VOLUME V.—JANUARY, 1899, TO MAY, 1899, INCLUSIVE. - Acorns, Two, 210
- Animals, Among, 185
- Animals, Hibernation of, 84
- Arbutus, The Trailing, 229
- Athena, The Birth of, 29
- Azalea, The, 143
- Baboon (Cynocephalus babuin), 217
- Bat, The Hoary (Atalapha cinerea), 166
- Bees, About, 17
- Birds, Defense of Some, 211
- Birds, Migratory, 37
- Birds that Do Not Sing, 188
- Bird Life, Destruction of, 109
- Birds as Shepherds, 20
- Bluebird, The, 181
- Boarder, A Transient, 101
- Bread Crumbs, The Charity of, 115
- Busybodies, Little, 113
- Butternut, The (Juglans cinerea), 96
- Cineraria, 236
- Cloves (Eugenia caryophyllata Thunberg), 121
- Cocoa-nut (Cocos nucifera), 95
- Coffee, 197
- Cony, The (Hyrax), 203
- Crusade, The Feather, 221
- Desert, The Ship of the, 37
- Eagle, The, 24 and 36
- Egg Collecting, 216
- Fashions, Spring, 186
- Feathers, 161
- February, 73
- Flowers, The Language of, 74
- Fox, The Kit (Vulpes velox), 182
- Ginger (Zingiber Officinale Roscoe), 49
- God's Silence and His Voices Also, 222
- Grape, The, 178
- Gull, Bonaparte's (Larus philadelphia), 215
- Hare, Epitaph of a, 98
- Hare, The Northern Prairie (Lepus campestris), 106
- Helpless, The, 72
- Holly Tree, The, 12
- Home, An Abandoned, 150 and 198
- Humor, A Vein of, 125
- Hyacinth, The (Hyacinthus orientalis), 191
- Ibis, The White (Guara alba), 71
- Iris, The (Iris versicolor), 74
- Kangaroo, The, 157
- Lemon, The, 13
- Little Billee, The Story of, 41
- Merganser, The Hooded (Lophodytes cucullatus), 118
- Mistletoe, The (Phoradendron flavescens), 22
- Mole, Common American (Scalops aquaticus), 133
- Mole, The Duck, 80
- Mole, The Hairy-tailed (Scapanus breweri), 230
- Mountain Lion (Felis Concolor), 10
- Nature at First Hand, 175
- Noses, 65
- Nutmeg, The (Myristica fragrans Hantheyn), 145
- Nuts, 26
- Oak, The, 134
- Opossum, The Crab-eating (Philander philander), 59
- Owl, The American Barn (Strix pratincola), 155
- Owls, 78
- Owls' Sanctuary, The, 223
- Peacock, The, 77
- Pine, The Edible, 96
- Pineapple, The (Ananassa sativa), 110
- Pool, The Summer, 218
- Pokagon, Chief Simon, 173
- Preacher Bird, The, 194
- Puma (Felis concolor), 10
- Quadrille, The Quails', 176
- Quarrel between Jenny Wren and the Flycatchers, 192
- Redbreast, Invitation to the, 158
- Sandhill crane, The (Grus Mexicana), 46
- Sap Action, 54
- Seeds, How Birds Carry, 37
- Skin, 137
- Snapping Turtle, The (Chelydra serpentina), 38
- Snowflakes, 89
- Spring, The Coming of, 168
- Springtime, A, 156
- Study, A Window, 90
- Squirrel's Use of His Tail, 103
- Tarsier, The, 228
- Tess (Simia troglodytes), 1
- Thrush, The Water (Seiurus novebora censis), 227
- Tongues, 5
- Trees, 233
- Trumpeters, The, 120
- Tufted Titmouse, The (Parus bicolor), 97
- Turgenief, Prose Poems of Ivan, 180
- Turtle, The Geographic (Malacoclemmys geographicus), 62
- Vultures, Vision and Scent of, 163
- Walnut, The Black (Juglans Nigra), 96
- Warning, A Timely, 89
- Washington and Lincoln, 60
- Warbler, The Nashville (Helminthophila rubricapella), 169
- Warbler, The Cape May (Dendroica tigrina), 86
- Wax Wing, Cedar (Ampelis cedrorum), 193
- Whip-poor-will, 2 and 34
- Wild Animals, Taming the Smaller, 127
- Woodchuck, The (Arctomys monax), 130
- Woodmen, Five Little, 91
- Woodpecker Story, Emerson and the, 56