About a bonnet, 242.
Aden, town of, 206.
Advice to an author, on the novel and the drama, 679.
Æsthetics of dress:
—A case of hats, 51
—No. II. about a bonnet, 242
—No. III. the cut of a coat and the good of a gown, 608
—No. IV. minor matters, 731.
Affliction of childhood, the, by the English Opium-Eater, 274.
Agriculture, Practical, 298.
Almaden, the quicksilver mines of, 186.
Anacreon's grave, from Goethe, 175.
Apparition of the Brocken, the, by the English Opium-Eater, 747.
Ariosto, remarks on, 404.
Arnold's history of Rome, vol. iii., review of, 752.
Betham's Etruria Celtica, review of, 474.
Blind girl, to a, 98.
Bonnet, about a, 242.
Book of the Farm, review of, 298.
Borodino, an ode, 30.
Bravo, character of, 601.
Breeze, the, from Goethe, 173.
British critics, North's specimens of, No. I. Dryden, 133
—No. II. Dryden and Pope, 369
—No. III. Dryden, 503
—No. IV. Dryden on Chaucer, 617
—No. V. the same, concluded, 771.
British history during the eighteenth century, 353.
Brothers, the, from Goethe, 176.
Cairo, town of, 210.
Calm at sea, the, from Goethe, 173.
Campagna of Rome, the, 546.
Case of hats, a, 51.
Cattaro, sketches of, 34.
Cavalier's choice, from Goethe, 174.
Cennino Cennini on painting, 717.
Cervantes, remarks on, 8.
Ceylon, sketch of, 204.
Chapman's Homer, remarks on, 381.
Chaucer, Dryden on, 617, 771.
Chosen rock, the, from Goethe, 177.
Coleridge and opium-eating, 117.
Comfort in tears, from Goethe, 170.
Confessions of an English Opium-eater, a sequel to. Introductory notice, 269
—Part I. The affliction of childhood, 274
—Part I. continued, 489.
—Part I. concluded, The Palimpsest, 739
—Levana and our Ladies of Sorrow, 743
—The apparition of the Brocken, 747
—Finale to Part I., Savannah-la-Mar, 750.
Critics, the British—see British.
Cuba, insurrection in, 605.
Cut of a coat, the, 608.
Dance of death, from Goethe, 167.
Dante, characteristics of, 2, 9.
Death trance, from Goethe, 177.
Delta, stanzas written after the funeral of Sir David Milne, by, 766.
Desert, journey across the, 204.
Draining land, on, 299.
Drama and the novel, the, 679.
Dress, Æsthetics of, a case of hats, 51
—No. II. about a bonnet, 242
—No. III. The cut of a coat and the good of a gown, 608.
Dryden as a critic, 133, 369, 503—as a translator, 511—on Chaucer, 617,
Dumas, M., the three guardsmen by, 59.
Egypt, sketches of, 286.
Englishwoman in Egypt, the, 286.
Etruria Celtica, review of, 474.
Etudes des SciÉnces Sociales, review of, 529.
Evening, from Goethe, 173.
Exculpation, from Goethe, 179.
Fairest flower, the, from Goethe, 168.
Fasti of Ovid, translation from the, 94.
Forced sale, the, 99
—Chap. II., 103
—Chap. III, 107
—Chap. IV., 111.
France, state of manners, &c., in, before the Revolution, 705.
George III., review of Walpole's memoirs of, 353.
German-American romances
—The Viceroy and the Aristocracy, or Mexico in 1812
—Part I., Introduction, 251
—Chap. I., 257—Chap. XI., 262
—Part II., 331
—Chap. XVIII., 333
—Chap. XIX., 340
—Chap. XX., 345
—Chap. XXIII., 349
—Part III., 561
—Chap. XLI., 572
—Chap. XLII., 575.
Gillman's life of Coleridge, strictures on, 117.
Glance at the Peninsula, 595.
Goethe—see Poems.
Good of a gown, the, 608.
Grant to Maynooth, the, 647.
Hannibal, 752.
Hats, a case of, 51.
History, on translating, 507.
Holy family, the, from Goethe, 178.
Homer, on the translation of, 507.
Homer, Dante, and Michael Angelo, 1.
Homeward bound, 18.
Hood, Thomas, stanzas to the memory of, by B. Simmons, 768.
Husbandman, the, from Goethe, 175.
Isabel, Queen of Spain, character of 598.
Janus, from the Fasti of Ovid, 94.
J.D. To a Blind Girl, by, 98
—Stanzas by, 314.
Juvenal, remarks on, 516.
King in Thule, the, from Goethe, 166.
Lebrun's Lawsuit, 705.
Leon, General, 606.
Letters of the Dead, by B. Simmons, 114.
Levana and our Ladies of Sorrow, by the English Opium-Eater, 743.
Lopez, character of, 601.
Love's Hour-Glass, from Goethe, 176.
Lucretius, remarks on, 517.
Malmesbury's Diary and Correspondence, review of, 315.
Malta, 215.
Marriage unequal, from Goethe, 178.
Marston; or, Memoirs of a Statesman
—Part XV., 75
—Part XVI., 461
—Part XVII., 679.
Matanzas, insurrection at, 605.
Maynooth, 647.
Merrifield, Mrs., translation of Cennino Cennini on Painting, by, 717.
Mesmerism, 219.
Mexico in 1812
—Part I., 251
—Part II., 331
—Part III., 561.
Michael Angelo, 1, 15.
Midnight Watch, the
—Chap. I., 424
—Chap. II., 431
—Chap. III., 439
—Chap. IV., 444.
Milne, Sir David, stanzas written after the funeral of, by Delta, 766.
Milton, critiques on, 5, 503.
Modern Political Economy, remarks on, 529.
Mohammed Ali, 215.
Montenegro, a ramble in, 33.
Muse's mirror, from Goethe, 179.
My first spec in the Biggleswades, 549.
Narvaez, characte of, 599.
New love, from Goethe, 179.
North's Specimens of the British Critics, No. I., Dryden, 133
—No. II., Dryden and Pope, 369
—No. III., Dryden, 503
—No. IV, Dryden on Chaucer, 617
—the same, concluded, 771.
Novel and the Drama, the, 679.
O'Donnell, governor of Cuba, 605.
Opium-Eater, a sequel to the confessions of the, introductory notice, 269
—Part I. The affliction of childhood, 274
—Part I. continued, 489
—concluded; the Palimpsest, 739
—Levana and our Ladies of Sorrow, 743
—the apparition of the Brocken, 747
—Finale to Part I., Savannah-la-Mar, 750.
Overland passage, the, 204.
Ovid's Fasti, translation from, 94.
Painting, Cennino Cennini on, 717.
Park, the, from Goethe, 178.
Parting precepts, by B. Simmons, 114.
Pauperism, increase of, 531.
Peel, E. Borodino, an ode by, 30.
Peninsula, a glance at the, 595.
Perfect bliss, from Goethe, 176.
Philomela, from Goethe, 177.
Phoebus and Hermes, from Goethe, 179.
Ping-Kee's view of the stage, 415.
Poems and ballads of Goethe, No. III. The waterman, 165
—the king in Thule, 166
—the dance of death, 167
—the fairest flower, 168
—sorrow without consolation, 170
—comfort in tears, ib.
—to a golden heart, 171
—welcome and departure, 172
—evening, 173
—a calm at sea, ib.
—the breeze, ib.
—the cavalier's choice, 174
—retribution, 175
—poems after the manner of the antique; the husbandman, ib.
—Anacreon's grave, ib.
—the brothers, 176
—Love's hourglass, ib.
—warning, ib.
—solitude, ib.
—perfect bliss, ib.
—the chosen rock, 177
—the death-trance, ib.
—Philomela, ib.
—sacred ground, ib.
—the park, 178
—the teachers, ib.
—marriage unequal, ib.
—holy family, ib.
—exculpation, 179
—the muses' mirror, ib.
—Phoebus and Hermes, ib.
—a new love, ib.
—the wreaths, 180
—the Swiss Alp, ib.
—Borodino, an ode, by E. Peel, 30
—Janus, from the Fasti of Ovid, 94
—to a blind girl, 98
—Vanities in verse, by B. Simmons, 114
—the tower of London, by Thomas Roscoe, 158
—the poems and ballads of Goethe, No. III. 165
—stanzas by J. D., 314
—stanzas written after the funeral of Sir David Milne, by Delta, 766
—stanzas to the memory of Thomas Hood, by B. Simmons, 768.
Poetry, on the translation of, 507.
Political economy, remarks on modern, 529.
Pompeii, 218.
Poole's Englishwoman in Egypt, review of, 286.
Pope, critique on, 369.
Practical agriculture, 298.
PÚshkin, the Russian poet, No. I., by Thomas B. Shaw, 657.
Race, the, a Red River recollection, 21.
Ragusa, sketch of, 41.
Ramble in Montenegro, a, 33.
Raphael, characteristics of, 17
—critique on, 411.
Rector's daughter, the Chap. I., 580
—Chap. II., 582
—Chap. III., 585
—Chap. IV., 588
—Chap. V., 590
—Chap. VI., 592
—Chap. VII., 593.
Red River recollections, Chap. I., homeward bound, 18
—Chap. II., the race, 21
—Chap. III., the stag-hunt, 26.
Red Sea, navigation of the, 208.
Retribution, from Goethe, 175.
Revelations of Spain, by an English resident, review of, 595.
—Gillman's life of Coleridge, 117
—Widdrington's Spain and the Spaniards, 181
—Griffith's journey across the desert, 204
—Townsend's facts in mesmerism, 219
—Mrs Poole's Englishwoman in Egypt, 286
—Stephens' book of the farm, 298
—Lord Malmesbury's diaries and correspondence, 315
—Walpole's memoirs of the reign of George III., 353
—Vestiges of the natural history of creation, 448
—Betham's Etruria Celtica, 474
—Sismondi's Études des sciÉnces sociales, 529
—Revelations of Spain, by an English resident, 595
—Cennino Cennini on painting, 717
—Arnold's history of Rome, vol. iii., 752.
Revolution, effects of the, 355.
Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 16.
Rome, causes of the decline of, 546.
Roscoe, Thomas, the tower of London, by, Part I., 158
—Part II., 161.
Sacred ground, from Goethe, 177.
Savannah-la-Mar, by the English Opium-Eater, 750.
Scott, Sir Walter, critique on, 8.
Settled at last, or Red River recollections;
Chap. I., homeward bound, 18
—Chap. II., the race, 21
—Chap. III., the stag-hunt, 26.
Shaw, Thomas B., sketch of the life of PÚshkin, by, 657.
Simmons, B., vanities in verse by
—letters of the dead, 114
—parting precepts, 115
—stanzas to the memory of Thomas Hood, by, 768.
Sismondi, 529.
Slavery in the Spanish colonies, 605.
Solitude, from Goethe, 176.
Sorrow without consolation, from Goethe, 170.
Spain as it is, 181
—present condition of, 595.
State, Ping-Kee's view of the, 415.
Stag-hunt, the, a Red-River recollections, 21.
Stanzas to the memory of Sir David Milne, by Delta, 766
—of Thomas Hood, by B. Simmons, 768.
Stephens' book of the farm, review of, 298.
Superfluities of life, the, a tale from Tieck,
Chap. I., 194
—Chap. II., 198.
Suspiria de profundis; being a sequel to the confessions of an English Opium-Eater.
Introductory notice, 269
—Part I., the affliction of childhood, 274
—Part I. continued, 489
—Part I. concluded, the Palimpsest, 739
—Levana and our Ladies of Sorrow, 743
—the apparition of the Brocken, 747
—Finale to Part I., Savannah-la-Mar, 750.
Swiss Alp, the, from Goethe, 180.
Tasso, critique on, 405.
Teachers, the, from Goethe, 178.
Three guardsmen, the, 59.
Tieck, the superfluities of life by, Chap. I., 194
—Chap. II., 198.
To a blind girl, 98.
To a golden heart, from Goethe, 170.
To Livia, by B. Simmons, 114.
Tower of London, the, by Thomas Roscoe, Part I., 158
—Part II., 161.
Townsend's facts in mesmerism, review of, 219.
Translation, remarks on, 507.
Vanities in verse, by B. Simmons
—Letters of the dead, 114
—parting precepts, 115.
Vestiges of the natural history of creation, review of, 448.
Viceroy and the aristocracy, or Mexico in 1812
—Part I., 251
—Part II., 331
—Part III., 561.
Virgil, remarks on Dryden's translation of, 520.
Virgil, Tasso, and Raphael, 401.
Walpole's memoirs of the reign of George III., review of, 353.
Warning, the, from Goethe, 176.
Waterman, the, from Goethe, 165.
Welcome and departure, from Goethe, 170.
Widdrington's Spain and the Spaniards, review of, 181.
Wreaths, the, from Goethe, 180.
Edinburgh: Printed by Ballantyne and Hughes, Paul's Work.