Birds, The Return of the pages 101
Bird Song 187-8
Bird Day in the Schools 129-138
Birds and Farmers 213
Black Bird, Red-winged, Agelaeus Phoeniceus 64-68-70-71
Blue Bird, Sialia Sialis 75-76-78
Bobolink, Dolichonyx Gryzivorus 92-3-4
Bunting, Indigo, Passerina Cyanea 172-3
Catbird, Galeoscoptes Carolinensis 183-4-6
Chickadee, Black-capped, Parus Atricopillus 164-5-7
Cock of the Rock 19-21
Crossbill, American, Loxia Curvirostra 126-7
Crow, American, Corvus Americanus 97-8-100
Duck, Mandarin, A. Galericulata 8-9-11
Flicker, Colaptes Auratus 89-90
Fly-catcher, Scissor-tailed, Milvulus Forficatus 161-3
Gallinule, Purple, Ionoruis Martinica 120-1
Grebe, Pied-billed, Podilymbus Podiceps 134-5-7
Grosbeak, Rose-breasted, Habia Ludoviciana 113-115
Grouse, Ruffed, Bonasa Umbellus 218-220-221
Gull, Ring-billed, Larus Delawarensis 198-199
Halo, The 150
Hawk, Marsh, Circus Hudsonius 158-159
Hawk, Night, Chordeiles Virginianus 175-6-8
Heron, Black-crowned, Nycticorax Nycticorax Naevius 196-7
Jay, American Blue, Cyanocitta Cristata 39-41
Jay, Arizona Green, Xanthoura Luxuosa 146-148
Jay, Canada, Perisoreus Canadensis 116-17-19
Kingfisher, American, Ceryle Alcyon 60-61-63
Lark, Meadow, Sturnella Magna 105-7-8
Longspur, Smith’s, Calcarius PictusLongspur, Smith’s, Calcarius Pictus 123-5
Lory, Blue Mountain Summer Excursion Tickets to the resorts of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Colorado, California, Montana, Washington, Oregon, and British Columbia; also to Alaska, Japan, China, and all Trans-Pacific Points, are now on sale by the CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY. Full and reliable information can be had by applying to Mr. C. N. SOUTHER, Ticket Agent, 95 Adams Street, Chicago.

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This wheel is made especially for the Nature Study Publishing Co., to be used as a premium. It is unique in design, of material the best, of workmanship unexcelled. No other wheel on the market can compare favorably with it for less than $100.00.


Frame.—Diamond pattern; cold-drawn seamless steel tubing; 11/8 inch tubing in the quadrangle with the exception of the head, which is 11/4inch. Height, 23, 24, 25 and 26 inches. Rear triangle 3/4 inch tubing in the lower and upright bars. Frame Parts.—Steel drop forgings, strongly reinforced connections. Forks.—Seamless steel fork sides, gracefully curved and mechanically reinforced. Steering Head.—9, 11 and 13 inches long, 11/4 inches diameter. Handle Bar.—Cold-drawn, weldless steel tubing, 7/8 inch in diameter, ram’s horn, upright or reversible, adapted to two positions. Handles.—Cork or corkaline; black, maroon or bright tips. Wheels.—28 inch, front and rear. Wheel Base.—43 inches. Rims.—Olds or Plymouth. Tires.—Morgan & Wright, Vim, or Hartford. Spokes.—Swaged, Excelsior Needle Co.’s best quality; 28 in front and 32 in rear wheel. Cranks.—Special steel, round and tapered; 61/2 inch throw. Pedals.—Brandenburg; others on order. Chain.1/4 inch, solid link, with hardened rivet steel centers. Saddle.—Black, attractive and comfortable; our own make. Saddle Post.—Adjustable, style “T.” Tread. —47/8 inches. Sprocket Wheels.—Steel drop forgings, hardened. Gear.—68 regular; other gears furnished if so desired. Bearings.—Made of the best selected high-grade tool steel, carefully ground to a finish after tempering, and thoroughly dust-proof. All cups are screwed into hubs and crank hangers. Hubs.—Large tubular hubs, made from a solid bar of steel. Furnishing.—Tool-bag, wrench, oiler, pump and repair kit. Tool Bags.—In black or tan leather, as may be preferred. Handle bar, hubs, sprocket wheels, cranks, pedals, seat post, spokes, screws, nuts and washers, nickel plated over copper; remainder enameled. Weight.—22 and 24 pounds.

Send for Specifications for Diamond Frame.

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