P. 13. "why it was abandoned I have never learned": Oscar Hammerstein has since told me: "The score called for a large number of guitar players, more than I could get together readily. I should have been obliged to have engaged all the barbers in New York."... Raoul Laparra has spoken to me with enthusiasm about the orchestration of La Dolores: "The guitars produce an extraordinary effect." P. 14. "There are probably other instances": During the season of 1916-17 at least two attempts were made by Spanish companies to give New York a taste of the zarzuela. In December at the Amsterdam Opera House Arrieta's Marina and ChapÍ's El PuÑao de Rosas were sung on one evening and Valverde's El Pobre Valbuena and somebody else's America para los Americanos on another. In April a company came to the Garden Theatre and gave ChapÍ's La Tempestad and perhaps some others. Both of these experiments were made in the most primitive manner and were foredoomed to failure.... The Land of Joy was the first Spanish musical piece of any pretension (save the dull Goyescas) to be presented in New York. P. 14. "La Gran VÍa": I heard a performance of this zarzuela in Italian at the People's Theatre on the Bowery, July 1, 1918. The work is a favourite with itinerant Italian opÉra-bouffe companies, probably on account of the very delightful Pickpockets' Jota in which the rogues outwit policemen in a dozen different ways. This strikes a truly picaresque note, redolent of folklore. The music of this number, too, is the best in the score, aside from the Tango de la Menegilda. This performance was primitive and certainly not in the Spanish manner but it was very gay and delightful from beginning to end. P. 15. "the earlier vogue of Carmencita": This list could be extended almost indefinitely. I have made no mention of Lola Montez, who danced, acted, lectured, and died in this country. However, her pretensions to Spanish blood were mostly pretensions. Her father was the son of Sir Edward Gilbert of Limerick, although she had some Spanish blood on her mother's side. She spent some time in Spain and studied Spanish dancing there, but there is no evidence that she ever achieved proficiency in this art.... I believe both Otero and La Tortajada have appeared in this country. But neither of these women could help the cause abroad of Spanish music or danc P. 16. To these should be added Juan Nadal, tenor with the Chicago Opera Company, JosÉ Mardones, bass, Hipolito Lazaro, tenor, and Rafaelo Diaz, tenor, with the Metropolitan Opera Company. P. 18. "Where are they?": Pedrell's La Celestina has found many admirers. Camille Bellaigue in "Notes BrÈves" recommends it warmly to the director of the OpÉra-Comique in Paris: "Aussi bien, aprÈs tant de 'saisons' russes, Pianists have not been slow to realize the value and beauty of Spanish music which they have placed on their programs, if not in profusion, at least in no niggardly manner ... but so far as I know no Spanish music has yet been played by our New York symphony societies, although works of Granados, and possibly those of other Spanish composers, have been heard elsewhere in America. This neglect is not only lamentable; it is stupid. Whether the music is good or bad, interesting or dull, New York should be permitted to hear some of it. I should suggest, to begin with, AlbÉniz's Catalonia, JoaquÍn Turina's La ProcesiÓn del Rocio, Conrado del Campo's Divina Comedia, PÉrez Casas's Suite Murcienne, and Manuel de Falla's Noches en los Jardines de EspaÑa. Of these I should prefer to hear the second and last. P. 18. "It is doubtful, indeed, if the zarzuela could take root in any theatre in New York": No longer doubtful. Now that we have heard P. 18. "in Spain Italian and German operas are much more popular than Spanish": This situation must be quite familiar to any American or Englishman, for neither in America nor in England has English opera any standing. See note to Page 70. P. 24. "Don Quixote": Anton Rubinstein wrote a tone-poem with this title.... This list could be made much longer. The second of Debussy's Estampes for piano, La SoirÉe dans Grenade should certainly be mentioned here.... Pablo Casals ('cellist) and Ruth Deyo (pianist) played Loeffler's PoÈme Espagnol at a concert in Boston March 24, 1917. P. 25. "Raoul Laparra": This composer, of Basque blood, has been almost constantly obsessed with the idea of Spain and has probably written more consistently Spanish music than some Iberian composers who might be mentioned. There is to be another dance-opera, he writes me, to add to La Habanera and La Jota, to be called Le Tango et la MalagueÑa, thus completing the series of "three dramas suggested by three At a concert in Aeolian Hall, January 6, 1917, Harold Bauer played Laparra's Rhythmes Espagnols (announced as the first performance in New York). These proved to be a series of characteristic dance impressions. The composer supplied the following comment: "There exists a world in Spain, little known outside the Iberian peninsula itself, made up of these people with their schools, their traditions. That is what I have tried to seize, that is what I am passionately interested in. Without the use of native tunes I have moulded my music on the native rhythms and forms and thereby endeavoured to interpret the spirit of the people. Thus Petenera is conceived in the characteristic style and rhythm created by the singer of that name, an Andalusian woman, who lived in the last century. Old singers who had heard her told me that she sang 'like an angel.' Nobody could tell "Tientos reproduces the impression of those mysterious comments of the guitar before or during the singer's sobbing melodic figures. The singer and the guitar-player improvise together and, strangely enough, always in harmony, as though animated by a single impulse. "The Sevillanas is authentic in form. Its four figures portray the dance. In the Sevillana two dancers, one in red, the other in yellow, chase each other like two big butterflies, amidst the rattle of the castanets. It is at once the most graceful and the proudest dance I know. "Rueda is built up on the rhythm of the Castilian dance of that name in 5-8 time. We are no longer in Andalusia, but in another scene: high plateaus, where, grave as the natural surroundings, massive beings dance who seem to have come out of the past. It is a dance of dead cities, Ávila, Burgos and many others sleeping in the sublime sadness of old Castile where the great winds weep. "Solea belongs to a world of magic, a world of gipsies. Each of these gipsies seems to have "Paseo: sun, copper, red, gold—such are the vibrations of sound and sight of the Spanish fÊte. It is especially at the bull-fights that they dazzle you, when, amid the wild acclamations of an excited assembly the Cuadrilla—the troop of combatants and caparisoned horses and mules—makes its entry into the arena. Such is the subject of this musical 'note.'" Mr. Laparra elaborated this suite, adding other piano pieces and songs and on April 24, 1918, in Aeolian Hall, with the assistance of Helen Stanley, soprano, he gave a concert at Aeolian Hall, New York, which he entitled "A Musical Journey Through Spain." "They are not songs as they are sung in Spain," said Mr. Laparra, "but they are the musical forms of that country expressed through the vision of a French traveller and treated by him with complete imaginative freedom." Mr. Laparra was born May 13, 1876, and studied at the Paris Conservatoire with Massenet and Gabriel FaurÉ. He secured the Prix de Rome in 1903. P. 26. "the dances and entr'actes are Spanish P. 28. "ClÉment et Larousse give a long list of Don Quixote operas, but they do not include one by Manuel GarcÍa": This opera is mentioned in Hugo Riemann's "Opern Handbuch" together with others on the same subject by Purcell, Paesiello, Salieri, and Piccinni. P. 29. "El Sombrero de tres Picos": This amusing novel of AlarcÓn, translated by Jacob S. Fassett, jr., has recently been published by Alfred A. Knopf. P. 29. "Il Trovatore": We are not accustomed to think of Verdi's opera as Spanish today. But read Henry Fothergill Chorley ("Thirty Years Musical Recollections"): "One of the points in Il Trovatore,—which may be found worthy of remembering—after this or the other tune has passed into the limbo of old tunes—is Signor Verdi's essay at vocal Spanish gipsy colour. The chorus of waifs and strays opening the second act has an uncouthness,—a bar or two of Oriental drawl,—before the Italian anvils begin,—which must remind any one of such P. 29. "Don Giovanni and Le Nozze di Figaro": "Seville, more than any city I have ever seen, is the city of pleasure ... and in living gaily, and in the present, it is carrying on a tradition: it is the city of Don Juan, the city of Figaro." Arthur Symons in "Cities." P. 30. To this list of operas add Cherubini's Les AbencÉrages, Donizetti's La Favorita, Camille Erlanger's La SorciÈre, Lecocq's GiroflÉ-Girofla, Wallace's Maritana, d'Albert's Tiefland, Verdi's Don Carlos, Sir Arthur Sullivan's The Chieftain, and Julius Eichberg's The Doctor of AlcÁntara. P. 36. Probably Pastora Imperio is the fore Amalia Molina, mentioned above, was in her prime ten years or so ago.... Zuloaga has painted several portraits of Anita Ramirez and other Spanish dancers. One of his most admired pictures is of a gipsy dancer in torero costume. Here, too, I may speak of La Goya, a delightful music-hall singer who has won fame not only in Spain but in South America as well. She has made a special study of costumes. Of a more popular type, but not more of a favourite, is Raquel Meller. P. 43. "the tail of a peacock": In Catulle MendÈs's song, La Pavana, set to music by Alfred Bruneau, he compares the pavane to a peacock. P. 46. "its origin in the twelfth century": TomÁs BretÓn writes me that he considers it ridiculous to attribute any such age to the jota. His researches on the subject are embodied in a pamphlet (1911) entitled "RÁpida ojeada histÓrica sobre la mÚsica espaÑola." P. 49. Curiously enough in a music critic's Seeing indifferent dancing performed, he affirms, by women who were no longer young, in the early part of his Spanish sojourn, ThÉophile Gautier, too, at first was inclined to treat Spanish dancing as a myth (P. 31): "Les danses espagnoles n'existent qu'À Paris, comme les coquillages, qu'on ne trouve que chez les marchands de curiositÉs, et jamais sur le bord de la mer. O Fanny Elssler! qui Êtes maintenant en AmÉrique P. 50. "the malagueÑa": Gautier thus describes this dance: "La malagueÑa, danse locale de MÁlaga, est vraiment d'une poÉsie charmante. Le cavalier paraÎt d'abord, le sombrero sur les yeux, embossÉ dans sa cape Écarlate comme un hidalgo qui se promÈne et cherche les aventures. La dame entre, drapÉe dans sa mantille, son Éventail À la main, avec les faÇons d'une femme qui va faire un tour À l'Alameda. Le cavalier tÂche de voir la figure de cette mystÉrieuse sirÈne; mais la coquette manoeuvre si bien de l'Éventail, l'ouvre et le ferme si À propos, le tourne et le retourne si promptement À la hauteur de son joli P. 51. "the Romalis": Arthur Symons has written a very beautiful passage to describe a gipsy dancing. If you have seen Doloretes you may think of her while you read it: "All Spanish dancing, and especially the dancing of the gipsies, in which it is seen in its most characteristic development, has a sexual origin, and expresses, as Eastern dancing does, but less crudely, the pantomime of physical love. In the typical gipsy dance as I saw it danced by a beautiful Gitana at Seville, there is something of mere gaminerie and something of the devil; the automatic tramp-tramp of the children and the lascivious pantomime of a very learned art of love. Thus it has all the excitement of something spontaneous and studied, P. 54. Another account of this dance in the cathedral may be found in de Amicis's "Spain and the Spaniards."... H. T. Finck saw this dance and he devotes a short paragraph to it on P. 56 of his "Spain and Morocco." Arthur Symons's description in his essay on "Seville" in "Cities" is charming enough to quote: "There was but little light except about the altar, which blazed with candles; suddenly a curtain was drawn aside, and the sixteen boys, in their blue and white costume, holding plumed hats in their hands, came forward and knelt before the altar. The priests, who had been chanting, came up from the choir; the boys rose, and formed in two eights, facing each other, in front of the altar, and the priests knelt in a semi-circle around them. Then an un 'O mi, O mi amada as they sang to a dance measure. After they had sung the coplas they began to dance, still singing. It was a kind of solemn minuet, the feet never taken from the ground, a minuet of delicate stepping and intricate movement, in which a central square would form, divide, a whole line passing through the opposite line, the outer ends then repeating one another's movements while the others turned and divided again in the middle. The first movement was very slow, the second faster, ending with a pirouette; then came two movements without singing, but with the accompaniment of castanets, the first movement again very slow, the second a quick rattle of the castanets, like the rattling of kettle-drums, but done without raising the hands above the level of the elbows. Then the whole thing was repeated from the beginning, the boys flourished off their hats, dropped on their knees before the altar, and went quickly out. One or two verses were chanted, the Archbishop "And, yes, I found it perfectly dignified, perfectly religious, without a suspicion of levity or indecorum. This consecration of the dance, this turning of a possible vice into a means of devotion, this bringing of the people's art, the people's passion, which in Seville is dancing, into the church, finding it a place there, is precisely one of those acts of divine worldly wisdom which the Church has so often practised in her conquest of the world." P. 55. "the fandango": I found the following reference to the fandango in Philip Thicknesse's remarkably interesting and exceedingly curious book, "A Year's Journey through France and Part of Spain" (London; 1777): "In no part of the world, therefore, are women more caressed and attended to, than in Spain. Their deportment in public is grave and modest; yet they are very much addicted to pleasure; nor is there scarce one among them that cannot, nay that will not dance the Fandango in private, either in the decent or the indecent manner. I have seen it danced both ways, by a pretty woman, than which nothing can be more immodestly agreeable; and I was shewn a young lady at Barcelona who in the midst of this dance ran out of the room, tell Philip Thicknesse is one of the undeservedly forgotten figures of the eighteenth century. He wrote twenty-four books, including the first Life of Thomas Gainsborough, whom he claims to have discovered and which contains accounts of pictures which have disappeared, "A Treatise on the Art of Decyphering and of Writing in Cypher with an Harmonic Alphabet," and the aforementioned account of a journey through France and Spain which contains one of the earliest sympathetic descriptions of Montserrat. Thicknesse led far from a dull life and its course was marked by a series of violent quarrels. Born in 1719 he was in Georgia with General Oglethorpe in 1735. Later he fought wild negroes in Jamaica and cruised in the Mediterranean with Admiral Med P. 56. "Mr. Philip Hale found the following account of it (the fandango somewhere"): In the anonymous, incomplete, and somewhat incorrect translation of Gaston Vuillier's "La Danse" (Hachette et Cie., 1898). In the original work this description of the fandango seems to be attributed to TomÁs de Iriarte although the text is a little ambiguous, In the English translation called, "A History of Dancing," Chapter VIII is mainly devoted to Spanish dancing; in the original work it is Chapter IX. Vuillier derived most of his material from the Baron Charles Davillier's elaborate work, "l'Espagne," which is illustrated by Gustave DorÉ. Vuillier quotes Davillier very P. 57. "cannot be transplanted, but remains local": James Huneker's Spanish experiences as related in the chapter on Madrid in "The New Cosmopolis" seem to have been unfortunate. There are those who would disagree with every separate statement in the following paragraph: P. 62. "Spanish folk-tunes": The Spanish catalogue of the Victor Phonograph Company offers a splendid opportunity for the study of Spanish and gipsy folk-music. You may find therein even examples of gipsy songs, conceived in esoteric scales, sung by gipsies, accompanied by the guitar. Mr. Caro-Delvaille has brought to my attention Nos. 62365 (Petenaras) and 62289 (Soleares). Nos. 62078 (Sevillanos and Ferruca) and 62077 (Jotas Nuevas), sung by Pozo, are also good. Most of Pozo's records will be found to be interesting. P. 62. When Dmitri Slaviansky visited Barcelona with his Russian choir in 1895, introducing Russian folk-music to Spain, he became very much interested in the folk-music of Catalonia. His enthusiasm was contagious and Spanish musicians themselves caught the fever. In that very year Enrique Morera made a harmonization of the first verse of Sant RamÓn, a traditional melody from the island of Mallorca, which was performed by P. 62. "After the bull-fight": E. E. Hale ("Seven Spanish Cities") achieved the almost impossible feat of writing a book about Spain without having seen a bull-fight. One might as well attempt to write a history of opera, after refusing to listen to Wagner's Ring. H. T. Finck ("Spain and Morocco") was satisfied and disgusted with half a bull-fight. His attitude is quoted and reflected in Baedeker.... More sympathetic and detailed accounts of this very popular Spanish P. 64. "often introduce dialogue of their own": This is no longer true, Mr. John Garrett Underhill informs me, as the Sociedad de Autores has forbidden such interpolations. P. 64. "The Zarzuela": I am indebted to Mr. John Garrett Underhill for the following remarks anent the zarzuela: "The zarzuela was originally a three act romantic operetta, partly sung and partly spoken, and it continued in this form until the introduction of the one act form in the early eighties. The performances given at the Teatro de Zarzuela were mostly in the more elaborate form, while the gÉnero chico (lesser genre) made its home at the Apolo. With the "The most popular zarzuelas are all strongly coloured. They are La AlegrÍa de la Huerta, music by Federico Chueca, built up about a scene of provincial merry-making, La Verbena de la Paloma by BretÓn, dealing with a popular religious festival in Madrid, Manuel Nieto's Certamen Nacional, FernÁndez Caballero's El Cabo Primero and Gigantes y Cabezudos, and ChapÍ's El PuÑao de Rosas. All these are in one act and the spoken parts are broad low comedy. To these must be added Emilio Arrieta's Marina, in three acts, the best example of the old form, showing strong Italian influence. Marina is the sort of operatic classic with Spaniards that Pinafore—another nautical work—is with us. "What is most distinctive in the zarzuela is "It would be safe to say that every zarzuela has either a realistic low comedy element or otherwise exhibits some direct form of theatricalism, differentiating it in this respect from works of a purely artistic category. Yet it is difficult to draw the line. The zarzuela is not without a tang similar to that of our burlesque stage. The analogue would be American burlesque written by playwrights of high intelligence. Had Harrigan's Mulligan Guards Ball been compressed into one act, it would have been a typical zarzuela." P. 65. "La Gran VÍa": See note to page 14. P. 65. "Usually four separate zarzuelas are performed in one evening before as many audiences": At the Apolo. "The evening is divided into separate sections—four or five are the usual number," writes Mr. Underhill. "These are called funciones, each consisting of a single play. If the first funciÓn begins at eight, the second will follow at nine or nine-fifteen, the third at ten, the fourth shortly after eleven, and the last, which is P. 69. "villancicos": On the program of the second historical concert given by M. FÉtis in Paris, November 18, 1832, devoted to music of the sixteenth century, I find: "Vilhancicos espagnols, À 6 voix de femmes, avec 8 guitars obligÉes, composÉs par Soto de Puebla et exÉcutÉs dans un concert À la cour de Philippe II (1561)." P. 70. George Henry Lewes gives some ac P. 70. "the Italian opera": In Gautier's day Bellini was the favourite composer (see P. 215, "Voyage en Espagne"). John Hay writes in "Castilian Days" (1871): "It (Madrid) has a superb opera house, which might as well be in Naples, for all the national character it has; the Court Theatre, where not a word of Castilian is ever heard, nor a strain of Spanish music.... The champagny strains of Offenbach are heard in every town of Spain oftener than the ballads of the country. In Madrid there are more pilluelos who whistle Bu qui s'avance than the Hymn of Riego. The Cancan has taken its place on the boards of every stage in the city, apparently to stay; and the exquisite jota and cachucha are giving way to the bestialities of the Casino Cadet." It is well to remember in this connection that the Metropolitan Opera House in New York and Covent Garden Theatre in London "might as well be in Naples" too, "for all the national character" they have. Our symphony orchestras, too, perform works by native composers as infrequently as those in Madrid. P. 75. To fill in the period between 1850-70 four names, inadvertently omitted from the original text of "Spain and Music," are necessary, those of JoaquÍn Gaztambide, Emilio Arrieta, Baltasar Saldoni, and Francisco A. Barbieri. JoaquÍn Gaztambide, born February 7, 1822, was a pupil of the Madrid Conservatory, and conductor of the "Pensions" concerts at the Conservatory. He was the composer of at least forty zarzuelas of which some of the titles follow: La Cisterna Encantada, La Edad en la Boca, Matilda y Malek Adel, El Secreto de la Reina, Las SeÑas del Archiduque, and El Valle de Andorra. He died March 18, 1870. Emilio Arrieta, born October 21, 1823, was a pupil of the Milan Conservatory from 1842 until 1845. Many of the best Spanish musicians have received their training outside of Spain. His first opera, Ildegonda, was produced at Milan. He returned to Spain in 1848. In 1857 he became a teacher of composition in the Madrid Conservatory and later became director of that institution. He died February 11, 1894. The extensive list of his zarzuelas and operas (there are about fifty altogether) includes the following titles: La Conquista de Granada, La Dama del Rey, De Madrid À Biarritz, Los Enemigos Domesticos, La Taber Francisco Asenjo Barbieri, born at Madrid, August 3, 1823, studied in the Conservatory there and after a varied career as member of a military band, a theatre orchestra, and an Italian opera troupe, became secretary and chief promoter of an association for instituting a Spanish national opera and encouraging the production of zarzuelas, in opposition to the Italian opera. Gloria y Peluca (1850), Jugar con Fuero (1851) were the first of these zarzuelas, of which he wrote seventy-five in all. He was also a teacher and a critic. He died in Madrid, February 19, 1894. Baltasar Saldoni (1807-1890), born at Barcelona and educated at the monastery of Montserrat, was organist and teacher as well as composer. His works include a symphony for orchestra, military band and organ, A mi patria, a Hymn to the God of Art, operas and zarzuelas, and a great quantity of church and organ music. P. 76. "Felipe Pedrell": El Último Abencerraje was sung in Italian when it was produced in Barcelona in 1874. Quasimodo is an operatic version of Victor Hugo's "Notre-Dame de Paris." Mazeppa (after Byron) is in one act as is Tasso; Cleopatra is in four acts. Los Pireneos is the Henri de Curzon, who translated La Celestina into French, has an exhaustive and extremely interesting account of Pedrell in "La Nouvelle Revue," Vol. 25, P. 72, under the title "Un maÎtre de la Musique Espagnole." A highly laudatory essay on La Celestina by Camille Bellaigue may be found in his book entitled, "Notes BrÈves." Bellaigue tells how he received the score in 1903 but only found time to study it during the rainy summer of 1910. His enthusiasm is unrestrained although he has not heard the work performed. The title of the essay is "Un Tristan Espagnol" and he says: "la joie et la douleur, l'amour et la mort partout se touchent et se fondent ici. De leur contact et de leur fusion, jamais encore une fois, depuis Tristan, l'art lyrique n'avait aussi fortement exprime le sombre mystÈre." He calls the work "le plus originale et le plus admirable peut-Être, aprÈs Boris Godunow, qui, depuis les temps dÉjÀ lointains de Falstaff, nous soit venu de l'Étranger." P. 78. "La Bruja": Manrique de Lara says of this work: "This score of our greatest composer broke abruptly with the Italian tradition which, in form at least, had enslaved our musical productions until that time. A new influence, having its high origin in works of pure classical style whether symphonic or dramatic, led our steps down fresh pathways in La Bruja." P. 80. "La Verbena de la Paloma": Raoul Laparra told me that Saint-SaËns admired this work so much that he had committed it to memory and played and replayed it on his piano. P. 81. A name that should be inserted here is that of Emilio Serrano, born in the Basque city of Vitoria. He went early to Madrid, where he studied the piano under Zabalza and composition, at the Conservatory, with both Eslava and Arrieta. While very young he began to write zarzuelas, the best of which belonging to this period is probably El Juicio de FrinÉ. His opera, Mithradates, in the Italian manner, was produced in 1882 at the Teatro Real in Madrid. Later he produced at the same house DoÑa Juana la Loca and Irene de Otranto, for which JosÉ Echegaray supplied the libretto. He wrote his own book for Gonzalo de CÓrdoba, an opera in a prologue and P. 82. "AlbÉniz": G. Jean-Aubry writes of this composer: "One and all the young composers of Spain owe to him a debt. AlbÉniz is Spain, as Moussorgsky is Russia, Grieg Norway, and Chopin Poland.... Iberia marks the summit of the art of AlbÉniz. AlbÉniz alone could venture to place this title, both simple and proud, at the head of the twelve divisions of this poem. One finds here all that emotion and culture can desire. The composer here reached a sureness of touch and grasped an originality of technique which demand much attention and which have no ulterior object. He even at times sacrificed perfection of form. There are no doubt fastidious critics who will find blemishes, but such blemishes as exist are not detrimental to expression, and this alone is important. In music there are many excellent scholars but few poets. AlbÉniz has all P. 82. "Catalonia": Henry J. Wood conducted a performance in London, March 4, 1900. P. 84. Tradition and often necessity have driven many Spanish composers out of the peninsula to make their careers abroad. Victoria went to Rome; Arrieta to Milan; AlbÉniz, Valverde, de Falla (and how many others!) to Paris. Of late, indeed, Paris has been the haven of ambitious Spanish composers who have been received with open arms by their French confrÈres and where their music has been played by Ricardo ViÑes, the Spanish pianist, and by J. Joachim Nin, the Cuban pianist. ViÑes, indeed, has been friendly to the moderns of all nations. His programs embrace works of Satie, AlbÉniz, and Ravel ... doubtless, indeed, Leo Ornstein. As a result some of the zarzuela writers who I have referred to JoaquÍn Valverde in the text and his music has become comparatively familiar to Americans through The Land of Joy. JosÉ Serrano is another of the popular zarzuela writers. Perhaps his best-known work is El Mal de Amores for which the Brothers Quintero furnished the Here also I might mention GerÓnimo GimÉnez, who was born in Seville. As a boy he went to Cadiz, studying with his father and singing in the cathedral. At sixteen he conducted a performance of an opera by Petrella at Gibraltar, and in consequence became the conductor of a number of Italian opera companies touring Spain and Portugal. The Province of Cadiz granting him a pension for foreign study, he entered the Paris Conservatory under Ambroise Thomas. He also lived for a time in Milan. Returning to Spain he was engaged by ChapÍ, who then controlled the Teatro Apolo at Madrid, to direct the orchestra at the production of his new El Milagro de la Virgen. Later at the Zarzuela Theatre he conducted the first performance of ChapÍ's La Bruja. Still later he succeeded Luigi Mancinelli as conductor of the Sociedad de Conciertos in Madrid; he held this post for twelve years. He is a member of the Academia de Bellas Artes and composer of MarÍa del Pilar and numerous other zarzuelas, including Las Panderetas, El Baile de Luis Alonso, La Tempranica, El HÚsar de la Guardia, and CinematÓgrafo Nacional. Amadeo Vives Other light composers who may be listed are Rafael Calleja, Enrique BrÚ, Alberto Foglietti, Pablo Luna, Vicente LleÓ, and Arturo Saco del Valle. Of a more serious character is the music of Amadeo Vives, born at Collbato. At the age of 10 he went to Barcelona to study with his brother, a musician in a regimental band. He became an acolyte in a church and his first compositions were written under the influence of the organ music which he then heard. From Barcelona he strayed to MÁlaga where he became a conductor, and from there he went to Madrid where he played in churches and cafÉs indifferently, it would seem. At times he was even reduced to peddling on the streets and to writing musical criticism for a Barcelona paper. ArtÚs (after a Breton legend), produced in Barcelona in 1897, established his fame. He founded the celebrated OrfeÓ CatalÁ in Barcelona, afterwards directed by Millet, and his male choruses written for this organization are said to be among his best works. The list of his operas includes Don Lucas del Cigarral, his first attempt at the traditional classic Spanish zarzuela, produced in Madrid in 1899, Enda d'Uriach, for which Angel GuimerÁ wrote the book (Barcelona; 1900); Colomba (Madrid; 1910); Maruxa, "Égloga lÍrica en 2 actos" (1914); and TabarÉ (1914), and about thirty zarzuelas including El Tesoro, El SeÑor Pandolfo, and Bohemios. JoaquÍn Larregla was a native of the mountain town of Lumbier in Spanish Navarre. After some schooling at Pamplona he entered the Madrid Conservatory under Zabalza and Arrieta. He has made somewhat of a name both as pianist and composer. He is especially, according to Manuel Manrique de Lara, the composer of Navarre, his works "evoking the landscapes, songs, and traditions of his province." He is a member of the Bellas Artes and an instructor in the Conservatory. His works include Navarra MontaÑesca, Miguel AndrÉs, and I Viva Navarra! The war, it may be suggested, has had a most salutary effect on Spanish music, while it has killed the tonal art in most other countries. It has driven the Spaniards, however, back into their own country and thus may be directly responsible for the foundation of a definite modern school of Spanish music. One of those to leave Paris in 1914 was Manuel de Falla, of whom G. Jean-Aubry says, "Today he is the most striking figure of the Spanish school, tomorrow he will be a composer of European fame, just as is Ravel or Stravinsky." Manuel de Falla was born at Cadiz, November 23, 1877. He studied harmony with Alejandro Odero and Enrique Broca; later he went to Madrid where he studied piano with JosÉ Trigo and composition with Felipe Pedrell. He was still under fourteen when the Madrid Academy of Music awarded him the first prize for his piano playing. Between 1890 and 1904 he divided his time between composing and piano playing, both as soloist and in concerted chamber music. The compositions of this period were not published, however, and now de Falla cannot be urged to speak of them. In 1907 he went to Paris, where, from the very first, he received a warm welcome from Paul Dukas. Debussy was also friendly. His only published works at this time were Quatres PiÈces Espagnoles: On April 1, 1913, the Casino at Nice produced his first opera, La Vida Breve (which so early as 1905 had won a prize at the Madrid Academy of Fine Arts) with Lilian Grenville as Salud; on December 30, 1913, the work was performed at the OpÉra-Comique in Paris with Marguerite CarrÉ as Salud. The first performance of this lyric drama in Spain occurred at the Teatro de la Zarzuela in Madrid, November 14, 1914. La Vida Breve has been compared to Cavalleria Rusticana, "a Cavalleria written by a consummate musician penetrated with a keen desire to express his thoughts without making easy concessions to the mob."... The orchestration has been warmly praised. "In the first act he has linked the two scenes with an admirable evocation of Granada at dusk; faint sounds of voices rise from the distant town and all the atmosphere is laden with nonchalance, fragrance, and love." With the beginning of the war de Falla left France for his native land. He launched La Vida Breve in Spain with some success and on April 15, Aubry pronounces de Falla's Nocturnes, produced in Madrid in 1916, the most important orchestral work yet written by a Spaniard. The Spanish title reads: Noches en los Jardines de EspaÑa. There are three parts described by these subtitles: En el Generalife, Danse Lejana, and En los Jardines de la Sierra de CÓrdoba. The piano plays an important part in the orchestration but is never heard alone. "The thematic material is built, as in La Vida Breve or in El Amor Brujo on rhythms, modes, cadences, or forms inspired by but never borrowed from Andalusian folk-song." When the Russian Ballet visited Spain Serge de Diaghilew was so much interested in the work of de Falla that he commissioned him to write a ballet on the subject of AlarcÓn's novel, "El Sombrero de tres Picos." JoaquÍn Turina is another important figure in JosÉ MarÍa Usandizaga, one of the most promising of the younger composers, died in 1915. He was born in 1888 at San Sebastian and died therefore at the age of 27, one year after his opera, Las Golindrinas, was successfully produced at Madrid (February 4, 1914) with the tenor Sagi-Barba in the leading rÔle. Usandizaga was a man Enrique (more properly Enrich or Enric; Enrique is the Castilian form of this Catalan name) Morera is, perhaps, the leading Catalan composer. He is best-known for his choral arrangements of folk-songs, some of which have been heard in New York through the medium of the Schola Cantorum, but he has written music for GuimerÁ's plays, and a lyric drama entitled L'AlegrÍa que passa, the book for which was furnished by Santiago RusiÑol. Conrado del Campo has written a Divina Comedia for orchestra and BartolomÉ PÉrez Casas a Suite Murcienne which G. Jean-Aubry includes in a list of modern Spanish orchestral music. PÉrez Casas is at present the conductor of the Philharmonic Orchestra of Madrid. He and Turina conducted the orchestra for the Russian Ballet during the May, 1918, visit of that organization to Madrid. I have the very pretty Impressions Musicales for piano of Oscar EsplÁ. The subtitle is Cuentos Infantiles; composiciÓn escrita en 1905 para una fiesta de niÑos. There are five parts which are entitled, respectively, En el Hogar, Barba Azul, Caperucita Roja, Cenicienta, and AntaÑo. This music is not very Spanish; indeed it reminds me strongly of the music of Rebikof. R. Villar has written many pieces for piano, including PÁginas RomÁnticos, Nereida, Foot-Ball, several songs, and pieces for violin and piano and 'cello and piano. V. Costa y Nogueras is the composer of Flor de Almendro (1901), InÉs de Castro (1905) and Valieri (1906). J. GÓmez is the composer of a Suite in A for orchestra which has been arranged for the piano. It includes Prelude, Intermezzo, Popular Song, and Finale-Dance. P. 85. "perhaps the first of the important Spanish composers to visit North America": AlbÉniz came to the United States as a pianist in the seventies when he was about fifteen years old.
Index AbencÉrages, Les, 154 Ornstein, Leo, 15, 81, 183 Reznicek, 30 Soubies, A., 31, 33, 67, 69 Turina, JoaquÍn, 15, 84, 148, 190, 191, 192 What the Critics Say
What the Critics Say About Mr. Van Vechten has written and Alfred A. Knopf has published two other books which should appeal to those who like "The Music of Spain." The first of these, "Music and Bad Manners," contains the following seven essays: Music and Bad Manners, Music for the Movies, Spain and Music, Shall We Realize Wagner's Ideals? The Bridge Burners, A New Principle in Music, Leo Ornstein. "Interpreters and Interpretations" contains the following fourteen essays: Olive Fremstad, Geraldine Farrar, Mary Garden, Feodor Chaliapine, Mariette Mazarin, Yvette Guilbert, Waslav Nijinsky, The Problem of Style in the Production of Opera, Notes on the Armide of Gluck, Erik Satie, The Great American Composer, The Importance of Electrical Picture Concerts, Modern Musical Fiction, and Why Music is Unpopular. Here is what Henry Blackman Sell of "The Chicago Daily News" has to say of Mr. Van Vechten's work: As one of that annoying clan who don't know anything about music except that we know what we like, I hereby raise my voice to hymn Mr. Van Vechten's intelligent pronouncements as a boon, a joy and a liberation. Henceforth when I peruse the ponderous passages, which so often pass for erudition in contemporary music criticism, I shall not sorrow with myself in the mortification of ignorance, as of yore. No, no, I am free. I have read of music and musicians in articles and essays written by a man who is accredited in the most trustworthy quarters as being a fellow well up in the nice points of his delicate trade—and I have understood. For two years I have avoided Mr. Van Vechten's annual Wholly by chance, fortunate accident, I flipped open his latest, "Interpreters and Interpretations," and this is what greeted my astonished gaze: "... Johanna Gadski, a coughing, raucous name.... Geraldine Farrar, tomboyish and impertinent, Melrose with French sauce.... Edyth Walker, a militant suffragette name.... Scalchi—Ugh! Further evidence could be brought forward to prove that singers succeed in spite of their names rather than because of them.... Until we reach the name of Mary Garden.... The subtle fragrance of this name has found its way into many hearts. Since Nell Gwynne no such scented cognomen, redolent of cuckoos' boots, London pride, blood red poppies, purple foxgloves, lemon stocks, and vermilion zinnias, has blown its delightful odour across our scene.... Delightful and adorable Mary Garden, the fragile Thais, pathetic Jean ... unforgettable MÉlisande...." Such things written by a critic! Impossible! Why, that is the way one feels after an exquisite Mary Garden performance. And what have critics to do with feelings? Yet there it was all set down in print. Oh, well, I thought, he may be able to capture emotion, but when he gets down to that critic business he'll be like the rest. Straight to the first page of the Mary Garden article—here's what I found: "The influence of Ibsen on our stage has been most subtle. The dramas of the sly Norwegian are infrequently performed, but almost all of the plays of the epoch bear his mark. And he has done away with the actor, for nowadays emotions are considered rude on the stage. Our best playwrights have striven for an intellectual monotone. So it "There is nothing casual about the art of Mary Garden. Her achievements on the lyric stage are not the result of happy accident. Each detail of her impersonations, indeed, is a carefully studied and selected effect, chosen after a review of the possible alternatives. Occasionally, after trial, Miss Garden even rejects the instinctive. This does not mean that there is no feeling behind her performances. The deep burning flame of poetic imagination illuminates and warms into life the conception wrought in the study chamber. Nothing is left to chance, and it is seldom and always for some good reason that this artist permits herself to alter particulars of a characterization during the course of a representation." Enough! I began at the beginning and read the book through. Olive Fremstad, Geraldine Farrar, Yvette Guilbert, Mary Garden, Waslav Nijinsky.... "Why Music is Unpopular," a delightful and timely slap at contemporary music criticism; "The Great American Composer" (Van Vechten's first choice is Irving Berlin); "The Problem of Style in the Production of Opera" and others, all in the same happy, sensible, "modern" vein. Have you bought your opera tickets? Very good, now go, phone or wire to the nearest book store and get all three of Carl Van Vechten's books. You'll thank me at the close of every chapter if you really care a whoop for real music. MUSIC AND BAD MANNERS [12mo., 244 pages, $1.60 net.] "When Carl Van Vechten's first book, 'Music After the Great War,' was published a year or so ago, I lifted a "Mr. Van Vechten is well known in the musical and literary worlds, and, while 'clever,' he is just and sound in his critical verdicts. He inspires students and entertains general readers.... His theory about the development of music appropriate to and especially for the 'movies' is unique.... There are many clever suggestions one can cull from a careful study of the book."—"The Literary Digest." "'Music and Bad Manners,' by Carl Van Vechten, tells many amusing stories to show what stupidities and brutalities may be perpetrated by persons of the so-called 'artistic temperament,' and on the other hand, what rudeness may be shown by an audience. These stories ... are vastly entertaining, but the title essay gives a misleading impression of Mr. Van Vechten's book, of its weight and poise, for it has much serious discussion and criticism and much historical information of value and significance. Music readers will skim with a smile the essay on 'Music and Bad Manners,' but they will read with absorbed attention the other half dozen essays of the volume. Mr. Van Vechten writes sound and not too technical English, and has the good taste and good temper to write without rancour."—"Vogue." "Carl Van Vechten is one of the relatively few people in America to write about music neither as a press agent nor as a pedant, but as an essayist.... 'Music After the Great War' and 'Music and Bad Manners' are delightful reading whether the reader is a musician or not. 'Music and Bad Manners' ranges from a pretty thorough, if discursive, outline of the national music of Spain to the collection of lively anecdotes forming the essay from which the volume takes its name. The comments, always shrewd and based on wide experience, betray the rare quality of clear and independent thought. Moreover, Mr. Van Vechten, by the more than occasional heterodoxy of his ideas, stimulates a healthy desire to climb out of deep-worn ruts. The essays, in particular, on present musical tendencies are none the less illuminating because they are never ponderous.... The charm of the book is mainly due to the author's keen enjoyment of the grotesque, illustrated in scores of incisive phrases, and in a wealth of vivid anecdote."—Henry Adams Bellows in "The Bellman." "This very interesting book is in the style of the essays of Charles Lamb. It breathes a very human spirit and is told in a very entertaining fashion. It is in the form of a series of essays and from the opening one regarding bad manners in music and musicians to the closing article on Leo Ornstein it is spicy and intensely personal in its style. Really it is one of the most interesting, as well as thoughtful and yet expository, books I have seen."—"The Music News." "Of all the books that have been sent to me this past musical year none is so entertaining as 'Music and Bad Manners,' a little work in a violent green cover with a vivid blue edge from the house of Knopf. Mr. Van Vechten is a delightful young iconoclast who writes things about music that many people think but very few have courage enough to say, and his exaggerations so often contain "'Music and Bad Manners' by Carl Van Vechten is one of the most readable books dealing with music that has been issued in a long time. The writer, a decidedly clever one, does not spend his energy on themes and theories that would prove interesting only to absorbed students of music but he writes in a delightful style that gives a universal interest to his themes. It is the kind of book that the average lover of music will find most invigourating and that will stimulate his love of music to a further examination of the thesis set forth by Mr. Van Vechten. It is sound and discriminating in its judgments and it is unique in its subject matter. There is always an eye for selecting the things of highest interest.... This is a book that will prove pleasing to all who read it. Its exhibition of the knowledge of music is not pedantic, and the author is one of the new forces in music."—"The Springfield (Mass.) Union." "From the opening chapter until the final page the book is replete with interesting matter."—"The Buffalo (N. Y.) Commercial." "'Music and Bad Manners' by Carl Van Vechten is a series of seven essays on musical topics that is intensely interesting.... The book will be of deepest interest to all musicians."—"New York Herald." "Mr. Van Vechten considers modern tendencies with an open mind. He is to be no more deceived into disapproval of innovators by their apparent disregard for tradition than awed by tradition itself (in this case the Bayreuth tradition) into accepting the present specious and old-fashioned methods of staging Wagner as the sacred intention of the master.... Mr. Van Vechten is a well informed "This volume of musical essays may be cordially commended to music-lovers who neither bow down to the youngest nor the eldest composer, but seek to listen honestly according to their powers. The author is a critic of discernment and sincerity."—"The Providence (R. I.) Journal." "This study of music and music makers is as lively as some of the new tunes that have been given to us recently, but it is not at all commonplace. It sets a new mark in musical criticism."—"The Portland (Oregon) Telegram." "Carl Van Vechten, whose book, 'Music After the Great War,' excited considerable interest in artistic circles last year and drew upon him the censure of certain conservatives because he did not agree with them as to the entertaining value of chamber music, has published a new volume, that is bound to extend his reputation as an original thinker and investigator."—"The Evening News" (Newark, N. J.). INTERPRETERS AND INTERPRETATIONS [12mo., 368 pages, $2.00.] "Mr. Van Vechten has a liking for the queer, the new, the perverse, and the personal. He is as gossipy as Samuel Pepys, Jr. (and is in the way of being a Pepys in the musical world).... Another distinguishing characteristic of Mr. Van Vechten is his forehandedness. He has a perfect genius for being on the side of the street where the car stops—which for most of us is the other side.... He in short is doing his best to throw a bomb into that parlour of musicians described by Charles Lamb, in which they sat all silent and all damned. He apparently sees no reason why music should not be a cheerful business."—N. P. D. in "The New York Globe." "Carl Van Vechten is now in fair alignment with James Huneker and H. L. Mencken in the field in which both have done their most entertaining work.... 'Interpreters and Interpretations' is bright, lively, snappy reading; no part is dull."—Frederick Donaghey in "The Chicago Tribune." "In these papers some of the questions of the day are spicily and fearlessly discussed. The last paper is misnamed. It should have been called 'Why Some Musical Critics are Not Liked by the Author of This Book.'"—H. T. Finck in "The New York Evening Post." "Carl Van Vechten is always an intelligent and stimulating critic. You may not always agree with his point of view, but it is an original point of view and he always sets you a-thinking. He shakes up your conventional ideas on art and music in 'Interpreters and Interpretations,' a vivacious and entertaining book. Nothing better has come our way since James Huneker's books ceased being events in our life."—"The Brooklyn Eagle." "Mr. Van Vechten is always stimulating, because he has a mind which functions on a vast amount of material, and the ability to express himself incisively. He praises with discrimination, when he praises; and when he hits, he hits hard and with a manifest endeavour to be fair.... Mr. Van Vechten writes live criticism which is more than most music critics can do; his ideals are the highest; and great art does not suffer from his pen, but is made more secure of place by his discriminating praise."—W. K. Kelsey in "The Detroit News-Tribune." "Carl Van Vechten opens a new field of adventure for the music-lover. Of the many biographers of musicians none has entered into so close an intimacy with the singer and dealt with the mental grip of her artistic conception of character."—"Reedy's Mirror." "There would be less profound cant and meaningless ceremony about the art of music if more musical critics "Mr. Van Vechten has achieved that which, as a rule, appears to be past accomplishment. That is to say, he has proved himself able to be both simple and interesting upon a subject which, highly specialized in itself is held commonly by both artists and critics to the exclusions of an unknown tongue."—"Washington (D. C.) Evening Star." "Carl Van Vechten is temperamentally more of an interpretative artist than an analytical critic whose emotions are subservient to the reasoning faculties. He is subjective rather than objective in mind and method and consequently he must differ from the critics who can see and hear great operas without having their emotions stirred. His gibes at the professional critic spring therefore from the same sources as the melodies of a composer."—"The Musical Courier." "In his new book, 'Interpreters and Interpretations,' Mr. Van Vechten is off on another joust against the orthodox and the dull, and the reader who follows him will have an enlivening experience."—"The Louisville (Ky.) Courier Journal." "'Interpreters and Interpretations' is Carl Van Vechten's latest volume of essays on music. Don't reach for your hats. This is going to be fun. Carl Van Vechten writes essays so delightfully that they seem like stimulating conversations.... He could write about a cuneiform syllabary and give it the charm of a sophisticated chat on the Boul Michigander. He can talk about singers and dancers and artists of all sorts in a way that makes them all seem like the folks next door.... 'Music and Bad Manners' was the most entertaining volume on music that came to my jaded notice last year. 'Interpreters and Interpretations' is a fit sequel to it. Neither of the books is a volume for the musician alone.... A person who had never heard an opera would have a vicarious joy in PellÉas et MÉlisande when Carl Van Vechten tells how Mary Garden interpreted it.... Perhaps the secret of the charm of his essays is that they're really very learned in material but not the least bit in treatment. We all like to know that we're listening to the word of authority, even when it's sweet music to the ear."—Fanny Butcher in "The Chicago Tribune." "Regardless of how much or how little you may know of music and its interpreters you cannot fail to enjoy the delightful manner in which Carl Van Vechten tells you of them in his book, 'Interpreters and Interpretations.'... Without stirring from your easy chair or making the slightest effort to entertain you may share a pleasant intimacy with Mary Garden, Olive Fremstad, Geraldine Farrar, Waslav Nijinsky, and others equally interesting. Carl Van Vechten discourses on the art of music in a way that even the tired business man can understand and enjoy."—"The Argonaut" (San Francisco). "There is nothing pedagogic in Mr. Van Vechten's volume entitled 'Interpreters and Interpretations.' The interpreters who are sketched with literary facility and genuine interest are Fremstad, Farrar, Garden, Chaliapine, |