

Abercrombie, general, 430.
Aberdeen, kidnapping in, 612.
Ackland, colonel, 335, 336,
—his death, 339.
Ackland, lady Harriet, 336, et seq.
Acre, defence of, by Sir Sidney Smith, 323.
Aids to Reflection, criticism on the, 702.
Agricultural produce, importation of, 11
—classes, present state of, 655.
Alaimo de Sentini, 592
—defence of Messina by, 595
—his death, 602.
Alba, battle of, 450.
Alexander, emperor of Russia, sketch of career of, 133, 135, et seq.
Alfred, improvement of the English law under, 463.
Allen, Ethan, exploits of, 430.
America, periodical literature of, 106
—copyright in, 127
—feeling in, towards England, 780.
Angler's Companion, Stoddart's, review of, 73.
Armstrong, Johnny, execution of, 305.
Army, &c., Cobden on the, 261.
Arnold, Benedict, exploits of, 332, 336, 430.
Athole, earl of, murder of, 300.
Atterbury, bishop, 471.
Austria, the revolutionary movement in, 639, et seq. 650
—its government of Lombardy and Venice, 736, 737
—the war with Sardinia, 746.
Autobiography of a German headsman, the, 148.
Ballantyne's Hudson's Bay, review of, 369.
Bank restriction act, passing of the, and its effects, 1
—Peel's, 720.
Baring, Mr, on the income-tax, 386.
Barrow's life of Sir Sidney Smith, review of, 309.
Beatification, the, 290.
Benevento, battle of, 444.
Blackwood and copyright in America, 127.
Blairs and Drummonds, feud between, 306.
Blanc, Louis, 399.
Bolingbroke, lord, 472.
Brazil, present state of, 236.
Brest, exploit of Sir Sidney Smith at, 319.
Brougham, lord, on the present state of France, 642.
Budget the, 383.
Buffalo-hunting, sketches of, 374.
Buonaparte, Napoleon, at Toulon, 318
—defeat of, at Acre, 323.
Burgoyne, general, 331
—history of his enterprise, 333.
Buxton on the increase of the slave-trade, 7.
Byng, admiral, 482.
Bysset, Sir Walter, 300.
Canada, my route into, part. I., 328
—part II., 425.
Cannibalism, prevalence of, among the American Indians, 375.
Cara Vita, the, a scene at Rome, 287.
Carleton, Sir Guy, 332.
Carlos, Don, son of Philip II., 70.
Catechism in the Minerva, a scene at Rome, 281.
Catherine of Russia, 132, 133, 134.
Caxtons, the, a family picture; chap. I. 513
—chap. II., 514
—chap. III., 516
—chap. IV., 518
—chap. V., 522
—chap. VI., 523
—chap. VII., 525
—chap. VIII., 527
—chap. IX., 531
—chap. X., 537.
—Book II., chap. I., 685
—chap. II., My uncle Roland's discourse upon honour, 687
—chap. III., 688
—chap. IV., 691
—chap. V., 694
—chap. VI., 696
—chap. VII., My Uncle Roland's tale, 697
—chap. VIII., 700.
Cervantes, Miguel, 72.
Champlain, lake, 425.
Charles of Anjou, conquest of Naples by, 436
—revolt of Sicily from him, and his further history, 589
—his death, 603.
Charles Albert, King of Sardinia, 746, et seq.
Charles Edward, prince, notices of, 475, et seq.
Chartist movements in Great Britain, the, 650
—feeling in America regarding, 780.
Chartists, how to disarm the, 653.
Clermont assizes, Flechier's chronicle of, 47.
Cobden on the national defences, 261
—movement of, for extended suffrage, 655.
Coercion bill, the, and its necessity in Ireland, 3, 4
—character of Sir George Grey's, 115.
Coleridge, the philosophy of, 702.
Commerce, present condition of, 10.
Conciliation, effect of, toward Ireland 113.
Conquest of Naples, the, 436.
Conradin, sketch of the career of, 446, et seq.
Constance, Queen of Arragon, 600.
Constantine, the grand-duke, 141.
Constantinople, early attacks of the Russians on, 130.
Corlaer, tradition regarding, 423.
Country house, building, &c., of a, 28.
Cree Indians, the, 376.
CrÉmieux, M., 401.
Crimes and remarkable trials in Scotland; incidents of the earlier reigns; an inquiry into the character of Macbeth, 293
—kidnapping, Peter Williamson's case, 607.
Criticism, characteristics requisite for, 107.
Cromwell, advancement of the navy under, 309.
Crown Point, fortress of, 431.
Cuba, cost of producing sugar in, and its increased production, 229, 231, 234.
Currency system, change in the, by the bank restriction act, 1
—effects of Peel's system, 7, 20, 661.
Defences, the national, Cobden on, 261
—a military discussion regarding, 362.
Demerara, depreciation of property in, 231.
Democratic Review, the, 106, 111.
Direct taxation, evils of, 384.
Don John of Austria, 70.
Downie, captain, defeat and death of, 432.
Drummonds and Blairs, feud between the, 306.
Duncan, investigation into the alleged murder of, 294.
Durie, Lord, abduction of, 609.
Edinburgh after Flodden, 165.
Education in Wales, 540.
Edward the Confessor, improvement of the law under, 463.
Elizabeth, progress of the British navy under, 309.
Emancipation, increase of the slave-trade from, 220.
Emigration, proposed government system of, 668
—statistics of, 669.
Employment, present want of, 655.
England, American feeling toward, 780.
Escovedo, secretary to Don John of Austria, 75
—murder of, 77.
Europe, the revolutions in, 638.
Eusebius, letter to, on subjects for pictures, 176.
Evenings at sea. No. III. The Surgeon, 33.
Fall of the throne of the barricades, the, 393.
Finances of Britain, the, 383.
Finances of France, state of, since the Revolution, 404.
Flechier's chronicle of Clermont assizes, 47.
Fletcher of Salton, curious scheme of, 610.
Flodden, Edinburgh after, 165.
Forbes, the master of, conspiracy of, 303.
France, the present revolution in, 395, 638
—its symbols, 767.
Frazer, general, death of, 335.
Frederick the Hohenstauffe, notices of, 438, et seq.
Frederick III. of Sicily, 605.
Frederick, fort, 431.
Free-trade, results of Peel's system of, 8, 21, 662.
French republic, sentiments and symbols of the, 767.
Fur-trade, sketches of, 374.
Gates, general, 329.
George II., character of, 470, 483.
German ditty, a, 419.
German Headsman, autobiography of a, 148.
Gioberti's work on Italy, influence, &c., of, 741, et seq.
Glammis, lady, execution of, 303.
Glasgow, unemployed in, 655.
Gordon, George Huntly, two sonnets by, 420.
Green mountains, the, 431.
Greenwich time, 354.
Grey, Sir George, on the state of Ireland, 4
—character of his coercion bill, 115.
Griffiths, Mr, on education in Wales, 548.
Guesses at Truth, review of, 701.
Guiana, decline in produce of, 225.
Gustavus of Sweden, sketch of the career of, 313.
Hardwicke, lord, life and times of, 463.
Harris's life of Lord Hardwicke, review of, 463.
Havre, capture of Sir Sidney Smith at, 321.
Headsman, autobiography of a, 148.
Heigho! 572.
Herqui, exploit of Sir Sidney Smith at, 320.
Herring, archbishop of York, 477.
Hood, lord, at Toulon, 318.
How to disarm the Chartists, 653.
How we got possession of the Tuileries, chap. I. Heads or Tails? 484
—chap. II. The Ides of March, 489
—chap. III. The Barricades, 493
—chap. IV. The Tuileries, 497
—chap. V. Two provisional governments, 502
—chap. VI. A republican wedding, 506
—chap. VII. Adieu, sweet France, 511.
Howe, lord, death of, 430.
Hudson's Bay, sketches of, 369.
Huskisson, introduction of the reciprocity system by, 2.
Inca and his Bride, the, a medley, chap. I. Astley's, 751.
—chap. II. The Rubicon of Peru, 755.
—chap. III. The Children of the Sun, 758.
—chap. IV. The Hall of Fire, 762.
—chap. V. The Cataract of the Rocks, 765.
Income tax, imposition, evils, &c., of the, 384, 385.
Infant schools, remarks on, 284.
Intercepted letters, the, a tale of the bivouac, 340.
Ireland, change in the system of government of, and its effects, 3
—the famine in, and its effects, 19
—and the ministerial measures, 113
—exemption of, from the income tax, 389
—sketch illustrating the results of repeal to it, 627.
Iroquois, contests of, with the French, 426.
Italy, present state and prospects of, 101
—the revolutionary movement in, 638
—the movement and war in, 733.
Ivan, the first Czar of Russia, 131.
Jamaica, decline in the produce of, from the effects of the emancipation act, 6, 225
—depreciation of property in, 232, 233.
James I. of Scotland, murder of, 303.
Jerusalem, by W. Sinclair, 192.
John of Austria, sketch of the life of, 70.
Johnson, Mr, on education in Wales, 548, 550, 554.
Kenneth III., tradition of the death of, 294.
Kidnapping, sketch of the history of, in Britain, and especially in Aberdeen, 607.
Koch, Ernest, the Silver Cross, a campaigning sketch by, 564.
La Cara Vita, an Italian sketch, 287.
Lamartine, the works of, 399.
Laprairie, town of, 434.
Last Walk, the, by B. Simmons, 629.
Lauria, Ruggiero de, 598, 599.
Law of England, sketch of the history of, 463.
Lepanto, battle of, 71.
Letter to Eusebius, a, on subjects for pictures, 176.
Liberal Legislation, thirty years of, 1.
Life and Times of Lord Hardwicke, 463.
Life in the Far West, Part I. chap. I. 713
—chap. II. 717.
Longen, Mr, on Education in Wales, 546, 549, 551, 553, 555.
Lombardy and the Italian war, 733.
London, the Chartist movement in, 650.
Louis Philippe, fall of, 395
—his pusillanimity, 405, 406.
Lucera, the town and Saracens of, 439, et seq.
Lunfanan, the death-scene of Macbeth, 297.
Macbeth, inquiry into the character and crime of, 293.
Macclesfield, the Earl of, trial of, 472.
M'Crea, Miss, murder of, 331, 334.
Macdonough, Commodore, 432.
Magna Charta, promulgation of, 465.
Mainfroy, prince of Tarento, 438, et seq.
—his death, 445.
Man is a Featherless Biped, a tale, 631.
Manchester, unemployed in, 655.
Mansfield, Lord, character of Hardwicke by, 482.
Manufactures, depressed condition of the, 10.
Messina, city of, 590
—its revolt against the French, 594, 595.
Metternich, Prince, 137.
Military discussion, a, touching our coast defences, 362.
Mont Blanc, a sonnet, 420.
Montgomery, General, death of, 332.
Moscow, city of, 146.
Murillo, account of the battle of Lepanto by, 73.
My English Acquaintance, 194.
My route into Canada,—Part I. 328
—Part II. 425.
Naples, conquest of, by Charles of Anjou, 436.
National defences, Cobden on the, 261.
Navigation laws, threatened repeal of the, 2, 3.
Navy of England, attention paid to, by successive sovereigns, 309.
Nicholas the emperor of Russia, 134, 142, et seq.
Night's peril, a, 83.
Norman conquest, effect of, on the law of England, 464.
Novgorod, foundation of kingdom of, 130.
Now and Then, review of, 239.
Ossian, supposed burial-place of, 299.
Our West Indian colonies, 219.
Palermo, city of, 590
—its revolt against Charles of Anjou, 594.
Paris, state of, as republican, 402, 573.
Paul, the emperor of Russia, 133.
Pedro of Arragon, conquest of Sicily by, 589.
Peel, Sir Robert, results of his banking act, 7, 20
—his administration toward Ireland, 114
—imposition of the income tax by, 384.
Peel Bog, the, 298.
Perez, Antonio, 73, 77.
Peril of a night, a, 83.
Periodical Literature of America, the, 106.
Peter the Great of Russia, 129, 132.
Philip II. of Spain, notices of, 70, et seq.
Pictures, subjects for, a letter to Eusebius, 176.
Piedmont, the war of, with Austria, 740, et seq.
Pius IX., the movement headed by, 101.
Plattsburg, battle of, 432.
Poetry: Edinburgh after Flodden, 165
—Jerusalem, 192
—A German ditty, 419
—Two Sonnets by George Huntly Gordon, 420
—Heigho! 572
—The Last Walk, by B. Simmons, 629.
Poland, the partitions of, 133.
Political Economists, effects of the supremacy of, 663.
Prussia, the revolutionary movement in, 638, et seq. 649.
Radetsky, General, 747.
Railways, general stoppage of works on, 9.
Rebellion of 1745, the, 475.
Reciprocity system, introduction of, by Huskisson, 2.
Reform Bill, effects of the passing of, 4, 663.
Reformation, influence of the, on English law, 465.
Reidesel, the Baroness, 337, et seq.
Repealer's wish granted, the, an Irish tale, 627.
Republican Paris, 573.
Revenue, state of the, 383.
Revolution in Europe, the, 638.
Romanism in Rome: Catechism in the Minerva, 281
—La Cara Vita, 287
—the Beatification, 290.
Ruric, kingdom of, bounded, 130.
Russell, Lord John, financial statements, schemes, &c., of, 383.
Russian empire, sketch of the recent history of the, 129.
St Domingo, effects of slave emancipation on, 6.
St Jean d'Acre, siege of, 323.
St Louis, sketches of, 442.
St Priest's history of the conquest of Naples, Part I., 436
—Part II., 589.
Saratoga, battle of, 330, 335.
Sardinia, revolutionary movements in, 101.
Savings' banks, the French, effects of the revolution on, 408.
Saxon law, characteristics of, 463.
Schools, state of, in Wales, 540.
Schnitzler's secret history of Russia, review of, 129.
Schuyler, General, 329.
Scottish crimes and trials, remarkable: those of the earlier reigns, 293
—Kidnapping, and the case of Williamson, 607.
Shipping, British and Foreign, effect of the reciprocity system on, 2.
Sentiments and symbols of the French republic, 767.
Sicilian Vespers, the, 436, 493.
Sicily, conquest of, by the Spaniards, 589.
Simmons, B., the Last Walk by, 629.
Sir Sidney Smith, 309.
Silver Cross, the, a campaigning sketch, from the German of Ernest Koch: night-quarters, 564
—In the mountains, 565
—Hidden treasure, 567
—The wine skin, 570
—The hospital, ib.
Sinclair, William, Jerusalem, a poem by, 192.
Slave-trade, abolition of, and the subsequent emancipation of the slaves, effects of, 5, 220, 235.
Smith, Adam, on the Navigation Laws, 2.
Smith, Sir Sidney, sketch of the life, &c., of, 309.
Something like a country house, 28.
Soto, Juan, 74.
Spaniard in Sicily, the, 589.
Stoddart and Angling, 673.
Subjects for pictures, a letter to Eusebius, 176.
Suffrage, movement for extending the, 655.
Sugar, comparative cost of free and slave grown, 229.
Sugar Act, the, and its effects, 221.
Surgeon's tale, the, 33.
Sweden, history of, under Gustavus, 313.
Switzerland and Italy, 98.
Symbols of the French republic, 767.
Symons, Mr, on education in Wales, 547, 550.
Tagliacozzo, battle of, 450.
Tenant right in Ireland, question of, 119.
Thirty years of liberal legislation, 1.
Ticonderoga, fort, 428, 429.
Timour, invasion of Russia by, 131.
To ——, a sonnet, 420.
Tocqueville on republicanism in France, 416.
Toulon, services of Sir Sidney Smith at, 317.
Toushi the Tartar, invasion of Russia by, 130.
Travelling in Taffyland, 455.
Tuileries, How we got possession of the, 484.
Tuscany, the grand-duke of, 101.
Two Sonnets, by George Huntly Gordon, 420.
Unemployed, statistics connected with the, 655.
United States, periodical literature of, 106
—copyright in, 127
—feeling in, towards England, 780.
Valery, Erard, de, 450.
Venice, the government of, by Austria, 742.
Vices, the prevalent, in Wales, 556.
Wales, travelling in, 455
—education in, 540.
Walpole, Sir Robert, 473, 475.
Warren's Now and Then, review of, 239.
Wellington, Lacretelle's character of, 144
—on the national defences, 263, 268.
West Indian colonies, the, 219
—the policy toward, 5, 659.
Whitehall, town of, 427.
Williamson, Peter, sketch of the history of, 607.
York factory, life at, 371, et seq.
Printed by William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh.
[1] In the week ending April 29, 1848, the workers in Manchester stood thus,—
Full time, 24,756. | Short time, 10,630. | Unemployed, 9,303. |
Times, May 4, 1848.