Abdul Medjid, the Sultan, 693.
Adalia, sketches of, 737.
Addington, Henry, see Sidmouth.
Addington, Hiley, 475.
Adelaide, Madame, 2, 7, 8, 12.
Adventures of the Connaught Rangers, review of, 457.
Aidan, Bishop, 84.
Albemarle, Lord, 201.
Albert, Madame, 186.
Ambrosio, General, 174.
America, origin of the struggle with, 207.
America, how they manage matters in, 492.
America, North, 653.
Ancient and Modern Ballad Poetry, 622.
Anglo-Saxons, Lappenberg's History of the, reviewed, 79.
Angouleme, the Duc d', 5, 6.
Appert, B. Dix ans À la Cour du Roi Louis Philippe, review of, 1.
Aquilius, Letter from, to Eusebius, 374
—second, 501
—third, 695.
Arabs in Batavia, the, 321.
Archangel, New, settlement of, 661.
Armenians of Smyrna, the, 238.
Arnal, a French actor, 185.
Arnault, M., 15.
Arthur, King, 81.
Assessed Taxes, inequalities of, 248.
Aumale, Duc d', 17.
Badajos, capture of, 468.
Ballad Poetry, ancient and modern, 622.
Balzac, M. de, 16, works of, 591.
Banditti of Spain, the, 356.
Batavia, city of, 320.
Baths of Mont Dor, the, 448
—the company at, 451
—the forest, 454.
Belgrade, siege and battle of, 36.
Belisarius,—was he blind? 606.
Benedict Biscop, 87.
Bernard, Charles de, notices of the works of, 589.
Berri, Duchesse de, 530.
Blackwall, ode to, 59.
Blucher, sketches of, 76.
Bolingbroke, Lord, 204.
Bonabat, village of, 241.
BouffÉ, Marie, 189.
Boufflers, Marshal, 35, 36.
Boujah, village of, 241.
Bread, on the nutritive qualities of, by Professor Johnston, 768.
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, sonnets by:
—Life, 555
—Love, ib.
—Heaven and Earth, 556
—The Prospect, ib.
—Two Sketches, 683
—The Mountaineer and the Poet, 684
—the Poet, ib.
Brunet, an actor, 187.
Bruhl, Count, 209.
Bunzelwitz, camp and battle of, 43.
Buonaparte, Joseph, as King of Naples, 168.
Burgos, the retreat from, 471.
Burke, notices of, 483, 484, 487.
Busaco, battle of, 460.
Canning, Peel's conduct towards, 97.
California, sketches of, 662.
Caravan Bridge of Smyrna, the, 239.
Carbonari of Naples, the, 173.
Cardinal's voyage, the, 430.
Carlyle's Cromwell, review of, 392.
Caroline, Queen of Naples, 164, 167.
Catherine of Russia, intimacy of, with Voltaire, 537.
Catholic question, Peel's conduct on the, 97.
Catullus, translations from, No. I., 374
—No. II., 501
—No. III., 695.
Cave of the Regicides, the, and how three of them fared in New England, 333.
Championet, General, capture of Naples by, 163.
Chapelle, an actor, 185.
Charles X., accession of, 6.
Charles de Bernard, works of, 589.
Chateauroux, the Duchess of, 206, 530.
Chatham, Lord, 474, 475.
Cheri, Rose, 191.
Chesterfield, Lord, character of, by Walpole, 198.
Chinese in Batavia, the, 321.
Church rate, inequality of the, 250.
Ciudad Rodrigo, capture of, 467.
Claqueurs of Paris, the, 183.
Collier's book of Roxburghe ballads, review of, 622.
Connaught Rangers, sketches of the, 457.
Constantine Kanaris, epitaph of, 644.
Constantinople, and the declining state of the Ottoman empire, 685.
Corn law, Peel's conduct regarding the, 99.
Court of Louis Philippe, sketches of the, 1.
Cromwell, Carlyle's life of, reviewed, 392.
Cunnersdorf, battle of, 42.
Cunningham's poems and songs, review of, 622.
Dardanelles, the, 686.
Daun, Marshal, 40, 42.
Dejazet the actress, 189.
Delta, Scottish Melodies by:
—Eric's Dirge, 91
—The Stormy Sea, ib.
—The Maid of Ulva, 645
—Lament for Macrimmon, ib.
Direct Taxation, on, 243
—true principles of, 258.
Divining Rod, the, 368.
Dixwell, John, the Regicide, 338.
Doche, Madame, 187.
Doddington, Bubb, 201, 202, 210.
DorÉ, a French robber, sketches of, 4.
Dubois, the AbbÉ, 530.
Duckworth, Sir John, forcing of the Dardanelles by, 686.
Dumas, General, 168.
Dumas, M. de, and his works, 16, 590, 591.
Durham, Lord, 15, 16.
Dutch, cruelties of the, in Java, 327.
Early Taken, the, 230.
Egmont, Lord, 197.
Ekaterineburg, town of, 671.
England, uniform triumphs of, over France, 48.
Epigrams, 361.
Epitaphs, 57, 61.
Epitaph of Constantine Kanaris, the, 644.
Eric's dirge, by Delta, 91.
Erith, village of, 423.
Erskine, Lord, 488.
Eugene, Marlborough, Frederick, Napoleon, and Wellington, 34.
Eusebius, letters to—HorÆ CatullianÆ, 374, 501, 695.
Famine, lessons from the, 515.
Ferdinand, king of Naples, 163, 164, 167.
Ferguson of Pitfour, anecdotes of, 488.
Fighting Eighty-eighth, the, 457.
Flour, on the various kinds of, and their nutritive qualities, 768.
Fontenoy, battle of, 535.
Ford's gatherings from Spain, review of, 350.
Fossa del Maritimo, prison of, 167.
Fox, anecdotes of, 488.
France, the modern court of, 1.
France, uniform triumphs of England over, 48.
France, Walpole's picture of, 206.
France, letter on, 547.
Frederick the Great, sketch of the career of, and comparison of him with Marlborough and others, 37
—his intimacy with Voltaire, 537.
Frederick, prince of Wales, death of, and his character, 200.
Free trade in connexion with taxation, 243.
French players and playhouses, 177.
Fuentes d' Onore, battle of, 462.
Galata, sketches of, 688.
General Mack: a Christmas carol, 92.
George II., Walpole's reign of, reviewed, 194.
George III., anecdotes of, 490.
Georges, characteristics of the reigns of the, 211.
Ghosts, letters on, 440, 541.
Gneisenau, General, 77.
Goffe the Regicide, 333.
Gold district of Siberia, the, 671.
Grand Opera at Paris, the, 180, 182.
Grattan's Adventures of the Connaught Rangers, review of, 457.
Greeks of Adalia, the, 750.
Grey, Lord, first appearance of, 479.
Guilleminot, Count, 6.
Gutch's Robin Hood, review of, 622.
Gymnase Dramatique at Paris, the, 190.
Hastings, Warren, trial of, 478, 487.
Heaven and Earth, a Sonnet, 556.
Heptarchy, the, 79.
Hervey's Theatres of Paris, review of, 177.
Highway Rates, inequalities of, 249.
Hohenfriedberg, battle of, 39.
Hohenkirchen, battle of, 42.
HorÆ CatullianÆ, No. I., 374
—No. II., 501
—No. III., 695.
Horn, Count de, execution of, 534.
How they manage matters in the model republic, 492.
How to build a house and live in it,—No. III., 727.
Hughes' Overland Journey to Lisbon, review of, 350.
Hymn of King Olaf the Saint, the, altered from the Icelandic, 682.
Imeeo, residence on island of, 763.
Income Tax, inequalities of the, 253.
Indian Life, anecdotes of, 658, 659, 660.
Indirect Taxes, probable abandonment of, in Great Britain, 244, 245.
Ireland, state of, under George II., 205
—necessity of Poor Law for, 247
—unjust exemption from taxation enjoyed by, 256.
Isle of Dogs, the, 50
—tradition regarding, 52.
Italian History, modern, 162.
Java, sketches of, 318.
Joinville, Prince de, 17.
Johnston, Professor, on the nutritive qualities of the Bread now in use, 768.
Jones, Neville, 205.
Jutland 130 years since, from the Danish
—I., the Deer Rider, 286
—II., Ansbjerg, 289
—III., the Nisse, 292
—IV., the Elopement, 297
—V., the Horse Garden, 303.
Kawashes of Turkey, the, 235.
Khan of Magnesia, the, 309.
Khans of Turkey, the, 236.
Kiachta, town of, 670.
Kolin, battle of, 41.
Krasnoyayk, town of, 671.
Lafayette, sketches of, 5.
Lament for Macrimmon, by Delta, 645.
Land, injustice of the freedom of, from legacy duty, 246.
Land Tax, injustice of the, 248.
Landsheck, battle of, 42.
Lappenberg's Anglo-Saxons, review of, 79.
Latest from the Peninsula, 350.
Law of Lauriston, 533, 534.
Lays and Legends of the Thames, No. II., 49
—the Isle of Dogs, 50
—the Song of the Mail Coachman, 51
—the Presentation, 55
—Epitaphs, 57, 61
—Ode to Blackwall, 59
—the Poet's Auction, 62
—No. III., 423
—the Vision, 424
—the Arsenal, 426
—True Love, 428
—the Cardinals' voyage, 430.
Legacy duty, inequality of the, 246.
Lemaitre, the Marquis, 166.
Lemaitre, Frederick, 188.
Lena, the river, 669.
Lessons from the Famine, 515.
Letters on the Truths contained in Popular Superstitions,
—No. I., the Divining Rod, 368
—II., Vampyrism, 432
—III., Spirits, Goblins, Ghosts, 440
—IV., Real Ghosts and Second Sight, 541
—V., Trance and Sleep-waking, 547
—VI., Religious Delusions, the Possessed, Witchcraft, 673.
Lettres de Cachet, profligate use of, in France, 538.
Levasseur the actor, 192.
Leuthen, battle of, 41.
Life, a sonnet, 555.
Lord Sidmouth's Life and Times, 473.
Louis XV., sketches of, by Walpole, 206.
Louis XV., De Tocqueville's Memoirs of, reviewed, 525.
Louis Philippe, sketches of the court of, 1
—his elevation, 8
—and personal habits, 9.
Love, a sonnet, 555.
Lowositz, battle of, 40.
Macdonald, General, administration of Naples by, 164.
Mack, General, a Christmas carol, 92.
Mack, General, at Naples, 163.
Magnesia, a ride to, stage first, 231
—II. 305.
Mahmood, the Sultan, 694.
Maid of Ulva, the, by Delta, 645.
Maida, battle of, 168.
Mail Coachman, song of the, 51.
Maison DorÉe at Paris, the, 177.
Mammone, a Neapolitan bandit, 164.
Mammoth deposits of Siberia, the, 670.
Maria Theresa, accession of, and war against, 38.
Marie Amelie, Queen of Louis Philippe, 7, 8, 11.
Marlborough, comparison of, with Eugene, &c., 34.
Marriage Bill, the Scotch, 646.
Marsin, Marshal, 35.
Massillon, 532.
Mazarine, Cardinal, French Opera originated by, 180.
Melville's Omoo, review of, 754.
MÉrimÉe, Prosper, notices of the works of, 695.
Merkatz, Lieutenant, 67, 68.
Mexican War, the, 667.
Mildred, a tale, Chap. IV., 18
—Chap. V., 23
—Chap. VI., 28
—Chap. VII., 213
—Chap. VIII., 217
—Chap. IX., 222.
Minden, battle of, 42.
Minerals of Lake Superior, the, 658.
Mississippi Scheme, the, 533.
Modern Italian History, 162.
Mollwitz, battle of, 38.
Mont Dor, baths of, 448.
Montebello, Duchess of, 5.
Monterey, town of, 664.
Montreal, town of, 655.
Motherwell's Poems, review of, 622.
Mountaineer and Poet, the, a sonnet, 684.
Muleteers of Spain, the, 352, 354.
Murat, sketches of, 166, 167
—as King of Naples, 170
—death of, 175, 176.
Murray, a Jacobite, sketches of, 196.
Music, Turkish, 749.
Mytilene, Island of, 736.
Naples, sketch of the recent history of, 162.
Napoleon, comparison of Frederick the Great with, 34, 45.
Nashua, town of, 654.
Nemours, the Duc de, 17.
New Archangel, settlement of, 661.
New Sentimental Journey, a
—the Baths of Mont Dor, 448
—the Company, 451
—the Forest, 454.
Newcastle, the Duke of, character of, by Walpole, 202.
New England, Residence of three of the Regicides in, 333.
Newhaven, grave of the Regicides at, 334.
North America, Siberia, and Russia, 653.
Nugent, Lord, Walpole's character of, 197.
Oatmeal, superiority of, to wheat, 772.
Ochotsk, town of, 668.
Oglou, Pasha, 235.
Olaf the Saint, the Hymn of, altered from the Icelandic, 682.
Omoo, review of, 754.
Orleans, Dowager Duchess of, Anecdote of, 11.
Orleans, the Regent, 530.
Opera Comique at Paris, the, 180.
Oswald, Prince, 84.
Ottoman Empire, present state of the, 685.
Overland Journey round the Globe, Simpson's, review of, 653.
Pacific Rovings, 754.
Pano di Grajo, a Neapolitan leader, 165, 169.
Palais Royal, the, 191.
Paris, Sketches of Society in, 13.
Passaruang, town of, 332.
Pauperism and its treatment, 261.
Peel, Sir Robert, reflections on the career of, 93.
Pelham, Lord, 204, 206.
Pellew's Life of Sidmouth, review of, 473.
Peninsula, latest from the, 350.
PÉpÉ, General, review of the memoirs of, 162.
PÉpÉ, Florestano, 172.
Personal character, importance of, to a statesman, 93.
Peterwardin, battle of, 36.
Picton and the Connaught Rangers, 457.
Pitt, first appearance of, 476
—notices of, 483, 484.
Poacher, the, or Jutland 130 years since, from the Danish.
—I. The Deer Rider, 286.
—II. Ansbjerg, 289.
—III. The Nisse, 292.
—IV. The Elopement, 297.
—V. The Horse Garden, 303.
Poet, the, a Sonnet, 684.
Poet's Auction, the, 62.
—Eric's Dirge, by Delta, 91
—the Stormy Sea, by the same, ib.
—General Mack, 92
—the Early Taken, 230
—To the Stethoscope, 361
—Epigrams, 367
—Four Sonnets, namely, Life, Love, Heaven and Earth, the Prospect, by E. B. Browning, 555
—Epitaph of Constantine Kanaris, 644
—The Maid of Ulva, by Delta, 645
—The Lament of Macrimmon, by the same, ib.
—The Hymn of King Olaf the Saint, 682
—Four Sonnets, by Elizabeth B. Browning, 683.
Police Rates, inequalities of, 250.
Polynesia, sketches of, 754.
Pomaree, Queen, 761, 766.
Pompadour, Madame de, 206.
Poor, treatment of the, 262.
Poors'-rate, inequality of the, 247.
Popular Superstitions, Letters on the truths contained in, No. I. The Divining
Rod, 368
—II. Vampyrism, 432
—III. Spirits, Goblins, Ghosts, 440
—IV. Real Ghosts and Second-sight, 541
—V. Trance and Sleep-waking, 547
—VI. Religious Delusions: the Possessed: Witchcraft, 673.
Portuguese troops, character of the, 464.
Possession, Demoniacal, letter on, 673.
Premier, reflections: suggested by the career of the late, 93.
Prospect, the, a Sonnet, 556.
Prosper MÉrimÉe, notices of the works of, 695.
Prussian Military Memoirs, 65.
Rahden, Baron von, wanderings of an old soldier, reviewed, 65.
Railways in Spain, 352.
Raval the Actor, 193.
Red River Settlement, the, 659.
Reflections suggested by the career of the late Premier, 93.
Regicides, cave of the, and how three of them fared in New England, 333.
Regnier, defeat of, at Maida, 168.
Reichenbach, Count, 68.
Reign of George II., the, 194.
Religious Delusions, letter on, 673.
Ride to Magnesia, a
—stage I. 231
—II. 305.
Robinson, Sir Thomas, 209.
Rosama, a tale of Madrid, 557.
Rosbach, battle of, 41.
Royal Arsenal, the, 426.
Ruffo, Cardinal, 164.
Russia, sketches of, 668.
Salamanca, battle of, 470.
Samson, the executioner of Paris, 15.
Sanchez, Julian, a Spanish Guerilla leader, 463.
San Francisco, harbour of, 662.
Santa Barbara, town of, 665.
Saxe, Marshal, 535.
Saxony, conquest of, by Frederick the Great, 40.
Scio, Island of, 748.
Scotch Marriage Bill, the, 646.
Scotland, new poor law for, 247.
Scottish Melodies, by Delta, Eric's Dirge, 91
—The Stormy Sea, ib.
—The Maid of Ulva, 645
—Lament for Macrimmon, ib.
Secker, Archbishop, character of, 198.
Second-sight, letter on, 541.
Selberg's Java, review of, 318.
Sentimental Journey, a, see New.
Sheldon's Border Minstrelsy, review of, 622.
Sheridan, speech of, on the Begum question, 478
—notices of, 488.
Siberia, sketches of, 668.
Sidmouth, Lord, life and times of, 473.
Simpson's Overland Journey Round the World, review of, 653.
Sitka, Settlement of, 661.
Sleep-waking, letter on, 547.
Smith, John William, memoir of, by Samuel Warren, 129.
Smyrna, city of, 231, 233, 735.
Soor, battle of, 39.
Spain, sketches of modern, 350.
Spirits, Goblins, Ghosts, letter on, 440.
Stamboul, sketches of, 689.
Stamp Duties, inequalities of, 250.
Stethoscope, to the, 361.
Stewart, Sir John, 169.
Storming of the Redoubt, the, 724.
Stormy Sea, the, by Delta, 91.
Sue, Engene, 591.
Superior, Lake, the minerals of, 658.
Surabaya, town of, 324.
Tahiti, sketches of, 758.
Taxation, direct, 243,
true principles of, 258.
Thames, Lays and Legends of the, see Lays.
Theatres of Paris, the, 177.
Theatre des VariÉtÉs, the, 187.
Thill, Colonel, 77.
Thorpe's translation of Lappenberg's Anglo-Saxons, review of, 79, 80.
Tiger Hunting in Java, 326.
Tocqueville's History of the reign of Louis XV., review of, 525.
Torgau, battle of, 43.
Treatment of Pauperism, on the, 261.
True Love, 428.
Turin, battle of, 35.
Turkey, present state of, 685.
Turkish Manners, sketches of, 231.
Turkish Watering Place, a, 735.
Turning Dervishes, the, 689.
Two Sketches, by E. B. Browning, 683.
United States, war of the, with Mexico, 667.
Ural mountains, mines of the, 671.
Vallego, General, 663.
Valona, town of, 231.
Vampyrism, letter on, 432.
Vaudeville at Paris, the, 184, 185.
Vestris, the Dancer, 181.
Vidocq, the Thief-taker, 15.
Villeroi, Marshal, 35.
Visible and Tangible, the, a metaphysical fragment, 580.
Vision, the, 424.
Voltaire, sketches of, 536, 537.
Walpole's reign of George II., review of, 194.
Walpole, Sir Robert, notices of, 197, 203, 204.
Warren, Samuel, memoir of the late John William Smith by, 129.
Watermen of London, the, 262.
Wellington, comparison of Marlborough with, 34
—Sketches of, by Von Rahden, 75, 76.
Whalley the Regicide, 333.
Wheat, on the nut
ritive qualities of, and the various kinds of flour from it, 768.
Wilberforce, anecdotes of, 480.
Wilfrith, Bishop, 88.
Witchcraft, letter on, 673.
Yakutsh, province of, 669.
Yonge, Sir William, 191.
Zenta, battle of, 35.
Zorndorf, battle of, 42.
Zulares, valley of, 666.
Printed by William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh.