CHAP. | PAGE | I. | The Gypsy Caravan | 9 | II. | The Spell of the Moon | 26 | III. | Caught in the Trap | 37 | IV. | The Way to Arcady | 46 | V. | Meeting with New People | 61 | VI. | A Curious Resemblance | 76 | VII. | "A Little House on Wheels" | 87 | VIII. | Along the Road | 102 | IX. | "Miner's Folly" | 115 | X. | By the Wayside Tent | 130 | XI. | "Where's Jack?" | 141 | XII. | Carlos Makes Good | 152 | XIII. | Entering Wonderland | 163 | XIV. | Mr. Drummond and Ralph Change Places | 174 | XV. | Elizabeth's Strange Confession | 182 | XVI. | "Old Faithful" | 196 | XVII. | The Language of the Flowers | 205 | XVIII. | "Greater Love Hath No Man" | 216 | XIX. | The Suspense and What Happened Afterwards | 229 | XX. | Frank and Jack | 242 | XXI. | "My Way's for Love" | 258 | XXII. | A Party at the Rancho | 268 | XXIII. | "Their Last Ride Together" | 277 | XXIV. | Farewell to the Rainbow Ranch | 287 |