The reader will perceive that the foregoing list of the dead reports only those who had died "since April last" (1622), consequently does not include the victims of the Indian massacre, which occurred on the 22d of March of that year. The number which fell by that diabolical conspiracy, as reported by Smith, amounted to 347, and in his Generall Historie, at page 149, he has a list of the numbers murdered at different places. Neill copies from the Records of the Virginia Company (now in the Congressional Library at Washington) a list of their names—see his "History of the Virginia Company," pp. 339-346—and considering that it is proper to annex this to the list preceding we herewith give it. The total corresponds with the statement in Smith's Historie. The number of deaths in the census list shows a mortality amounting in one year to upwards of twenty per cent. of the whole population, exceeding the number which fell in the massacre by twenty-four. The fullest details of this and many other matters relating to the Colony while under the Virginia Company, can be found more fully shown in Neill's History of the Virginia Company than in any other work we have seen. "Here following is set downe a true list of the names of all those that were massacred by the treachery of the Sauages in Virginia, the 22nd March last. "To the end that their lawfull heyres may take speedy order for the inheritinge of their lands and estates there. For which the honourable Company of Virginia are ready to do them all right and fauour:" At Captaine Berckley's Plantation, seated at Falling Creeke, some 66 miles from James Citie, in Virginia. | | John Berkley, Esquire, | John Hunt, | Thomas Brasington, | Robert Horner Mason, | John Sawyer, | Phillip Bames, | Roger Dauid, | Phillip Bames, | Francis Gowsh, | Robert Williams, his Wife | Bartholmew Peram, | and Childe, | Giles Peram, | Giles Bradshawe, his Wife | John Dowler, | and Childe, | Laurence Dowler, | John Howlet and his sonne, | Lewis Williams, | Thomas Wood and Collins | Richard Bascough, | his man, | Thomas Holland, | Joseph Fitch, apothecary | | to Doctor Pots. | | At Master Thomas Sheffield Plantation, some three miles from the Falling Creeke. | | Master Th: Sheffield[478] | Mathew ——, | and Rachel his wife, | Judeth Howard, | John Reeue, | Thomas Poole, | William Tyler, a boy, | Methusalem ——, | Samuel Reeue, | Thomas Taylor, | John Ellen, | William Tyler | Robert Tyler, a boy, | | At Henrico Iland, about two miles from Sheffield's Plantation, | | —— Atkins, | William Perigo, | —— Weston, | Owen Jones, one of Capt. | Philip Shatford, | Berkley's people. | | Slaine of the Colledge People, about two miles from Henrico-Citie. | | Samuel Stringer, | Thomas Cooke, | George Soldan, | John Clements, | William Basset, | James Faulkoner, | John Perry, | Christopher Henley, | Edward Ember, | William Jordan, | Jarrat Moore, | Robert Dauis, | Thomas Xerles, | Thomas Hobson, | Thomas Freeman, | William Bailey. | John Allen, | | At Apo-mattucke River, at Master Abraham Pierce his Plantation, some five miles off the Colledge People. | | William Charte, | John Barker, a boy, | Jo: Waterhowse, | Robert Yeoman. | | At Charles-Citie and about the precincts of Capt. Smith's Company. | | Roger Royal, | Edward Heydon, | Thomas Jones, | Henry Bushel. | Robert Maruel, | | At other Plantations next adioyning. | | Richard Plat and his Brother, | Richard, a boy, | Henry Milward, his wife, his | Goodwife Redhead. | Childe and his Sister, | | At Mr. William Farrar's House. | | Master John England and his man, | Thomas, his man, | John Bel, | James Woodshaw, | Henricke Peterson and Alice, his Wife, and William, her sonne, | Mary and Elizabeth, | | Maid servants. | | | At Berkley-Hundred, some five miles from Charles-Citie. | | Capt. George Sharpe, Esq., one of | Giles Bradway, | his Maiesties Petitioners. | Richard Fereby, | John Rowles, | Thomas Sharpe, | Richard Rowles, his Wife and | Robert Jordan, | Childe, | Edward Painter, | Giles Wilkins, | | At Westouer, about a mile from Berkley-Hundred. | | And First at Cap. Fr. West's Plantation: | James English, | Richard Dash. | | At Master John West's Plantation: | Christopher Turner, | Dauid Owen. | | At Capt. Nathanael Wests: | Michael Aleworth, | John Wright. | | At Lieutenant Gibs his Dividend: | John Paly, | William Parker, | Thomas Ratcliffe, | Richard Wainham, | Michael Booker, | Benomy Keyman, | John Higglet, | Thomas Gay, | Nathanael Earle, | James Vpfall, | John Gibbes, | Daniel, Mr Dombelowes | | man. | | At Mr. Richard Owen's House: | Richard Owen, | One old Maid called blinde | Stephen Dubo, | Margaret, | Francis, an Irishman, | William Reeue, | Thomas Paine, | | At Master Owen Macar's House: | Owen Macar, | Richard Yeaw, | Garret Farrel, | One Boy. | | At Master Macock's Dividen: | Capt. Samuel Macock, Esquire, | Thomas Browne, | Edward Lister, | John Downes. | | At Flowerdieu-Hundred, Sir George Yeardley's Plantation. | | John Philips, | Robert Taylor, | Thomas Nuson, | Samuel Jarret, | John Braford, | Elizabeth Bennet. | | At the other side of the River, opposite to Flowerdieu-Hundred. | | Master Hobson and his wife, | Thomas Philips, | Richard Storks, | Richard Campion, | John Slaughter, | Anne Greene. | | At Mr. Swinhowe his House. | | Mistris Swinhow and Thomas and | John Larkin, | George Swinhow, her sonnes | William Blyth, | Richard Mosse, | Thomas Grindal. | | At Mr. William Bikar's House. | | William Bykar, | Edward Pierce, | Math. Hawthorn and his wife, | Nicholas Howsdon. | | At Weynoack of Sir George Yeardley his people. | | Nathaniel Elie, | Henry Haynes, | John Flores, | John Blewet, | Henry Gape, | Henry Rice, | —— Buckingham, | —— Hurt, | William Puffet, | Jonas Alpart, | William Walker, | Thomas Stephens, | John Gray, | Samuel Goodwine, | James Boate, | John Snow and his | John Suersby, | Boy, | Thomas Euans, | Margery Blewet. | Thomas ap-Richard, | | At Powle-Brooke. | | Capt. Nath. Powle, Esq., and his | Thomas Woolcher, | wife, Daughter to Mr Tracey, | William Meakins, | Mistris Bray, | Robert ——, | Adam Rayner's wife, | Peter Jordan | Barbara Burges, | Nathanael Leydon, | William Head, | Peter Goodale. | | At Southampton Hundred. | | Robert Goffe and his wife, | John Dauis, | William Larkum, | William Mountsort. | | At Martin Brandons. | | Lieutenant Sanders, | 2 Boyes, | Ensigne Sherley, | Mathew, a Polander. | John Taylor and his wife, | | At Captaine Spilman's House. | | John Basingthwayte, | Walter Shawe. | | At Ensigne Spence his House. | | William Richmond, | William Fierfax, | John Fowler, | The Tinker. | Alexander Bale, | | Persons slaine at Martins-Hundred, some seaven miles from James-Citie. | | Lieutenant Rich: Kean, | Richard Staples, | Master Tho: Boise & | his wife, | Mistris Boise, his wife & | and Childe, | a sucking Childe, | 2 Maides, | 4 of his men, | 6 Men and Boyes, | A Maide, | Walter Dauies & | 2 Children, | his brother, | Nathanael Jefferies wife, | Christopher Guillam, | Margaret Dauies, | Thomas Combar, | 3 seruants, | A Man, | Master John Boise, | Ralphe Digginson, | his wife, | his wife | A Maide, | Richard Cholser, | 4 Men-seruants, | George Jones, | Laurence Wats, | Cisby Cooke, | his Wife, | his wife, | 2 Men seruants, | Dauid Bons, | Timothy Moise, | John Benner, | his Man, | John Mason, | Henry Bromage, | William Pawmet, | his Wife, | Thomas Bats, | his Daughter, | Peter Lighborrow, | his Man, | James Thorley, | Edward How, | Robert Walden, | his Wife, | Thomas Tolling, | his Childe, | John Butler, | A child of John Jackson, | Edward Rogers, | 4 Men seruants, | Maximilian Russel, | Josua Dary, | Henry, a Welchman. | his wife, | | At Mr. Thomas Pierce his House over against Mulberry Iland. | | Master Tho: Pierce, | John Hopkins, | his Wife, | John Samon, | and Childe, | A French Boy. | | At Mr. Edward Bennets Plantation. | | Mastter Th: Brewood, | 2 Seruants, | his wife, | Thomas Ferris, | his Childe, | George Cole, | Robert Gray, | Remember Michel, | John Griffin, | —— Bullocke, | Ensigne Harrison, | Richard Chandler, | John Costard, | Henry Moore, | Dauid Barry, | Nicholas Hunt, | Thomas Sheppard, | John Corderoy, | Henry Price, | Richard Cockwell, | Robert ——, | John Howard, | Edward Jolby, | Mistris Harrison, | Richard ——, | Mary Dawks, | Alice Jones, | Annie English, | Thomas Cooke, | Rebecca ——, | Philip Worth, | Master Prowse, | Mathew a maid, | Hugh ——, | Francis Winder, | John ——, | Thomas Conly, | Edward ——, | Richard Woodward, | Mistris Chamberlin, | Humfrey Cropen, | Parnel a maid, | Thomas Bacon, | Humfrey Sherbrooke, | Euan Watkins, | John Wilkins, | Richard Lewis, | John Burton. | Edward Towfe, | | John Sctchmore Edward Turner | | Mr John Pontis his men. | | | Edward Brewster, Lieutenant Pierce | his man | Thomas Holland, Capt. Whittakers man. | | At Master Walters his house. | | Master Edward Walters, | a Maid, | his wife, | a Boy. | a Childe, | | | The whole number 347. | [478] The son of William Sheffield. A BRIEFE DECLARATION OF THE