Cuddly Hour

[Page Twenty]
Knitted Shawl See opposite page.
Knitted Shawl See opposite page.

[Page Twenty One]


Illustrated on opposite page

MATERIALS: 2 ply BEEHIVE FINGERING. 6 ozs. White. Two No. 7 Beehive Knitting Needles.

MEASUREMENTS: Approx. 40 ins. × 40 ins.

Tension: 7 sts. and 8 rows = 1 inch.

THE CENTRE: Cast on 3 sts. 1st row: W.r.n. Knit to end of row. Repeat first row until there are 64 loops up each side of work. Next row: W.r.n. K3tog. Knit to end of row. Repeat last row to 3 sts. Cast off.

The shawl may be made larger by repeating the first row as given for centre until extra loops, divisible by 16, are obtained at each side. Then for every extra 16 loops there will be one more pattern in the border at each side of the shawl.

THE BORDER: With right side of work facing, pick up and knit the loops from one side. Next row: W.r.n. Knit to end of row. Proceed:–

1st row: W.r.n. K1. *K5. (Wl. fwd. Sl. 1. K1. p.s.s.o.) 3 times. K5. Repeat from * to end of row.

2nd and alternate rows: W.r.n. Knit to end of row.

3rd row: W.r.n. K3. *K2. K2tog. Wl. fwd. K1. (Wl. fwd. Sl. 1. K1. p.s.s.o.) 3 times. K5. Repeat from * to end of row.

5th row: W.r.n. K5. *(K2tog. Wl. fwd.) twice. K1. (Wl. fwd. Sl. 1. K1. p.s.s.o.) 3 times. K5. Repeat from * to end of row.

7th row: W.r.n. K5. *(K2tog. Wl. fwd.) 3 times. K1. (Wl. fwd. Sl. 1. K1. p.s.s.o.) 3 times. K3. Repeat from * to last 2 sts. K2.

9th row: W.r.n. K5. *(K2tog. Wl. fwd.) 3 times. K3. (Wl. fwd. Sl. 1. K1. p.s.s.o.) 3 times. K1. Repeat from * to last 4 sts. K4.

11th row: W.r.n. K5. K2tog. *Wl. fwd. (K2tog. Wl. fwd.) twice. K5. (Wl. fwd. Sl. 1. K1. p.s.s.o.) twice. Wl. fwd. Sl. 1. K2tog. p.s.s.o. Repeat from * to last 20 sts. Wl. fwd. (K2tog. Wl. fwd.) twice. K5. (Wl. fwd. Sl. 1. K1. p.s.s.o.) 3 times. K5.

13th row: W.r.n. K5. K2tog. *Wl. fwd. (K2tog. Wl. fwd.) twice. K7. Wl. fwd. Sl. 1. K1. p.s.s.o. Wl. fwd. Sl. 1. K2tog. p.s.s.o. Repeat from * to last 6 sts. Wl. fwd. K6.

15th row: W.r.n. K5. K2tog. *Wl. fwd. (K2tog. Wl. fwd.) twice. K9. Wl. fwd. Sl. 1. K2tog. p.s.s.o. Repeat from * to last 8 sts. Wl. fwd. K2tog. Wl. fwd. K6.

16th row: W.r.n. Knit to end of row.

Repeat these 16 rows 3 times. Then 1st. to 15th row once. 16th row: K144 sts. Cast on 23 sts. (these 23 sts. form beginning of Peak).

THE PEAK: K23. Turn. Proceed:

1st row: Sl. 1. K2. Wl. fwd. K2tog. K1. Wl. fwd. K2tog. K2. (Wl. fwd. K2tog.) twice. K5. Wl. fwd. K2tog. Wl. fwd. K2.

2nd row: K18. Wl. fwd. K2tog. K1. Wl. fwd. (K2tog.) twice. Turn. (The last 2 sts. knit together are 1. st. from the peak and 1. st. from the shawl, thus attaching the peak to the shawl. The peak is attached in this manner every alternate row as instructed).

3rd row: Sl. 1. K2. Wl. fwd. K2tog. K1. Wl. fwd. K2tog. K3. (Wl. fwd. K2tog.) twice. K5. Wl. fwd. K2tog. Wl. fwd. K2.

4th row: K19. Wl. fwd. K2tog. K1. Wl. fwd. (K2tog.) twice. Turn.

5th row: Sl. 1. K2. Wl. fwd. K2tog. K1. Wl. fwd. K2tog. K4. (Wl. fwd. K2tog.) twice. K5. Wl. fwd. K2tog. Wl. fwd. K2.

6th row: K20. Wl. fwd. K2tog. K1. Wl. fwd. (K2tog.) twice. Turn.

7th row: Sl. 1. K2. Wl. fwd. K2tog. K1. Wl. fwd. K2tog. K5. (Wl. fwd. K2tog.) twice. K5. Wl. fwd. K2tog. Wl. fwd. K2.

8th row: K21. Wl. fwd. K2tog. K1. Wl. fwd. (K2tog.) twice. Turn.

9th row: Sl. 1. K2. Wl. fwd. K2tog. K1. Wl. fwd. K2tog. K6. (Wl. fwd. K2tog.) twice. K5. Wl. fwd. K2tog. Wl. fwd. K2.

10th row: K22. Wl. fwd. K2tog. K1. Wl. fwd. (K2tog.) twice. Turn.

11th row: Sl. 1. K2. Wl. fwd. K2tog. K1. Wl. fwd. K2tog. K7. (Wl. fwd. K2tog.) twice. K5. Wl. fwd. K2tog. Wl. fwd. K2.

12th row: K23. Wl. fwd. K2tog. K1. Wl. fwd. (K2tog.) twice. Turn.

13th row: Sl. 1. K2. Wl. fwd. K2tog. K1. Wl. fwd. K2tog. K17. Wl. fwd. K2tog. Wl. fwd. K2.

14th row: K24. Wl. fwd. K2tog. K1. Wl. fwd. (K2tog.) twice. Turn.

15th row: Sl. 1. K2. Wl. fwd. K2tog. K1. Wl. fwd. K2tog. K22.

16th row: Cast off 7 sts. loosely. K17. Wl. fwd. K2tog. K1. Wl. fwd. (K2tog.) twice. Turn.

This completes 1 Peak. Repeat from 1st. to 16th row until all sts. from the border have been worked up. Slip these sts. on spare needle to be carried forward for next side. With right side of work facing, begin again from beginning of border. After working each border pick up sts. of last row of peaks and continue in pattern.

When the 4 sides are completed, cast off peak sts. Sew together cast-on and cast-off edges of peak. Join together corners of border by sewing through loops very loosely in herring bone st. Roll in a damp towel for several hours, then spread out flat, pinning each peak out separately with rustless pins and leave until dry.

(C) SLIPPERS—Illustrated on page 15

MATERIALS: 4 ply MISS CANADA FINGERING. 1 oz. will make 2 prs. Two small Buttons. Two Rose Buds.

For Needles and Tension see page 5.

Beginning with slipper sole, cast on 19 sts. 1st row: K1. *P1. K1. Repeat from * to end of row. Continue in Moss st. inc. 1. st. each end of needle next and every alternate row to 27 sts. on needle. Continue in Moss st. dec. 1. st. each end of needle every alternate row to 19 sts. on needle. Work 2 rows even, casting on 6 sts. at beginning of 2nd row for heel of slipper. Next row: Inc. 1. st. in 1st. st. (toe of slipper). Moss st. to end of row. Work 1 row even. Repeat last 2 rows to 30 sts. on needle, ending at heel edge. Next row: Cast off 16 sts. K1. P1. K1. Knit to end of row. Next row: K1. P10. K1. P1. K1. Next row: K1. P1. K1. Knit to end of row. Repeat last 2 rows 4 times, ending at toe edge. Work 2 rows in Moss st. casting on 16 sts. at beginning of 2nd row. Continue in Moss st. dec. 1. st. at toe edge on next and every alternate row to 25 sts. Cast off.

Make another slipper to correspond.

Ankle Strap: (make 2) Cast on 29 sts. Work 1 row Moss st. 2nd row: (buttonhole) K1. P1. W.r.n. P2tog. Moss st. to end of row. Work 1 row Moss st. Cast off in Moss st.

TO MAKE UP: Sew centre back seam. Put back point of sole to this seam and sew sole into position. Sew up toe opening. Sew ankle strap to back of slipper. Sew button to one end. Sew rose bud to Front of each slipper.


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