VOLUME IV.—JULY TO DECEMBER, 1898. - A Bloodless Sportsman, 39
- A Book By the Brook, 39
- Acorn, Thirty Miles for an, 29
- African Folk Lore, 12
- Ah Me!, 113
- Alaska, Birds of, 95
- All Nature, 37
- Almond, Flowering (Amygdalus communis), 193-5
- Animals and Music, 159
- Animals' Rights, 225
- Animals, Some Propensities of, 81
- Animals, Talk of, 140
- Animals and Water, 84
- Animal World, In the, 136
- Antelope, The Pigmy (Antilope pigmea), 94-95
- Apple Blossoms, 36
- Armadillo as a Pet, 12
- Armadillo (Tatusia novemcincta), 146-7
- Autumn, 132
- Azamet, the Hermit, and His Dumb Friends, 33
Bat, Black (Scotophilus carolinensis) | } | 170-1 | Bat, Red (Atalapha noveboracensis) | - Bats, Tame, 168
- Birds, 163
- Bird, A Little, 162
- Bird Courtship, 164
- Birds Foretell Marriage, 16
- Birds in the Garden and Orchard, 153
- Birds in the Iliad, 234
- Birds Mentioned in the Bible, 48
- Bird of Paradise, The King (Cincinnurus regius), 124-7
- Birds, Sleeping Places of, 164
- Birds and Animals of the Philippines, 48
- Birds, Reasoning Powers of, 43
- Birds in Storms, 163
- Bobolink's Song, 61
- Butterfly, The, 142
- Butterflies, 102
- Butterflies (illustrations), 23, 63, 103, 143, 183, 223
- Butterflies, How Protected, 62
- Butterfly Trade, 22
- Butterflies Love to Drink, 182
- Cactus (Echinocadus le Contii) (Mamillaria Sheerii), 210-11
- Christmas Trees, 220
- Color Photographs and Conversation Lessons, 194
- Constantinople, From, 158
- Count? Can Animals, 180
- Country, A Gameless, 229
- Dolphin, The Bottlenose (Tursiops tursio), 134-5
- Doves of Venice, 100
- Ears, 121
- Eyes, 117
- Farewell, The Turkey's, 162
- Fern, The Petrified, 83
- Flowers, The Death of the, 189
- Flowers, The Use of, 34
- Fox, The American Gray (Vulpes virginianus), 105-7
- Fox, The Red (Vulpes fulvus), 66-9
- Golden-eye, American (Glaucionetta clangula americana), 230-1
- Golden-rod (Solidago Virga-aurea), 154-5
- Grouse, Prairie Sharp-tailed (PediocÆtes phasianellus campestris), 166-167
- Gull, Herring (Larus argentatus Smithsonianus), 86-7
- Hawk, Red-shouldered (Buteo lineatus), 96-9
- Hen, Prairie (Tympanucus americanus), 18-19
- Humming-birds (1 Lampornis gramineus) (2 Pelasophora anais) (3 White-tailed), 216-19
- Instinct and Reason, 73
- Lion, African (Felis leo), 206-7
- Loon, The (Urinator imber), 58-9
- Midsummer, 65
- Miscellany, 109
- Mocking-birds at Tampa, Florida, 61
- Myths and the Mistletoe, 212
- Nature's Adjustments, 41
- Nature's Grotesque, 149
- Nature Study and Nature's Rights, 176
- Nature, The Voice of, 136
- Nature's Orchestra, 161
- Ocelot, The (Felis pardalis), 30-1
- October, 157
- Otter, American (Lutra canadensis), 172-5
- Peccary (Dicotyles torquatus), 128-31
- Pet, A Household, 52
- Pigeon, The Passenger, 25
- Plover, The Golden (Charadrius dominicus), 178-9
- Porcupine, Canadian (Erethizon dorsatus), 186-7
- Puffin, The Tufted (Lunda cirrhata), 138-9
- Rabbit, The American (Lepus sylvaticus), 26-7
- Raccoon, American (Procyon lotor), 90-1
- Red Head (Aythya americana), 150-1
- Sandpiper, The Least (Tringa minutilla), 70-1
- Sandpiper, The Pectoral (Tringa maculata), 114-15
- Secrets of an Old Garden, 16
- Seminary for Teaching Birds How to Sing, 78
- Sheep, Mountain (Ovis montana), 74-5
- Silk Worm, The (Bombyx mori), 222-3
- Skunk, American (Mephitis varians), 233
- Skylark, The, 176
- Snipe, Wilson's (Gallinago delicata), 6-7
- Snowflakes, 229
- Songsters, About the, 21
- Sparrow, New Champion for, 135
- Squirrels, Flying (Pteromys volucella), 214-15
- Squirrel, Fox (Sciurus cinereus), 54-6
- Squirrel, American Gray (Sciurus carolinensis), 110-11
- Squirrel, The Hunted, 119
- Squirrel, Red (Sciurus hudsonius), 14-15
- Squirrel Road, The, 44
- Squirrel Town, 4
- Summary, 40, 80, 120, 160, 200, 238
- Symbol, A, 208
- Tern, Caspian (Sterna tschograva), 190-1
- Tern, The Common (Sterna hirundo), 46-7
- Useful Birds of Prey, 88
- Voices, 201
- Vulture, California (Pseudogryphus californianus), 226-7
- Walk, A Winter's, 221
- Wild Birds in London, 92
- Wolf, Black (Canis occidentalis), 8-11
- Wolf, Prairie (Canis latrans), 50-1
- Wren, The Envious, 185