Affghanistan, 133
general review of the question regarding, 135
motives for the expedition to, 136
means for effecting the objects sought, 141
comparison of the competitors for the throne, 142
resistance to taxation in, 148
causes of the British disasters in, 150, 151.
Agitation the cause of the evils of Ireland, 709.
Alison, Archibald, Esq., speech of, at the Burns' festival, 390.
Ancient canal between the Nile and the Red Sea, historical account of the, 182.
Artist's morning song, the, from Goethe, 419.
Auckland, Lord, review of his Affghanistan policy, 133.
Aytoun, W. E., Esq., speech of, at the Burns' festival, 392.
Banking System, the Scottish, 671*.
Barrett, Elizabeth B., review of the poems of, 621.
Bell, H. G., Esq., speech of, at the Burns' festival, 389.
Blanc, M., his history of ten years reviewed, 265.
Bossuet, character of, as a historian, 789.
Braxfield, lord, letter relating to, 620.
Brenn, the, a Gaulish chief, career of, 471.
Bride of Corinth, the, from Goethe, 57.
Bruce, heart of the, a ballad, 15.
Burke, Edmund, review of the correspondence of, 745.
Burns' festival, account of the, 370
order of the procession, 373
the banquet, 376
speeches of Lord Eglinton, ib.
Professor Wilson, 378
Sir John McNeill, 388
H.G. Bell, Esq., 389
Archibald Alison, Esq., 390
W. E. Aytoun, Esq., 392
Colonel Mure, 393
Sir James Campbell, the Lord Justice-General, &c., 395
stanzas for, by Delta, 399.
Cabul, the war with, 133.
Campbell, Sir James, speech of, at the Burns' festival, 395.
Canal between the Nile and Red Sea, historical account of the, 182.
Castle on the mountain, the, from Goethe, 425.
Catania, 33.
Catharine of Russia, sketch of, 410.
Causes of the increase of crime, on the, 1
districts in which greatest, ib.
in the manufacturing districts, 6
strikes, 8.
Cavalier, the old Scottish, a ballad, 195.
Clarkson, sonnet to, 619.
Commitments for crime, tables of, 1, 2.
Cours de LittÉrature Dramatique, review of, 237.
Crime, causes of the increase of, 1
in the manufacturing districts, 6
increase of, by strikes, 8
by infant labour, 9
inefficiency of the proposed preventives of, 13.
Cupid as a landscape painter, from Geothe, 417.
Delphi, defeat of the Gauls at, 472.
Delta, stanzas for the Burns' festival by, 399
the tombless man, a dream, by, 583.
Doleful lay of the noble wife of Asan Aga, the, from Goethe, 67.
Don John and the heretics of Flanders, 36
Part II., 49.
Dost Mohammed, character of, 142.
Dunning, anecdotes of, 249, 264.
Dwarf's well, the, a legend of Upper Lusatia, 196.
Earthquake of Lisbon, the, 102.
Education, effect of imperfect, in Ireland, 708.
Eglinton, the Earl of, speeches of, at the Burns' festival, 376, 395, 396.
Eldon, Lord, sketch of the career of,
his early life, 245
his first struggles, 249
and first success, 251
enters parliament, 253
becomes solicitor-general, 257
attorney-general, 259
chief-justice of the Common Pleas, 262
and lord chancellor, ib.
his subsequent career, 263.
Emperor, week of an
an account of the visit of the Emperor Nicholas, 127.
Erl king, the, from Goethe, 63.
Etched thoughts by the Etching Club, review of, 153.
Execution of Montrose, the, a ballad, 289.
Fairy tutor, the, a legend of Upper Lusatia, 83.
Falkland islands, affair of the, 406.
Finlay's Greece under the Romans, review of, 524.
First love, from Goethe, 61.
Fisher, the, from Goethe, 65.
Fourier and his system, sketch of, 591.
Frederick the Great, anecdotes of, 404, 409.
French socialists, 588.
Galatia, Gaulish kingdom of, 478.
Gauls, Thierry's history of, reviewed, 466.
Gibbon, character of, as a historian, 788.
Girardin, M., 237.
God, the, and the BayaderÉ, from Goethe, 421.
Goethe, Poems and Ballads of, No. I. Introduction, 54
the bride of Corinth, 57
first love, 61
who'll buy a Cupid? 62
second life, ib.
the erl-king, 63
Mignon, 64
the fisher, 65
the minstrel, ib.
the violet, 66
the doleful lay of the noble wife of Asan Aga, 67
No. II. Cupid as a landscape painter, 417
the artist's morning song, 419
the god and the bayaderÉ, 421
the treasure-seeker, 423
the castle on the mountain, 425
Philine's song, 426
to my mistress, 427
the wild rose, ib.
a night thought, 428
Prometheus, ib.
new love, new life, 429
separation, 430
the magician's apprentice, ib.
Great Britain, increase of crime in, 1.
Great country's little wars, a, review of, 133.
Great drought, the, 433
Chap. II., 436
Chap. III., 438
Chap. IV., 440
Chap. V., 442
Chap. VI., 452.
Greece under the Romans, review of, 524.
Grievances of Ireland, examination of the alleged, 701
the true, 708.
Guizot, M., review of the historical works of, 786.
Hardy, trial of, for high treason, 261.
Harris, James, career of, 401.
Heart of the Bruce, the, a ballad, 15.
Hill, Mr Sergeant, anecdotes of, 247.
Histoire des dix ans, review of, 265.
Historical account of the ancient canal between the Nile and the Red Sea, 182.
Hope, the Right Hon. Charles, letter from, 620.
Hume, character of, as a historian, 788.
Hydro Bacchus, 77.
Increase of crime, causes of, 1
districts in which greatest, ib.
Infant labour, increase of crime attributable to, 9.
Injured Ireland, 701.
Introduction to his poems, from Goethe, 54.
Ireland, increase of crime in, 1
examination of the question as to the injuries of, 701
its comparative freedom from taxation, 702
its representation in parliament, 703
municipal law, 706
alleged debarring of Roman Catholics from office, 707
true evils of, and their causes, 708.
Irish state trials, reversal of the judgment, 539.
It is no fiction, 364.
Jesuits, expulsion of the, from Portugal, 109
extinction of the order, 112.
Johnson, Dr, anecdotes of, 247, 257.
Knights, last of the
Don John and the heretics of Flanders, 36
Part II., 49.
Lamartine, review of the travels of, 657.
Last of the knights, the
Don John and the heretics of Flanders, 36
Part II., 49.
Lee, J., anecdotes of, 249, 255.
Letter to the editor, from the Right Hon. Charles Hope, 620.
Life in Louisiana, Chap. I., a Voyage on the Red River, 507
Chap. II., Creole life, 514
Chap. III., quite unexpected, 518.
Lines on the landing, of Louis Philippe, by B. Simmons, 654.
Lisbon, the great earthquake of, 102.
Louis Philippe, elevation of, to the throne, 272
lines on the landing of, by B. Simmons, 654.
Louisiana, life in, Chap. I., 507
Chap. II., 514
Chap. III., 518.
Love chase, in prose, a, Chap. I., 164
Chap. II., 166
Chap. III., 170
Chap. IV., 173
Chap. V., 178.
Lunatic asylum of Palermo, the, 20.
Lusatia, traditions and tales of, No. II.,
the fairy tutor, 83
No. III., the dwarf's well, 196
No. IV., the moor maiden, 726.
Lushington on the Affghan war, 133.
Luther, an ode, 80.
Machiavel, character of, as a historian, 787.
McNeill, Sir John, speech of, at the Burns' festival, 388.
Magician's apprentice, the, from Goethe, 430.
Maid of Orleans, remarks on the, 216.
Malmesbury, life of the Earl of, reviewed, 401.
Manufacturing districts, increase of crime in the, 2.
Marston; or, Memoirs of a Statesman
Part XII., 114
Part XIII., 343
Part XIV., 601.
Martin Luther, an ode, 80.
Memoirs of a Statesman—see Marston.
Memoirs of the Marquis of Pombal, review of, 100.
Memoranda of a month's tour in Sicily
the museum of Palermo, 20
lunatic asylum, ib.
miscellanea, 21
journey to Segeste, 23
Sicilian inns, 24
approach to Messina, 28
journey to Taormina, 30
Catania, 33
Messina, approach to, 28.
Mignon, from Goethe, 64.
Milkman of Walworth, the, Chap. I., 687
Chap. II., 691
Chap. III., 693
Chap. IV., 696.
Minstrel, the, from Goethe, 65.
Montesquieu, character of, as a historian, 789.
Montrose, execution of, a ballad, 289.
Moor maiden, the, 726.
Mure, Colonel, speech of, at the Burns' festival, 393.
Museum of Palermo, the, 20.
My college friends
No. I. John Brown, 569
No. II., the same concluded, 763.
My first love, a sketch in New York, 69.
My last courtship; or, life in Louisiana
Chap. I. A voyage on the Red River, 507
Chap. II., Creole life, 514
Chap. III., quite unexpected, 518.
Natural history of man, Prichard's, review of, 312.
Nelson's dispatches and letters, review of, 775.
New love, new life, from Goethe, 429.
Nicholas, the Emperor, visit of, to Great Britain, 127.
Night on the banks of the Tennessee, a, 278.
Night thought, a, from Goethe, 428.
Nile and the Red Sea, the, historical account of the ancient canal between, 182.
North, Lord, anecdotes of, 255.
O'Connell case, the
Was the judgment rightly reversed? 539
statement of the case, 541
the indictment, 542
verdict of the jury, 544
the motion in arrest of judgment, 545
the judgment, ib.
the writ of error, ib.
opinions of the judges, 548
and of the peers, 553
general remarks on the case, 561
Old Scottish cavalier, the, a ballad, by W. E. A., 195.
Oporto wine company, origin of the, 106.
Palermo, sketches of, 20.
Passages in the life of a Russian officer, 713.
Patmore's poems, review of, 331.
Philine's song, from Goethe, 426.
Poems and ballads of Goethe, the
No. I. Introduction, 54
the bride of Corinth, 57
first love, 61
who'll buy a Cupid, 62
second life, ib.
the erl-king, 63
Mignon, 64
the fisher, 65
the minstrel, ib.
the violet, 66
the doleful lay of the noble wife of Asan Aga, 67
No. II. Cupid as a landscape painter, 417
the artist's morning song, 419
the god and the bayaderÉ, 421
the treasure-seeker, 423
the castle on the mountain, 425
Philine's song, 426
to my mistress, 427
the wild rose, ib.
a night thought, 428
Prometheus, ib.
new love, new life, 429
separation, 430
the magician's apprentice, ib.
The heart of the Bruce, 15
poems and ballads of Goethe, No. I., 54
Hydro Bacchus, 77
Martin Luther, an ode, 80
the old Scottish cavalier, 195
the execution of Montrose 289
stanzas for the Burns' festival, by Delta, 399
poems and ballads of Goethe, No. II., 417
the tombless man, by Delta, 583
sonnet to Clarkson, 619
Westminster hall and the works of art, by B. Simmons, 652
lines on the landing of Louis Philippe, by the same, 654
"That's what we are," 741.
Poland, the partition of, 405, 407.
Pombal, Marquis of, sketch of the career of, 100.
Portugal, history of, during the administration of the Marquis of Pombal, 100.
Prichard's natural history of man, review of, 312.
Prometheus, from Goethe, 428.
Ptolemy, completion of the canal between the Nile and the Red Sea by, 185.
Radzivil, Prince, sketch of, 406.
Red Sea and the Nile, history of the ancient canal between, 182.
Remarks on Schiller's maid of Orleans, 216.
Smith's memoirs of the Marquis of Pombal, 100
Lushington's a great country's little wars, 133
Etched thoughts by the Etching Club, 153
M. Girardin's cours de littÉrature dramatique, 237
Twiss's memoirs of the Earl of Eldon, 245
Blanc's histoire de dix ans, 265
Prichard's natural history of man, 312
Poems by Coventry Patmore, 331
Life of Lord Malmesbury, 401
Thierry's history of the Gauls, 466
Finlay's Greece under the Romans, 524
Reybaud on French socialism, 588
Poems by Elizabeth B. Barrett, 621
Lamartine's travels, 657
Burke's correspondence, 745
Nelson's despatches and letters, 775
Guizot, 786.
Reybaud on French socialism, review of, 588.
Robertson, character of, as a historian, 790.
Russian officer, passages in the life of a, 713.
St Simon, sketch of, 273.
Schiller's maid of Orleans, remarks on, 216.
Scotland, increase of crime in, 1.
Scott, Sir John see Eldon.
Scott, Sir William, sketches of, 246, 254.
Scottish banking system, the, 671*.
Scottish cavalier, the, a ballad, 195.
Scottish peasantry, character of the, 370.
Second life, from Goethe, 62.
Segeste, journey to, 23.
Separation, from Goethe, 430.
Shah Soojah, character of, 143.
Sicilian inns, 24.
Sicily, memorandum of a month's tour in
the museum of Palermo, 20
the lunatic asylum, ib.
miscellanea, 21
journey to Segeste, 23
Sicilian inns, 24
approach to Messina, 28
journey to Taormina, 30
Catania, 33.
Simmons, B., Westminster hall and the works of art by, 652
lines on the landing of Louis Philippe by, 654.
Sismondi, character of, as a historian, 792.
Sketch in New York, a My first love, 69.
Smith's memoirs of the Marquis of Pombal, review of, 100.
Socialism in France, history of, 588.
Some remarks on Schiller's maid of Orleans, 216.
Sonnet to Clarkson, 619.
Stanzas for the Burns' festival, by Delta, 299.
Stolen child, the, a true tale of the Backwoods, 227.
Stowell, Lord, sketches of, 246, 254.
Strikes as a cause of the increase of crime, 8.
Taormina, journey to, 30.
Taxation, resistance to, in Affghanistan, 149
comparative lightness of in Ireland, 702.
Tender conscience, a, 454.
Tennessee, a night on the banks of the, 278.
"That's what we are," a poem, 741.
Thierry's history of the Gauls, review of, 466.
Thurlow, Lord, anecdotes of, 258, 259, 263.
To my mistress, from Goethe, 427.
Tombless man, the, a dream, by Delta, 583.
Traditions and tales of Upper Lusatia, No. II., the fairy tutor, 83
No. III., the dwarf's well, 196
No. IV., the moor maiden, 726.
Treasure seeker, the, from Goethe, 423.
Twiss's life of Lord Eldon, review of, 245.
Up stream; or steam-boat reminiscences, 64.
Violet, the, from Goethe, 66.
Voltaire, character of, as a historian, 787.
W. E. A., Heart of the Bruce by, 15
the old Scottish cavalier by, 195
the execution of Montrose, by, 289.
Walworth, the milkman of, 687.
Week of an emperor, the, 127.
Westminster hall and the works of art on a free admission day, by B. Simmons, 652.
Who'll buy a Cupid, from Goethe, 62.
Wild rose, the, from Goethe, 427.
Wilson, Professor, speech of, at the Burns' festival, 378.
Witchfinder, the Part I., 297
conclusion, 487.
Writ of error, proceedings on the, 545.
Edinburgh: Printed by Ballantyne and Hughes, Paul's Work.
Transcriber's Notes:
The original text includes two page 671 and two 672; the second of each is preceded by an asterisk as is presented in this document.
Additional spacing after some of the block quotes is intentional to indicate both the end of a quotation and the beginning of a new paragraph as is in the original text.
The original Greek included a variant form of "rho" which could not be duplicated.