Royall, | Thomas Farmer | John Dods, | Hugh Hilton, | Mrs. Dods, | Richard Taylor, | Elizabeth Perkinson, | uxor Taylor | William Vincent, | Joshua Chard, | Mrs. Vincent, | Christopher Browne | Allexander Bradwaye, | Thomas Oage, | his wife Bradwaye, | uxor Oage | John Price, | infant Oage, | his wife Price, | Henry Coltman, | Robert Turner, | Hugh Price | Nathaniell Reeve, | uxor Price | Serjeant William Sharp, | infant Price | Mrs. Sharp, | Mrs. Coltman, | Richard Rawse, | Robert Greene, | Thomas Sheppy, | uxor Greene, | William Clemens, | infant Greene. | Ann Woodley, | | Att West & Sherlow Hundred.[S] | | John Harris, | Thomas Floyd, | Dorothe Harris, | Ellias Longe, | | William Nichollas, Roger Ratcliffe,78 | Robert Milver, | John Cartter, | Robert Parttin, | Henry Bagwell, | Margaret Parttin, | Thomas Bagwell, | infantes | | Parttin, Parttin, | | Edward Gardiner, Richard Biggs, | Henry Benson, | Mrs. Biggs, | Nicolas Blackman, Nathanell Tattam, Matthew Gloster, | William Biggs, Thomas Biggs, Richard Biggs, | | Sons | | Simon Surgis, | William Askew, | Nicolas Bayley, | Henry Carman, | Ann Bayley, | Andrew Dudley, | Eliner Phillips, | James Gay, | Thomas Paulett, | Anthony Burrows, | Thomas Baugh, | Rebecca Rosse, | Thomas Packer, Jonas Bayley, | | John Trussell, | Petters, a maid. | Christopher Beane, | | Att Jordan's Jorney.[T] | | Siselye Jordan, | William Emerson, | Temperance Bayliffe, | Christopher Saford, | Mary Jordan, | uxor Saford, | Margery Jordan, | John Caminge, | William Farrar, | Thomas Palmer, | Thomas Williams, | Mrs. Palmer, | Roger Preston, | fil Palmer, | Thomas Brookes, | Richard English, | John Peede, | Nathaniel Causey, | John Freme, | Mrs. Causey, | Richard Johnson, | Lawrence Evans, | William Dawson, | Edward Clarke, | John Hely, | uxor Clarke, | Robert Mannell, | infant Clarke, | Ann Linkon, | John Gibbs, | William Besse, | John Davies,147 | Mrs. Besse, | infant Fisher, | Henry Williams, | Thomas Chapman, | uxor Williams, | uxor Chapman, | Henry Fisher, | infant Chapman, | uxor Fisher, | Edith Hollis. | | Att Flourdieu Hundred. | | Richard Gregory, | Gibert Pepper, | Edward Alborn, | Thomas Mimes, | Thomas Dellimager, | John Linge, | Thomas Hack, | John Gale, | Anthony Jones, | Thomas Barnett, | Robert Guy, | Roger Thompson, | William Strachey, | Ann Thompson, | John Browne, | Ann Doughty, | Annis Boult, | Sara Woodson, | William Baker, Theodor Beriston, Walter Blake, Thomas Watts, Thomas Doughty, George Deverell, | 6 | | Negors, Negors, Negors, Negors, Negors, Negors, | | Richard Spurling, | Grivell, Pooley, Minister, | John Woodson, | Samuel Sharp, | William Straimge, | John Upton, | Thomas Dune, | John Wilson, | John Landman, | Henry Rowinge, | Leonard Yeats, | Nathaniell Thomas, | George Levet, | William Barrett, | Thomas Harvay, | Robert Okley, | Thomas Filenst, | Richard Bradshaw, | Robert Smith, | Thomas Sawell, | Thomas Garmder, | John Bramford, | Thomas Gaskon, John Olives, Christopher Pugett, Robert Peake, | Anthony, William, John, Anthony, |
| Negors men. | | Edward Tramorden, | A Negors Woman. | Henry Linge, | 224 | | The rest at West and Sherlow Hundred Island.[U] | | Capt Fackt Maddeson, | Thomas Wattson, | Mary Maddeson, | James Wattson, | Francis West, | Elizabeth Braby, | Roger Lewis, | Edward Temple, | Richard Domelow, | Daniel Vergo, | William Hatfeild, | William Tathill, boy, | Thomas Fossett, | Thomas Haile, boy, | Ann Fossett, | Richard Morewood, | Jenkin Osborne, | Edward Sparshott, | William Sismore, | Barnard Jackson, | Martha Sismore, | William Brocke, | Stephen Braby, | James Mayro. | | At Chaplain's Choise.[V] | | Isacke Chaplaine, | William Whitt, | Mrs. Chaplaine, | Edward Butler, | John Chaplaine, | Henry Turner, | Walter Priest, | Thomas Leg, | William Weston, | John Browne, | John Duffy, | John Trachern, | Ann Michaell, | Henry Willson, | Thomas Phillipps, | Thomas Baldwin, | Henry Thorne, | Allexander Sanderson, | Robert Hudson, | David Ellis, | Isacke Baugton, | Sara More, | Nicholas Sutton, | Ann, a maid. | | Att James citie and within the Corporation thereof.[W] | | Sir Francis Wyatt, Govr | George Nelson, | Margarett, Lady Wyatt, | George Hall, | Hant Wyatt, minister, | Lane Burtt, | Kathren Spencer, | Elizabeth Powell, | Thomas Hooker, | Mary Woodward, | John Gather, | Sir George Yeardley, knight, | John Matcheman, | Temperance Lady Yeardley, | Edward Cooke, | Argall Yeardley,284 | Frances Yeardley, | Sara Macocke, | Elizabeth Yeardley, | Elizabeth Rolfe, | Kilibett Hitchcocke, | Christopher Lawson, | Austen Combes, | uxor Em. Lawson, | John Foster, | Francis Fouler, | Richard Arrundell, | Charles Waller, | Susan Hall, | Henry Booth, | Ann Grimes, | Capt. Raph Hamor, | Elizabeth Lyon, | Mrs. Hamor, | ——Younge, | Joreme Clement, | | Elizabeth Clement, Sara Langley, | Alice Davison, vidua, | Sisely Greene, | Edward Sharples, | Ann Addams, | Jone Davies, | Elkinton Ratclife, | George Sands, Treasr, | Francis Gibson, | Capt. William Perce, | James Yemanson, | Joan Perce, | John Pountes, | Robert Hedges, | Christopher Best, | Hugh Win, | Thomas Clarke, | Thomas Moulston, | Mr. Reignolds, | Henry Farmer, | Mr. Hickmore, | John Lightfoote, | uxor Hickmore, | Thomas Smith, | Sara Ruddell, | Roger Ruese, | Edward Blaney, | Allexander Gill, | Edward Hudson, | John Cartwright, | uxor Hudson, | Robert Austine, | William Hartley, | Edward Bricke, | John Shelley, | William Ravenett, | Robert Bew, | Jocomb Andrews, | William Ward, | uxor Andrews, | Thomas Mentis, | Richard Alder, | Robert Whitmore, | Ester Evere, | Robert Channtree, | Angelo, a negar, | Robert Sheppard, | Doctor John Pott, | William Sawyer, | Elizabeth Pott, | Lanslott Dansport, | Richard Townsend, | Mathew Loyd, | Thomas Leister, | Thomas Ottway, | John Kullaway, | Thomas Crouth, | Randall Howlett, | Elizabeth Starkey, | Jane Dickinson, | Elinor, | Fortune Taylor, | Mrs. Perry, | Capt. Roger Smith, | infant Perry, | Mrs. Smith, | Frances Chapman, | Elizabeth Salter, | George Graues,376 | uxor Graues, | Thomas Spilman, | Rebecca Snowe, | Bryan Cawt, | Sara Snowe, | George Minisy, | John Isgrane, | Moyes Ston, | Mary Astombe, vidua, | Capt. Holmes, | Benamy Bucke, | Mr. Calcker, | Gercyon Bucke, | Mrs. Calcker, | Peleg Bucke, | infant Calcker, | Mara Bucke, | Peceable Sherwood, | Abram Porter, | Anthony West, | Brigett Clarke, | Henry Barker, | Abigall Ascombe, | Henry Scott, | John Jackson, | Margery Dawse, | uxor Jackson, | Mr. Cann (or Cam) | Ephraim Jackson, | Capt. Hartt, | Mr. John Burrows, | Edward Spalding, | Mrs. Burrows, | uxor Spalding, | Anthony Burrows, | puer Spalding, | John Cooke, | puella Spalding, | Nicholas Gouldsmith, | John Helin, | Elias Gaile, | uxor Helin, | Andrew Howell, | puer Helin, | Ann Ashley, | infant Helin, | John Southern, | Thomas Graye, | Thomas Pasmore, | uxor Graye, | Andrew Ralye, | Jone Graye, | Nathaniel Jefferys, | William Graye, | uxor Jefferys, | Richard Younge, | Thomas Hebbs, | uxor Younge | Clement Dilke, | Jone Younge, | Mrs. Dilke, | Rendall Smallwood, | John Hinton, | John Greene, | Richard Stephens, | William Mudge, | Wassell Rayner, | Mrs. Sothey, | uxor Rayner, | Ann Sothey, | John Jackson, | Elin Painter, | Edward Price, | Goodman Webb. | Osten Smith, | | In the Maine. | | Richard Atkins, | Robert Davis, | uxor Atkins, | Robert Lunthorne, | William Baker, | John Vernie, | Edward Oliver, | Thomas Wood, | Samuell Morris, | Thomas Rees,461 | Michael Batt, | John Wolrich, | uxor Batt, | Mrs. Wolrich, | vidua Tindall, | Johathin Giles, | Mr. Stafferton, | Christopher Ripen, | uxor Stafferton, | Thomas Banks, | John Fisher, | Frances Butcher, | John Rose, | Henry Daivlen, | Thomas Thornegood, | Arthur Chandler, | John Badston, | Richard Sanders, | Susan Blackwood, | Thomas Helcott, | Thomas Rinston (or f), | Thomas Hichcocke, | Robert Scottismore, | Griffine Greene, | Roger Kid, | Thomas Osbourn, | Nicholas Bullington, | Richard Downes, | Nicholas Marttin, | William Laurell, | John Carter, | Thomas Jordan, | Christopher Hall, | Edward Busbee, | David Ellis, | Henry Turner, | uxor Ellis, | Joshua Crew, | John Frogmorton, | Thomas Snow (orig. Swnow), | Robert Marshall, | Thomas Jones, | Robert Hutchinson, | uxor Jones, | John Smith, | Reignold Morecocke, | Lawrance Smalpage, | uxor Morecocke, | Thomas Crosse, | Richard Bridgewatter, | Thomas Prichard, | uxor Bridgewatter, | Richard Crouch, | Mr. Thomas Bun, | Christopher Redhead, | Mrs. Bun, | Henry Booth, | Thomas Smith, | Richard Carven, | Elizabeth Hodges, | uxor Carven, | William Kemp, | John Howell, | uxor Kemp, | William Burtt, | Hugh Baldwine, | William Stocker, | uxor Baldwine, | Nicholas Roote, | John Wilmose, | Sara Kiddall, | Thomas Doe, | infants | | Kiddall, Kiddall, | | uxor Doe, George Fryer | Edward Fisher, | uxor Fryer, | Richard Smith, | Stephen Webb. | | In James Island. | | John Osbourn, | Robert Cunstable, | uxor Osbourn, | William Jones, | George Pope, | uxor Jones,547 | John Johnson, | Thomas West, | uxor Johnson, | Henry Glover, | infants | | Johnson, Johnson, | | Goodman Stocks, uxor Stocks, | John Hall, | infant Stocks, | uxor Hall, | Mr. Adams, | William Cooksey, | Mr. Leet, | uxor Cooksey, | William Spence, | infant Cooksey, | uxor Spence, | Alice Kean, | infant Spence, | Robert Fitts, | James Tooke, | uxor Fitts, | James Roberts, | John Reddish, | Anthony Harlow, | John Grevett, | Sara Spence, | uxor Grevett, | George Shurke, | John West, | John Booth & Robt. Bennett | | The Neck of Land. | | Mr. Kingsmeale, | Peter Staber, | uxor Kingsmeale, | Thomas Popkin, | infants | | Kingsmeale, Kingsmeale, | | Thomas Sides, Richard Perse, | Raph Griphin, | uxor Perse, | Frances Compton, | Allen, his man, | John Smith, | Isabell Pratt, | John Filmer, | Thomas Allnutt, | Edward, a negro, | uxor Allnutt, | Thomas Sulley, | John Paine, | uxor Sulley, | Roger Redes, | Thomas Harwood, | Elinor Sprad. | George Fedam, | | Over the River. | | John Smith, | Thomas Gates, | uxor Smith, | uxor Gates, | infant Smith, | Percevall Wood, | John Pergo, | Anthony Burrin, | Richard Fenn, | William Bedford, | William Richardson, | William Sands, | Robert Lindsey, | John Proctor, | Richard Dolfemb, | Mrs. Proctor, | John Bottam, | Phettiplace Close, | John Elliott, | Henry Home, | Susan Barber, | Richard Home,627 | Thomas Flower, | Martine De Moone, | William Bullocke, | William Naile, | Ellias Hinton, | Thomas Fitts, | John Foxen, | Elizabeth Abbitt, | Edward Smith, | Alice Fitts. | John Skimer, | | At the Plantation over against James Cittie.[X] | | Capt. Samuel Mathews, | Thomas Phillips, | Benjamin Owin, | Paul Reinolds, | Rice Axr Williams, | Nicholas Smith, | John, a negro, | Elizabeth Williams, | Walter Parnell, | Hugh Cruder, | William Parnell, | Edward Hudson, | Margaret Roades, | Robert Sheppard, | John West, | Thomas Ottawell, | Francis West, vidua, | Thomas Crouth, | Thomas Dayhurst, | Robert Bew, | Robert Mathews, | John Russell, | Arthur Gouldsmith, | Robert Chantry, | Robert Williams, | George Rodgers, | Morice Loyd, | Lanslott Damport, | Aron Conway, | John Shule, | William Sutton, | Nathaniell Loyd, | Richard Greene, | William Sawyer, | Mathew Haman, | William Ward, | Samuell Davies, | William Hartley, | John Thomas, | Jereme Whitt, | John Docker, | Livetenant Purfrey, | Abram Wood, | Edward Grindall, | Michaell Lupworth, | Mr. Swift, | John Davies, | William Hames, | Lewis Baly, | George Gurr, | James Daries, | Henry Wood, | Alice Holmes, | John Baldwine, | Henry Barlow, | John Needome, | Thomas Button, | William Bricks, | Edmond Whitt, | Nicholas Thompson, | Zacharia Crispe, | John Dency, | John Burland, | Erasmus Cartter, | Thomas Hawkins, | John Edwards,704 | George Bayley, | Davy Mansfield, | George Sparke, | John Denmarke, | Nicholas Comin, | Elizabeth Rutten, | Nicholas Arras, | Goodwife Bincks, | Marttin Turner, | A servant of Mr. Moorewood's. | John Stone, infant, | | The Glase Howse.[Y] | | Vincentio, | Richard Tarborer, | Bernardo, | Mrs. Bernardo. | Ould Sheppard, his sonn, | | At Archur's Hoop.[Z] | | Lieutenant Harris, | Joseph Johnson, | Rowland Lottis, | George Pran, | uxor Lottis, | John Bottom, | John Elison, | Thomas Farley, | uxor Elison, | uxor Farley, | George Sanders, | a child, | Thomas Corder, | Nicholas Shotton. | | At Hogg Island.[AA] | | David Sanders, minister, | Mrs. Utie, | John Utie, | John Utie, infant,738 | William Tyler, | William Hitchcocke, lost, | Elizabeth Tyler, | George Prowse, | Richard Whitby, | Robert Parramore, | William Ramshaw, | John Jarvice, als. Glover, | Rice Watkins, | John Browne, | Thomas Foskew, lost, | William Burcher, | Hener Elsword, | John Burcher, | Thomas Causey, | John Fulwood, | George Union, | Thomas Bransby, | Henry Woodward, | Thomas Colly, | Roger Webster, | Thomas Simpson, | John Donston, | Thomas Powell, | Joseph Johnson, | Nicholas Longe, | Richard Crocker, child, | | At Martin's Hundred.[BB] | | William Harwood, | Mrs. Taylor, | Samuell March, | Ann Windor, | Hugh Hues, | Elizabeth Bygrane, | John Jackson, | Mr. Lake, | Thomas Ward, | Mr. Burren, | John Stevans, | John Stone, | Humphrey Walden, | Samwell Cultey, | Thomas Doughtie, | John Helline, | John Hasley, | uxor Helline, | Samwell Weaver, | A Frenchman et uxor, | vidua Jackson, | Thomas Siberg. | filia Jackson, | | At Warwick Squrake.[CC] | | John Batt, | Anthony Read, | Henry Prinffe, | Frances Woodson, | Wassell Weblin, | Henry Phillips,794 | Petter Collins, Christopher Reinolds, Edward Mabin, John Maldman, | Peter, Anthony, Frances, Margrett, | | negroes | | Thomas Collin The End of the List of the Living.
A LIST OF THE NAMES OF THE DEAD IN VIRGINIA SINCE APRIL LAST. Feby 16th, 1623. Colledge. | | William Lambert, | John Wood, William More, | | killed, | | Thomas Naylor, James Howell. | | killed, | | | At the Neck of Land. | | Moses Conyers, | Thomas Fernley, killed, | George Grimes, | Edward. | William Clements, | | At Jordain's Jorney. | | Roger Much, | Richard Shriese, | Mary Reese, | Thomas Bull, | Robert Winter, | John Kinton, | Robert Woods, | Daniell, | | At West & Sherlow Hundred. | | Samwell Foreman, | John Edmonds, | Zorobabell, | John Lasey, | 2 Indians, | Daniell Francke, | One negar, | Capt. Nath. West, | Thomas Roberts, | Christopher Harding, killed. | | At Flower de Hundred. | | John Mayor, | John Ax. Roberts, | William Waycome, | Richard Jones, | Thomas Prise, | Richard Griffin, | Robert Walkin, | Richard Ranke, | John Fetherston, | William Edger,39 | John Fry, | Edward Temple, | Dixi Carpenter, | Sara Salford, | William Smith, | John Stanton, | James Cindnare, | Christo. Evans. | | At James Cittie. | | Mr. Sothey, | John Countivane, | John Dumpont, | Thomas Guine, | Thomas Browne, | Thomas Somersall, | Henry Sothey, | William Rowsley, | Thomas Sothey, | Elizabeth Rowsley, | Mary Sothey, | a maid of theirs, | Elizabeth Sothey, | Robert Bennett, | Thomas Clarke, | Thomas Roper, | Margarett Shrawley, | Mr. Fitziefferys, | Richard Walker, | Mrs. Smith, | Vallentyne Gentler, | Peter Martin, | Peter Brishitt, | James Jakins, | Humphrey Boyse, | Mr. Crapplace, | John Watton, | John Lullett, | Arthur Edwards, | Ann Dixon, | Thomas Fisher, | William Howlett, | William Spence, Mrs. Spence, | | lost, | | Mr. Furlow's child, Jacob Prophett, | George Sharks, | John Reding (or Reeing) | John Bush, | Ritchard Atkins, | Mr. Collins, | his child, | uxor Collins, | John Bayly | Mr. Peyden, | William Jones, his son and, | Peter De Maine, | John, Mr. Pearis' servant, | Goodman Ascomb, | Josias Hartt, | Goodman Witts, | Judith Sharp, | William Kerton, | Ann Quarle, | Mr. Atkins, | —— Reignolds, | Thomas Hakes, | William Dier, | Peter Gould, | Mary Dier, | Robert Ruffe, | Thomas Sexton, | Ambrose Fresey, | Mary Brawdrye, | Henry Fry, | Edward Normansell, | John Dinse, | Henry Fell | Thomas Trundall, | —— Enims, | Richard Knight, | Roger Turnor, | John Jefferys, | Thomas Guine, | John Hamun, | John Countway, | John Meridien, | John Meriday,125 | Benjamine Usher, | William Jackson, | John Haman, | William Apleby, | John Jefferyes, | John Manby, | Richard Knight, | Arthur Cooke, | John Walker, | Stephen. | Hosier, | | At the Plantation over agt James Cittie. | | Humphrey Clough, | John Hooks, | Morris Chaloner, | Thomas Lawson, | Samuell Betton, | William Miller, | John Gruffin, | Nicholas Fatrice, | William Edwards, | John Champ, | Wiliam Salisbury, | John Maning, | Mathew Griffine, | Richard Edmonds, | Robert Adwards, | David Collins, | John Jones, | Thomas Guine, | Thomas Prichard, | John Vicars, | Thomas Morgaine, | John Meredie, | Thomas Biggs, | Beng. Usher, | Nicholas Bushell, | John Cantwell, | Robert Williams, | Richard Knight, | Robert Reynolds, | Robert Hellue, | Edward Huies, | Thomas Barrow, | Thomas Foulke, | John Enines, | Mathew Jenings, | Edward Price, | Richard Morris, | Robert Taylor, | Frances Barke, | Richard Butterey, | John Ewins, | Mary Lacon, | Samwell Fisher, | Robert Baines, | John Ewins, | Joseph Arther, | James Cartter, | Thomas Mason, | Edward Fletcher, | John Beman, | Aderton Greene, | Christo. Pittman, | Morice Baker, | Thomas Willer, | Robert, Mr. Ewins' man, | Samwell Fulshaw, | Robert Pidgion, | John Walmsley, | Thomas Triggs, | Abram Colman, | James Thursby, | John Hodges, | Nicholas Thimbleby, | Naamy Boyle, | Frances Millett, | | At Hogg Island. | | William Brakley, | John Long. | Peter Dun, | 204 | | At Martins Hundred. | | Henry Bagford, | 2 children of the Frenchmen, | Nicholas Gleadston, Nicholas Dornigton, | John Pattison, uxor Pattison, | | killed, | | Raph Rogers, | Edward Windor, | Richard Frethram, | Thomas Horner, | John Brogden, | John Walker, | John Beanam, | Thomas Pope, | Francis Atkinson, | Richard Ston, | Robert Atkinson, | John Catesby, | John Kerill, | Richard Stephens, | Edward Davies, | William Harris, | Percivall Mann, | Christo. Woodward, | Mathew Staneling, | Joseph Turner. | Thomas Nicholls, | | At Warwick Squrake. | | Josias Collins, | Christo. Ash, | Clement Wilson, | uxor Ash, | William Robinson, | infant Ash, | Christo. Rawson, Thomas Winslow, | Nethaniel Lawe, Jane Fisher, | | killed, | | uxor Winslow, | Phillip Jones, | infant Winslow, | Edward Banks, | Alexr Sussames, | John Symons, | Thomas Prickett, | Thomas Smith, | Thomas Maddox, | Thomas Griffin | John Greene, | George Cane | Nathaniel Stanbridg, | Robert Whitt, | John Litton, | Symon, an Italien. | | Elizabeth Cittie. | | Charle Marshall, | Thomas Parkins, | William Hopkicke, | Mr. Hussy, | Dorothie Parkinson, | James Collis, | William Robertts, | Raph Rockley, | John Farrar, | William Geales, | Martin Cuffe, | George Jones, | Thomas Hall, | Andrew Allinson, | Thomas Smith, | William Downes, | Christo. Robertts, | Richard Gillett, | Thomas Browne, | Goodwife Nonn, | Henry Fearne, | Hugo Smale280 | Thomas Wintersall, | Chrisenus, his child, | John Wright, | Elizabeth Mason, | James Fenton, | Symon Wither, | Cisely, a maid, | Whitney Guy, | John Gavett, | Thomas Brodbanke, | | William Burnhouse, John Sparkes, | Jocky Armestronge, | Robert Morgaine, | Wolston Pelsant, | John Locke, | Sampson Pelsant, | William Thompson, | Cathrin Capps, | Thomas Fulham, | William Elbridg, | Cutberd Brooks, | John Sanderson, | Innocent Poore, | John Bewbricke, | Edward Dupper, | John Baker, killed, | Elizabeth Davies, | William Lupo, | Thomas Buwen, | Timothy Burley, | Ann Barber, | Margery Frisle, | William Lucott, | Henry West, | Nicholas ——, killed, | Jasper Taylor, | Henry Bridges, | Brigett Searle, | Henry Payton, | Anthony Andrew, | Richard Griffin, | Edmond Cartter, | Raph Harrison, | Thomas ——, | Samwell Harvie, | William Gauntlett, | John Boxer, | Gilbert ——, killed, | Benjaimine Boxer, | Christopher Welchman, | Thomas Servant, | John Hilliard, | Frances Chamberline, | Gregory Hilliard, | Bridgett Dameron, | John Hilliard, | Isarell Knowles, | William Richards, | Edward Bendige, | Elizabeth, a maid, | William Davies, | Capt. Hickcocke, | John Phillips, | Thomas Keinnston, | Daniell Sandwell, | Capt. Lincolne, | William Jones, | Chad. Gulstons, | Robert Ball's wife, | uxor Gulstons, | Robert Leaner, | infant Gulstons, | Hugh Nickcott, | George Cooke, | John Knight. | Richard Goodchild, | | Out of the Ship called The Furtherance. | | John Walker, | William Apleby, | —— Hosier, | John Manby, | William Jackson, | Arthur Cooke, | | Steven.366 | | Out of the God's Gift. | | Mr. Clare, master, | William Bennett. | | Out of the Margrett & John. | | Mr. Langley, | Mr. Wright. | | The Guner of the William & John. | 371 | FINIS.
|   |