Abercromby, Mr, in Sardinia, 587.
Across the Atlantic, 567.
Æneas, Payne Knight's criticisms on, 375.
Africa, Jonathan in, 172
—its deserts, 464.
Agricultural interest, overthrow of, by the free-traders, 115
—population of Wales, character, &c. of the, 330.
Agriculture, alleged injury from the game laws to, 73
—distressed state of, in Ireland, 774
—and Spain, 719.
Album, our, for the last page of, 205.
Alfieri, the autobiography of, 294.
Alison on taste, remarks on, 13
—on Virgil, 246
—on Homer, 255.
America, increase of its shipping under the reciprocity system, 117, 118
—cost of raising grain in, 120
—forests of, 464.
Andalusia, Mr Dundas Murray's work on, 705.
Anne, Queen, national debt under, 666.
Anti-game law association, the, 63.
Antro de Nettuno in Sardinia, the, 40.
Ardara, early paintings in, 46.
Army, Cobden's crusade against the, 584.
Art, specimens of early, in Sardinia, 46
—influence of religion on, 261.
Artist, the, not a mere imitator, 412.
Asia, its mountains, 462
—table-lands, 463.
Assignment system for convicts, advantages of the, 532.
Atala et RÉnÉ, Chateaubriand's, 301.
Atheism, Christopher, &c. on, 31.
Attitu in Sardinia, the, 43.
Audiganne, M., on the state of France, 233.
Australia, commerce of, in relation to the convict system, 527
—exports per head to, ib.
—obstacles to free emigration to, 533.
Austria, the contest between, and Hungary, 589
—Cobden on, 591.
Austrian loan, Cobden on the, 602.
Autobiography—Chateaubriand's Memoirs, 292.
Bacon, Lord, on the principles of trade, 777.
Bad temper, Christopher on, 5.
Baden insurrection, the, 206
—as one result of the revolutionary movement, 429
—its causes, &c., ib.
Baden-Baden, state of, 431.
Baltic shipping, increase of, under the reciprocity system, 117, 118.
Banditti, Sardinian, 41.
Bank, danger of the, in 1823, 675
—charter act of 1844, the, 758.
Barton, Bernard, letters of Lamb to, 149.
Bawr, Madame, tale by, 609.
Beattie, Dr, on Gray's elegy, 242.
Beauty, Christopher on the faculty of, 29
—relations of virtue to, 259.
Blair, Dr, on Virgil's description of thunder, 12.
Blanc, Louis, his "Protest," 234.
Blind, one of the Baden insurgents, 208.
Bolingbroke on the national debt, 665.
Boroughs, predominance given by the Reform Bill to, 113.
Boswell's Life of Johnson, on, 296.
Botany Bay, effects of the transportation system on, 528.
Braybrooke Lord, his edition of Pepys' Diary, 501.
Bread stuffs, importation of, 766.
Brentano, one of the Baden insurgents, 206, 207, 208, 211, 215.
Brigands, Spanish, 706.
Bright, Mr, motives of, in his anti-game-law agitation, 63
—on poaching, 70.
Brougham, Lord, on the marriage law of Scotland, 269
—on transportation, &c., 525.
Brown, Dr Thomas, on Gray's elegy, 241.
Bugeaud, Marshal, 227.
Buonaparte and the Bourbons, Chateaubriand's pamphlet called, 304.
Burritt, Elihu, 583.
Bute, Lord, bribery under, 666.
Butler's Analogy, the argument for immortality from, 311.
Byron, on a passage from, 367
—his description of Velino, 372
—his autobiography, 295.
Cabrera, the last insurrection of, 707.
Cadet de ColobriÈres, the, 607.
CÆsar's Commentaries, on, 292.
Campbell, Lord, attack on Lord Lyndhurst by, 131
—on the Scottish marriage bill, 265, 273.
Canaanites, presumed relics of the, in Sardinia, 36.
Canada bill, debates on the, 131
—commerce of, in relation to the convict system, 527
—exports per head to, ib.
—effects of free trade on, 776.
Canadas, civil revolution in—a Remedy, 471.
Cape, commerce of, in relation to the convict system, 527
—resistance in, to its being made a penal settlement, 535.
Cardiganshire, rarity of the English language in, 328.
Carlist movement, the late, in Spain, 707.
Carlsruhe, the revolt at, 206
—capture of, by the Prussians, 215.
Carta de Logu of Sardinia, the, 40.
Carthaginians in Sardinia, the, 34
—their disappearance, 36.
Castlemaine, Lady, 516.
Cavaignac, General, during the June conflict, 231, 232.
Caxtons, the, Part XIV. chap. lxxx., 48
—chap. lxxxi., 55
—chap. lxxxii., 59
—chap. lxxxiii., 60
—Part XV. chap. lxxxiv., 151
—chap. lxxxv., 152
—chap. lxxxvi., Vivian—at the entrance of life sits the mother, ib.
—chap. lxxxvii., The preceptor, 155
—chap. lxxxviii., The hearth without trust, and the world without a guide, 157
—chap. lxxxix., The attempt to build a temple to fortune out of the ruins of home, 159
—chap. xc., The results—perverted ambition, &c., 160
—chap. xci., 164
—chap. xcii., 165
—chap. xciii., 167
—chap. xciv., 171
—Part XVI. chap. xcv., 277
—chap. xcvi., 283
—chap. xcvii., 285
—chap. xcviii., 286
—chap. xcix., 289
—chap. c., 290
—Part the Last, chap. ci., 391
—chap. cii., 393
—chap. ciii., 394
—chap. civ., 396
—chap. cv., 397
—chap. cvi., 400
—chap. cvii., 403
—chap. cviii., 405.
Celtic race, character of the Welsh, 335.
Chapman's Homer, on, 257.
Charles II., sketches of the time of, 501, et seq.
Charles Lamb, 133.
Chartism, prevalence of, in Wales, 337.
Chateaubriand's Memoirs, 292.
Chateaubriand, vanity of, 300
—his successive works, 301.
Chatham, Lord, his system of colonial policy, 471.
Christ's Hospital, Charles Lamb at, 135.
Christianity, Christopher on, 30.
Christian morality, on, 30.
Christina, Spain under, 704.
Christopher under Canvass, see Dies Boreales.
Christopher in the Sulks—a sketch, 3.
Church of England, state of the, in Wales, 333
—of Scotland, opposition of, to the marriage and registration bills, 266.
Civil Revolution in the Canadas—a Remedy, 471.
Clamor Publico, the, 710.
Classes at Yverdun, the, 104.
Classical, on the significance of, 25.
Claudius in Hamlet, on, 639, 646.
Close boroughs, advantages of the, 111.
Coal, export of, from Wales, 329, 330.
Cobden, review of the career of, 581, et seq.
—speech of, at the Hungarian meeting, 591.
Cockburn of Ormiston, character of, 351.
Coleridge, intimacy of Lamb with, 136
—Talfourd's account of, 142.
Colonial policy, British system of, 471.
Colonies, effects of the protective system on, 110
—virtually disfranchised by the Reform Bill, 113
—influence of the transportation system on their commerce, 527.
Comic, present rage for the, 145.
Commerce, effects of the protection system on, 110
—effects of the new currency system on, 123
—colonial, influence of the transportation system on, 527.
Commons, house of, all classes represented in, prior to the Reform Bill, 111.
Confiscations, the revolutionary, in France, 225.
Conjuror, the, 692.
Constitution, the German, and its rejection, 425.
Consumer and producer, different interests of, 112.
Convict system, general review of the, 519, et seq.
Convicts, instruction of, in a trade, 520.
Copper, smelting, &c. of, in Wales, 329, 330.
Cordova, General, in Italy, 709.
Corn Laws, the abolition of the, 115.
Corunna, the embarkation at, 696.
Cotton manufactures, profits &c. on, in America, 473.
Cowan, Mr, on the game laws, 68.
Crichton, Mr, on game-law prosecutions, 70.
Crime, increase of, 126, 773
—statistics of, for Wales, 332
—statistics of recent, 519.
Criminals, reformation of, in New South Wales, 526.
Crowning of the Column, the, and the Crushing of the Pedestal, 108.
Cruachan, thunder-storm on, 8.
Cuba, state of, prospects of its separation from Spain, &c., 711 et seq.
Cunninghame, Mr, on the reformation of convicts, 526.
Currency system, the new, and its effects, 122, 756, 759, et seq.
Davenant, Dr Charles, on the national debt, 663.
Dead, mourning for the, in Sardinia, 43.
Death, Butler's argument regarding, 382.
Delta, Disenchantment by, 563.
Democracy, error of principle of, 222.
Democratic tendencies in Wales, influence of dissent on, 337.
De Ruyter, Admiral, 511.
Diary of Samuel Pepys, 501.
Dickens, the works of, 380.
Dies Boreales, No. I., sonnet on reading, 18.
Dies Boreales, No. II. Christopher under canvass, 1
—Christopher in the sulks, a sketch, 3
—on temper, 5
—a, thunder-storm, 6, et seq.
—Virgil's description of thunder, 11
—Lucretius', 15
—Thomson's, 16
—arrival of Talboys, 17
—on the signification of classical, 25
—on scholarship, 27
—on beauty and morals, 29
—Christianity and its morality, 30
—Scepticism and its results, 31
—No. III., on impersonation, 238
—Shakspeare, 239
—Inishail and its churchyard, 240
—Gray's elegy, ib.
—on Alison and Virgil, 246
—on a passage in Hamlet, 252
—and one in Homer, 255
—the self-sustainment of the Homeric heroes, 258
—Alison's Essay on Taste, 259
—on virtue and vice, 260
—influence of religion on art, 261
—on materialism, 262
—No. IV., 363
—a rain storm, 364
—on angling, 366
—on Byron's description of the Clitumnus, 367
—and of Velino, 372
—on immortality, and Butler's argument for it, 380
—No. V. on Macbeth, 620.
Disenchantment, by ?, 563.
Disraeli's Essay on the literary character, 297.
Dissent, statistics of, in Wales, 333
—fostering of chartism by, there, 338.
Dominique, a sketch from life: the two students, 77
—Mother and Son, 79
—The double duel, 83
—Five years later, 85
—The Horse-riders, 87
—Foes and Friends, 91.
Dormitory at Yverdun, the, 99.
Doubleday's financial history of England, review of, 655.
Dream-Fugue on sudden death, a, 750.
Dreams, the, in Shakspeare, 642.
Drysdale versus Jamieson, game-law decision in, 75.
Dudevant, Madame, La Petite Fadette by, 607.
Dumas, Alexandre, recent novels of, 610
—works announced by, 619.
Dutch, naval contests of the, with England, 509.
Dyer, George, 141.
Earth, peninsular tendency in the, 461
—its interior, 462.
Eas-a-Bhrogich, cave at, 9.
Ecclesiastical property, abuses connected with, in Wales, 354
Economists, rise of the, 113.
Education, sketches of the Pestalozzian system of, 93, et seq.
—relations of crime in Great Britain to, 520.
Ehrenberg, discoveries of, regarding the Infusoria, 466.
Eichbald, Lieutenant, in Baden, 208, 210.
Eleanora, Guidicessa of Sardinia, 39.
Electric Telegraph, proposed introduction of, into Spain, 721.
Embarkation, the, 696.
Emigrants, annual number of, 537.
Emigration, increase of, under the free-trade system, 126, 772
—its expense to different localities, 533.
Emulation, rejection of, by Pestalozzi, 95.
Enfant TrouvÉ of Paris, the, 226.
Enghien, the Duc d', conduct of Chateaubriand on the murder of, 304.
England, growth of, under the navigation laws and restrictive system, 108
—feeling of alienation in Wales from, 327
—crime in, compared with Wales, 332
—the naval contest of, with the Dutch, 509
—statistics of crime in, 519.
English Mail-coach, or the glory of motion, 485
—going down with victory, 496
—continuation: the Vision of Sudden Death, 741.
English autobiographies, rarity of, 299
—language, partial diffusion of the, in Wales, 328.
Enzio, King of Sardinia, sketch of, 38.
Erbe, one of the Baden insurgents, 208.
Essai Historique, Lamartine's, 301.
Evelyn, the diary of, 502
—account of Lady Frances Stuart by, 515.
Expatriation, effects of, in reforming criminals, 525, et seq.
Exports, decrease of, 123
—colonial, influence of the transportation system on, 527
—influence of free trade on, 765.
Famille Recour, the, 609.
Farmers, alleged injury from game to the, 73
—and farming in Wales, state of, 330
—of Canada, effects of the restrictive system on, 476.
Female characters of Shakspeare, the, 239.
Fergusson on Gray's elegy, 242.
Feudal system, alleged origin of the game laws with the, 66.
Fickler, one of the Baden insurgents, 206, 208, 211.
Finance, importance of the subject of, and general ignorance regarding it, 655.
Finances, the French, effects of the late revolution on, 232
—the Russian, Cobden on, 595
—the Spanish, statistics regarding, 711, et seq.
Fire of London, the, 508.
Fleet, the English, state of, under Charles II., 510.
Foreign interference, Whig, 586.
Foreign shipping, increase of, under the reciprocity system, 117.
Foudras, the Marquis de, novels of, 609.
Foundlings, numbers of, in Paris, 226.
Fountainhall's diary, on, 502.
France, the Revolution of 1848 in, Lamartine's account of, 219.
Franchise, practical extent of the, before the Reform Bill, 111.
Francis' Chronicles of the Stock Exchange, review of, 655.
Frankfort parliament, the, and its fall, 425.
Frankfort, occupation of, by the Prussians, 427
—atrocities of the Red republicans in, 598.
Free Trade at its Zenith, 756.
Free trade, review of the effects of, 108.
French novels of 1849, the, 607
—autobiographies, multitude and character of, 298
—materialism, on, 261.
FrÖbel, one of the Baden insurgents, 208.
Funding system, general ignorance regarding
the, 655
—evils accruing from it, 666.
Fuorisciti in Sardinia, the, 41.
Gagern, Herr von, 435.
Game, increased consumption of, 71.
Game laws in Scotland, the, 63
—examination of the arguments against, 68
—alleged cost of prosecutions under, 69.
Gang system for convicts, evils of the, 532.
Gayford, Mr, on the injury done by game, 69.
GÉnie du Christianisme, Chateaubriand's, 301.
Gentilhommes Chasseurs, the, 610.
Gentry, the Welsh, character of, 335, 338.
Geography, physical and general, distinction between, 460, 461.
George II., debt contracted under, 666.
German unity, failure of the realisation of, 424.
Germany, Revolutionary, what has she attained? 424
—northern and southern, disunion between, 428.
Gibbon's autobiography, on, 292.
Girardin, M. during the revolution of 1848, 227.
Girondists, Lamartine's History of the, 220, 221.
Giudici in Sardinia, the, 37.
Glasgow, increase of pauperism in, 127, 772
—the Queen's visit to, 361.
Godwin, William, Talfourd's sketch of, 141.
Goegg, one of the Baden insurgents, 206, 208, 211.
Goethe, on the autobiography of, 295
—the centenary of, 435.
Good temper, Christopher on, 5.
Gore district in Canada, state of, 473.
Government, indifference of the, to Scottish affairs, 264.
Grain, importation of, under the free-trade system, 118, 119, 766.
Grammont's memoirs, on, 501.
Grange, Lady, new light on the story of, 347.
Gravitation, Sir J. Herschel on, 459.
Gray's Elegy, on, 240.
Great Britain, progress of, under the navigation laws, 108
—her colonial policy, 471
—her position in relation to the continental powers, 587
—origin of the national debt of, 657, 662
—state of, under James II., 657
—progress of the national debt, 666.
Greeks and their poetry, Christopher on, 25
—emblems employed by the, for immortality, 380.
Green Hand, the, Part III., 183
—Part IV., 305
—Part V., 436
—Part VI., 723.
Grey, Earl, on the Reform Bill, 146.
GrÖben, General Von, in Baden, 214.
Grove, Mr, on the co-relation of the physical sciences, 460.
Gurney, Mr, on the cost of the army, &c., 763.
Guy, Thomas, founder of the hospital, 669.
Gwynne, Nell, Pepys' account of, 516.
Hamlet, on a passage in, 252.
Hazlitt, Talfourd's account of, 143.
Hecate of Shakspeare, the, 625.
Hecker-Lied, the, 435.
Heidelberg, the insurrection in, 206
—entrance of the Prussians into, 214.
HÉlÈne, remarks on, 607.
Herschel, Sir J., on gravitation, 459.
Heskir, imprisonment of Lady Grange at, 347.
Hesse-Darmstadt, revolutionary attempt at, 208.
Heyne on the Homeric heroes, 257.
Highlanders, improvement in the character of the, 336.
Himalayas, heights, &c., of the, 462.
Hirschfeld, General, in Baden, 212.
History, association of, with locality, 655.
H'Lassa, city of, 463.
Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, acquisition of, by Prussia, 434.
Homer, the dreams in, 642.
Hope of Rankeillour, connexion of, with the case of Lady Grange, 348, 350.
Hospitality, Sardinian, anecdotes of, 42.
Hugo, Victor, and the Peace Congress, 583
—his Notre Dame, 655.
Humboldt's Cosmos, remarks on, 456, et seq.
Hume's Autobiography, on, 293.
Hungary, the movement in, its objects, &c., 588
—meeting to sympathise with it, 590
—the executions in, 599.
Ilay, Lord, 353, 355.
Imitation not the perfection of art, 412.
Immortality, Christopher on, 32
—Butler's argument for, 380, et sq.
Impersonation, on, 238, 645, 646.
Imports, increase of, 123, 766.
Imprisonment, experienced inefficiency of, 519
—its expense, 521
—causes of its failure, 522.
India, completion of the British empire in, 108.
Industry, effects of the late revolution on, in France, 233.
Inishail, churchyard in, 240.
Insects, formation of rocks by, 465, 466
—those of America, 467.
Insurrection in Baden, the, 206.
Intellect, predominance of, in France, 299.
Ireland, the round towers of, 36
—the Queen's visit to, 361
—recent statistics of crime in, 522
—depressed state of agriculture in, 774.
Irish, resemblance of the Sardes to the, 40
—transported convicts, superiority of, and its causes, 531.
Iron, produce, &c., of, in Wales, 329, 330.
Irreligion, influence of, in France, 224.
Italy, proceedings of Lord Minto in, 587
—the Spanish army in, 709.
James II., revenue, &c., of Great Britain, under, 657.
Jean le Trouveur, romance of, 612.
Jeffrey's exposition of Alison on Taste, on, 13.
Jews, revolutionary tendency of the, in Germany, 435
—early connexion of the, with stock-jobbing, 663.
Johnson, Boswell's life of, 296.
Johnston's Physical Atlas, review of, 456.
Joint-stock companies, rise of, 669
—those of 1823, &c., 673.
Jonathan in Africa, 72.
Journalists, the, the leaders of revolution in France, 219
—their political predominance there, 299.
Kaloolah, review of, 172.
Kames, Lord, on Virgil's description of thunder, 12.
Khoonawur, pass of, 463.
Knight, Payne, on Virgil's Æneas, 375
—on Macbeth, 621.
Kossuth, views of, in Hungary, 589.
Krauss, Major, 690.
LabouchÈre, Mr, on Canada, 478.
Ladenburg, skirmish at, 212.
Lamartine's Revolution of 1848, 219
—on his history of the Girondists, 220, 221
—his Confidences, and Raphael, 298, 301
—his vanity, 300.
Lamb, Charles, 133
—Miss Mary, 137.
LamoriciÈre, General, during the June conflict, 231.
Land, the protective system in its relations to, 111.
Landed interest, predominance given by the Reform Bill over the, 113.
Landscape painter, qualifications necessary for the, 412.
Language, effects in Wales of the differences of, 327.
La Patrie on the industrial state of France, 233.
Laudenbach, revolutionary attempt at, 208.
Lawrence, (U.S.,) rise of, 472.
Le Grice, Mr, account of Charles Lamb by, 135.
Leiningen, Prince, manifesto of, 434.
Lloyd, Charles, 139.
Locke on the principles of trade, 777.
London, consumption of game in, 72
—importation of grain into, 120
—the great plague of, 506
—the fire of, 508
—importation of grain into, 767.
London Tavern, Hungarian meeting at, 590.
Long Parliament, revenue raised by the, 657.
Lopez, Mannasseh, stock exchange fraud by, 668.
Lord Advocate, the, his Marriage and Registration bills, 263.
Lotteries, evils, &c., of the, 671.
Louis Philippe, conduct of, during the revolution of 1848, 227, 228
—intrigues of, in Spain, 722.
Lovat, Lord, connexion of, with the case of Lady Grange, 347.
Lowell, rapid progress of, 472.
Lucretius, description of thunder by, 15.
Lyell, Mr, on gradual subsidence and upheaval, 465.
Lyndhurst, Lord, Lord Campbell's attack on, 131.
Lynmouth revisited, 412.
Macaulay, Mr, examination of his picture of England under the Stuarts, 658.
Macbeth, criticisms on tragedy of, 621, et seq.
—Lady, on the character of, 622.
Mackay, J. R., revelations of parliamentary bribery by, 666.
M'Neill, Mr, on the proposed Marriage and Registration bills, 266, 270.
Madden, Mr, on the state of Cuba, 711, et seq.
Mail-Coach, the, or the glory of motion, 485
—going down with victory, 496
—continued, 741.
Malta, proposed to be made a penal colony, 535.
Malte Brun on the transportation system, 528.
Malthus, Mr, on the corn-law question, 777.
Man that wasn't drowned, the, 691.
Manasa, lake of, 463.
Manchester, (U.S.,) rise of, 472.
Manning, letters of Lamb to, 147.
Manufactures, protective system toward, 110
—French, effects of the late revolution on, 233
—progress of, in the United States, 471
—profits on them there, 473
—of Spain, the, 719.
Manufacturing population of Wales, character, &c., of the, 329.
Mar, the Earl of, 352
—Lady, 354, et seq.
Mardi, remarks on, 172.
Marriage bill, the proposed Scottish, 263.
Massachusetts, advantages from manufactures to, 472.
Materialism, on, 261.
Mayo's Kaloolah, review of, 172.
Medina the Jew, 663.
Meiroslawski, the leader of the Baden insurgents, 210, 212.
Melville's Redburn, review of, 567
—Mardi, remarks on, 172.
MÉry, M., le TransportÉ by, 619.
Metternich, a Baden leader, 208.
Meyer, Dr, 329.
Military, revolt of the, in Baden, 430.
Milnes, R. M., the Hungarian question brought forward by, 590.
Miners of Wales, character of the, 329, 331.
Minto, Lord, proceedings of, in Italy, 587.
Mitford, Rev. Mr, on Gray's elegy, 242.
Monetary crises, danger of, 762, 771.
Moneyed interest, rise of the, 112
—its origin with the Revolution, 663.
Monitorial system, the, as used by Pestalozzi, 95.
Monkey and the cat, the, 698.
Monmouth, the Duke of, Pepys' account of, 516.
Montemolin, the Count, character, &c. of, 707.
Montpensier, the Duc de, weakness of, during the Revolution, 228.
Moore's life of Byron, on, 295.
Moral and social condition of Wales, the, 326.
Morality, state of, in Wales, 333.
Morals, impossibility of a definite standard of, 29.
Moroseness, Christopher on, 5.
Mosquito, the, 467.
Motion, the glory of, 485.
Mountains, Mrs Somerville, &c. on, 462.
Murder tragedies, on, 646.
Murillo, financial schemes, &c. of, 720.
Murray, Mr Dandas, his "Andalusia," 705.
My Dream, A Financial, Monetary, and Statistical History of England, from the Revolution of 1688 to the present time. By Thomas Doubleday, Esq. London: 1847.
Chronicles and Characters of the Stock Exchange. By John Francis, Esq. London: 1849.