Abbott, Emma, 220
Academy of Arts and Letters, 80, 225, 227
Acting, 111, 113, 119, 120, 272, 283, 293 et seq.
Adam, Villiers de l'Isle, 48, 49
Adams, Maude, 295
Adams, Oscar Fay, 38
Æschylus, 103, 303
Agrippina, 69
Aguglia, Mimi, 284, 304, et seq.
Ainslee's Magazine, 75
Alary, Signor, 248
Alboni, Marietta, 169
Alchemy, 76
Allegranti, Maddalena, 254, 255
Alma Tadema, 296
Alvary, Max, 99
Anderson, Mary, 319, 320
Anfossi, Pasquale, 169
Anglin, Margaret, 321 et seq.
d'Annunzio, G., 284, 305
Apaches, 126, 135, 138, 140, 141 et seq., 182
Apthorp, W. F., 99, 168
Arabanek, 164
Archilei, 94
Arditi, Luigi, 288
Argentina, La, 284, 287
Argus, The, 54
Aristotle, 291
Arne, 257
Arnould, Sophie, 82, 96, 259 et seq.
Astor, J. J., 227
Atilla, 79
Audran, 216
Augustus, 69, 70
d'Aurevilly, Barbey, 43, 63, 66, 87, 315
Ayres, Frederick, 200
Bach, 24, 28, 150, 199
Badarzewska, ThÉcla, 23
Baedeker, 58
Bag-pipe, 135, 136, 137
Bahamas, 136
Baker, J. Duncan, 211
Baker, Prof., 298
Bakst, Leon, 16
Bal des Gravilliers, 141 et seq.
Balfe, Michael William, 27, 165
Bal musette, 125, 134 et seq.
Balzac, 43, 50, 55, 56, 57, 63, 76, 86, 187, 225
Banti, Brigitta, 93, 164
Bara, Theda, 80
Barnabee, Henry Clay, 221
Barnet, R. A., 216
Barrison, Mabel, 219
Barry, Mme. du, 260
Bassoonists, 157
Bataille, Henry, 228, 230, 232
Bates, Katherine Lee, 38
Battistini, 102
Baudelaire, Charles, 43, 52, 131
Baumgarten, C. F., 171
Bayes, Nora, 110
Beardsley, Aubrey, 45
Becque, Henry, 230
Beerbohm, Max, 45, 50, 177, 238
Beethoven, 24, 27, 28, 32, 98, 150, 151, 170, 175, 200, 219, 298, 300
BÉguÉ, Bernard, 156
Belasco, David, 294
Bel canto, 97, 101, 105
Belford's Magazine, 37
Bell, Digby, 222
Bellini, Vincenzo, 24, 25, 77, 79, 97, 100, 101, 114, 175, 248, 267, 270, 273
Bel-Marduk, 82
BergstrÖm, Hjalmar, 90
Berlin, Irving, 25, 222, 234
Berlioz, Hector, 27, 104
Bernacchi, Antonio, 99
Bernhardt, Sarah, 106, 222, 227, 245, 295, 297, 302
Bernstein, Henry, 228, 230, 232, 302
Bible, The, 67
Bichara, 15
Bilbao, 287
Billington, Mrs., 172
Bizet, Georges, 108, 113, 275
Blanche, Jacques, 183, 184
Blei, Franz, 69, 78, 259
BÖcklin, Arnold, 89
Bonci, Alessandro, 102
Booth, Edwin, 111, 302, 305
Bouguereau, 61, 293
Bourget, Paul, 76
Boyden, Frank L., 203
Boynton, Henry Walcott, 38
Brahma, 82
Brahms, 25, 274
Brann-Brini, Mlle., 164
Branscombe, Gena, 200, 202
Brenon, Algernon St. John, 162
BretÓn, TomÁs, 113
Brian, Donald, 217
Brice, Fannie, 110
Brieux, 230
Brignoli, Pasquale, 155
Broadhurst, George, 302
Bromley, Eliza, 74
Brothers of the Book, 85
Browning, Robert, 307
Bunn, Alfred, 165
Burke, Billie, 295
Burney, Dr., 258
Butler, Samuel, 21
Byzance, 80
Cabanel, 61
CÆsar, Julius, 69
Caffarelli, 95, 96, 112
Cahill, Marie, 110
Cairns, William B., 38
Caligula, 51, 69, 79
CalvÉ, Emma, 106, 275
Camargo, 258, 259
Campanari, Giuseppe, 161, 162
Campbell, Mrs. Patrick, 299
Caracalla, 79
Carestini, Giovanni, 95, 96
Carmencita, 285
Carnegie Hall, 25
CarrÉ, Albert, 133
CarreÑo, Teresa, 153
Caruso, Enrico, 272
Cassive, Armande, 232
Catalani, Angelica, 93, 265 et seq.
Cato, 69
Cats, 59, 69, 77, 102, 127, 131, 132, 233, 258, 259, 298
Cavalazzi, Malvina, 310
Cesare Borgia, 79
CÉzanne, 301
Chabrier, Emmanuel, 285
Chadwick, George W., 197, 199, 212
Chambers, Robert W., 290
Chaliapine, Feodor, 114, 155
Charpentier, Gustave, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 173
Cherubini, 98
Cherubino's question, 54
Chinese plays, 103
Chopin, 23, 26, 55, 112, 239, 240, 301, 310
Chorley, Henry Fothergill, 98, 169, 247, 249, 261
Christ, 58, 67, 185, 191, 192
Christianity, 57, 68, 82, 83
Christy, Howard Chandler, 293
Churchill, Lady Randolph, 185
Cimarosa, Domenico, 255
Cinderella, 137
Cicisbeism, 82
Clairon, 96, 260, 302
Classical music, 23
Claudius, 69
Cleopatra, 82
Cline, Maggie, 107
Coerne, L. A., 199, 202
Cohan, George M., 288
Colles, Ramsay, 39
Colonne Orchestra, 310
Coloratura singing, 103, 104
Columbia University, 43
Comstock, Anthony, 59
Condamine, Robert de la, 183
Congreve, 303
Conrad, Joseph, 299
Conried, Henrich, 161, 162
Converse, Frederick, 212
Cooking, 233, 100, 106, 109, 152
Follies, The, 16, 222, 223
Foote, Arthur, 199, 202
Ford, Richard, 285, 291
Formes, Karl, 164
Forum, The, 87
Foster, Stephen, 29, 33, 152
Fox, Della, 217, 218, 219
Fox, Helen Kelsey, 208
Fragonard, 18
France, Anatole, 68, 185, 193
Franck, CÉsar, 151, 315
Franz, Robert, 23, 26, 93, 111
Fremstad, Olive, 108, 156, 298, 300
Freud, 50
Frezzolini, Erminia, 261 et seq.
Frohman, Charles, 85, 296
Gadski, Johanna, 155
Galli, Signora, 254
Galli-Curci, Amelita, 101, 102, 104, 114
Gamble, George, 39, 54
Ganne, Louis, 313
Garcia, Manuel, 160
Garcia, Manuel, fils, 252
Garden, Mary, 84, 114 et seq., 131, 133, 155
Gardiner, William, 267
Garrick, David, 96, 260, 302
Gautier, ThÉophile, 46, 58, 87, 131, 190, 225
German music, 150
Gerome, 61
Gerster, Etelka, 269
Giacosa, 284, 305
Giardini, Felice de, 164
Gibbons, Grinling, 19
Gilbert, W. S., 107, 216, 221
Giovannitti, Arturo, 305
Gipsy, 100, 286
Gizziello, 95
Glaser, Lulu, 219
Gluck, 29, 30, 96, 108, 135, 170, 232, 258, 259, 260, 310
Goncourt, Brothers de, 302
Goodrich, A. J., 199, 202
Goodwin, Nat, 295
Gosse, Edmund, 179
Gounod, 117, 151, 272, 273
Gourmont, Remy de, 48, 229
Goya, 59, 287
Grainger, Percy, 30, 330
Grau, Maurice, 161
Greek Plays, 103
Greenstreet, Sidney, 324
Greenwich Village, 16
Gregory, Lady, 192
GrÉtry, 170
Grieg, Edvard, 93
Grimm, 259
Grisi, Giulia, 166, 263 et seq.
Grove, Sir George, 171, 202, 271
Guilbert, Yvette, 107, 113, 114, 277
Hadley, Henry, 197, 212
Hadrian, 69
Hale, Philip, 33
HalÉvy, Jacques, 248
Hall, Pauline, 219
Handel, George Frederick, 25, 95, 97, 102, 113, 119, 172, 254
Hanslick, Eduard, 102, 263
Harris, Charles K., 202
Harris, Frank, 55, 189, 190
Hartmann, Eduard von, 43, 56, 60
Hawthorne vases, 18
Hay, Reverend John Stuart, 72
Haydn, 28
Heidelberg, 43
Heifetz, Jascha, 287
Heine, Heinrich, 82, 240, 286, 287
Heinrich, Max, 107, 155, 246
Helen of Troy, 82
Heliogabolus, 68, 69, 72
HÉloÏse, 82
Helvetius, 259
Henderson, W. J., 33, 115
Herbert, Victor, 155, 216
Hergesheimer, Joseph, 44, 153
Herodotus, 86
Hertz, Alfred, 155
Hervieu, Paul, 228
Heyse, Paul, 67
Hichens, Robert, 75, 81
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 38
Hirsch, Charles-Henry, 141
Hirsch, Louis A., 222
Hoff, Edwin, 221
Hollins, Mabel, 219
Homer, 76, 86
Hopper, De Wolf, 107, 221
Hopwood, Avery, 101, 236 et seq.
Horace, 76
Howells, W. D., 74, 191
Hubbard, Elbert, 39, 48
Hughes, Rupert, 198, 199
Hugo, Victor, 52, 55, 76, 87, 105
Humperdinck, Engelbert, 24, 29, 173, 329
Huneker, James, 33, 38, 55, 153, 154, 164, 173
Huss, Henry Holden, 199, 202
Huysmans, J. K., 43, 53, 70, 76, 80, 87, 151, 191, 308
Ibsen, 302
Incest, 60, 74, 84
d'Indy, Vincent, 200
Irving, Sir Henry, 294, 302
Irwin, May, 110
Ivan the Terrible, 79
Jackson, Holbrook, 44, 63
James, Henry, 59, 68, 231
Janis, Elsie, 110, 222
Jansen, Marie, 219, 222
Jefferson, Joseph, 303, 304
Jehovah, 82
Jensen, Adolph, 24
Jew, 58, 71, 152
Joachim, Joseph, 156
Jolson, Al, 110, 222
Jones, Henry Arthur, 234
Joseffy, Rafael, 155
Judic, 220
Jupiter, 82
Kaiser, The, 79
Kapila, 57
Keane, Doris, 13
Kellogg, Clara Louise, 166, 268, 269
Kellow, Lottie A., 203, 204
Kelly, Michael, 159, 160, 161, 170, 256
Kendal, Mrs., 318
Kenton, Edna, 41, 53
Ker, Ann, 74
Kern, Jerome, 23, 222
Korngold, Erich, 329
Koven, Reginald de, 216, 221
Krehbiel, H. E., 100, 153, 155
Krishna, 83
Labatt, 104
Lablache, Luigi, 163
Laforgue, Jules, 43
Laguerre, Mme., 260
La Harpe, 260
Lalo, Pierre, 33
Lampridius, 70, 72
Lavignac, Albert, 173
Lecocq, Charles, 173, 216
Lehar, Franz, 216
Lehmann, Lilli, 100, 107, 155, 269, 270, 274
Leoncavallo, Ruggiero, 32, 149
Lesbian, 75
Lessing, Madge, 219
Levey, Ethel, 110
Lewes, George Henry, 294, 301
Lienau's, 154
Lind, Jenny, 248, 253, 265 et seq., 298
Lindsay, Vachell, 314
Lippincott's Magazine, 63
Lisle, Leconte de, 57, 76
Liszt, 25, 32, 240
Lombard, Jean, 69
Lombroso, 308
Loomis, Harvey W., 200
Louis XIV, 135, 137
173, 174, 205, 234, 248, 268, 269, 270, 275, 276, 289, 298, 300, 305
Mullin, W. T., 204 et seq.
Murillo, 190
Murphy, Agnes G., 155
Murska, Ilma de, 269
Musset, Alfred de, 239, 240, 252
Musette, 135
Nachbaur, Franz, 164
Names, Theory of, 49, 50, 56, 76
Napoleon, 79, 192
Naldi, Giuseppe, 160
Nathan, George Jean, 283, 295
Nazimova, Alla, 283, 305
Negro Players, 283
Newman, Ernest, 32, 150
Niemann, Albert, 164
Nero, 69, 71, 72
Nerval, GÉrard de, 31
New York Times, The, 233
Nicolai, Carl, 173
Nicolini, 95
Nielsen, Alice, 219
Nijinsky, Waslav, 112, 183, 285, 301
Nillson, Carlotta, 237
Nilsson, Christine, 268, 269
Nordica, Lillian, 270
Offenbach, 216, 219
OpÉra-Comique, Paris, 131
Orleneff, Paul, 283, 305
Ornstein, Leo, 30, 104, 121, 298, 329
Oysters, American, 158
Pacchierotti, 93, 94, 95
Pachmann, Vladimir de, 301
Paganini, 172
Palmer, Delmar G., 210, 211
Pan, Peter, 137
Parke, W. T., 171, 172, 256, 257, 258
Parker, Horatio W., 23, 197, 212
Pasta, Giuditta, 97, 249 et seq.
Pater, Walter, 70, 72, 137, 190, 307
Pattee, Fred Lewis, 38
Patti, Adelina, 101, 102, 104, 115, 153, 253, 269, 288, 298
Payton, Corse, 304
Peacock, Thomas Love, 301
PÉladan, Josephin, 43
Persian miniatures, 19
Pessimism, 56, 60, 61, 65
Petrarch, 76
Pfitzner, Hans, 200
Perfumes, 79
Phelps, William Lyon, 38
PhÉmÉ, 86
Philip II, 79
Philistine, The, 39
Philosophy of Edgar Saltus, 54, 56
Picasso, Pablo, 19, 183
Piccinni, Niccola, 24, 258
Pinero, Arthur Wing, 234, 295, 302, 303, 321
Pinto, Mrs., 257
Pischek, Johann, 173
Pistocchi, Francesco, 99
Plagiarism, 79
Poe, Edgar Allan, 44, 87
Pogliani, Giacomo, 157
Poiret, Paul, 154, 222
Poisons, 51, 52, 59, 64, 76
Pollard, Percival, 48
Pompadour, Mme. de, 260
Ponchielli, Amilcare, 175
Popular music, 23
Porpora, 95, 96, 99
Pougy, Liane de, 201
Pratella, Balilla, 329
Puccini, Giacomo, 24, 26, 29, 100, 103, 108, 113, 157, 173, 175, 318, 329
Puchol, Luisita, 288
Puente, del, 159
Purcell, Henry, 152
Puritanism, 65
Pyrrhonist, 179
Quincy, de, 31
Quinlan, Gertrude, 219
Rabusson, 63
Rachel, 250, 301, 302, 310
Radcliffe, Mrs., 74
Raff, Joseph Joachim, 23
Ragtime, 110, 152, 290
Rankin, Phyllis, 219
Ravel, Maurice, 200, 315, 329
Realism in fiction, 56, 77, 88
Realistic acting, 105, 111
Reeves, Sims, 263
Reger, Max, 27, 29
Rehan, Ada, 319, 320
Reicher, Frank, 300
Reinhardt, Max, 282
Renan, 76
Renaud, Maurice, 107, 246
Repplier, Agnes, 9, 38, 69
Reszke, Jean de, 100
Retz, Gille de, 80
Rimbaud, Arthur, 43
Rimsky-Korsakov, 157, 299, 315
Ring, Blanche, 110
Ristori, 302
Rives, Mme. AmÉlie, 48
Rodin, Auguste, 129, 227, 228, 312
Rome, 70, 71
Ronalds, Lorillard, 69
Ronconi, Giorgio, 97, 98, 246
Ronsard, 76
Roosevelt, Theodore, 120, 209
Rops, FÉlicien, 312
Rorer, Mrs., 149
Rossini, Gioacchino, 25, 26, 28, 31, 33, 61, 97, 101, 102, 103, 142, 149, 168, 169, 248, 273, 288
Rostand, 228
Rowland, Adele, 222
RÜbgam, 164
Rubini, Giovanni Battista, 163
Rubinstein, Anton, 24, 112
Runciman, J. F., 32, 234
Russell, Lillian, 160, 220
Russian Ballet, 282, 288, 315
Rutherford, John S., 63
SacrÉ-Coeur, Church of, 126, 130
Sagan, Princesse de, 84
St. Giorgio, Signor, 159, 160
St. Paul's School, 42
Salieri, Antonio, 170
Salome, 66, 67, 86, 287
Saltus, Edgar, 37 et seq., 117, 154, 187, 191, 225
Saltus, Francis, 42
Sanborn, Pitts, 118
Sand, George, 26, 239, 240, 252
Sanderson, Julia, 217
Santley, Charles, 158, 167, 174, 264
Sappho, 76, 82
Sardou, 302, 303
Satan, 58, 78, 286, 287
Satie, Erik, 30, 329
Saturday Review, The, 18
Savoyarde, restaurant, 125, 126, 130, 131
Scharwenka, Xaver, 155
Scheherazade, 82
Schillings, Max, 150
Schoenberg, Arnold, 30, 32, 121, 329
Schopenhauer, 43, 56
Schroeder, Edwin Albert, 71
Schroeder-Devrient, Wilhelmine, 99
Schubert, 24, 27, 28, 33, 170, 205, 305, 310
Schumann, 111, 274
Scott, Cyril, 29, 329
Scotti, Antonio, 107
Scriptores HistoriÆ AugustÆ, 70
Seidl, Anton, 222, 223
Vagaries of genius, 55
ValliÈre, Louise, de la, 13
Valverde, JoaquÍn, 284 et seq.
Vaughn, Theresa, 219
Verelst, Myndart, 56, 58
Veiller, Bayard, 68
Velasquez, 16, 190
Verdi, Giuseppe, 120, 149, 173, 221, 270, 275, 298, 323
Verlaine, Paul, 43
Veronese, 16
Versatility in acting, 300
Vespasian, 69
Viafora, 157
Viardot, Pauline, 98, 250, 251, 252, 253
Victory of Samothrace, The, 17, 312
Vinci, Leonardo da, 190, 191, 301
Wachtel, Theodor, 164
Wagner, Richard, 23, 29, 32, 93, 96, 99, 100, 102, 104, 108, 113, 120, 150, 162, 173, 175, 270, 271, 274, 298, 301, 314
Walter, Eugene, 68
Walter, Gustav, 164
Warfield, David, 295
Wayburn, Ned, 281
Weber, 27, 31, 98, 175
Webster, 51
Weckerlin, J. B., 169
Weichsell, Carl, 172
Weichsell, Charles, 172
Weidley, David, 210
Wendell, Barrett, 38
Westminster Magazine, 39
Whitmer, T. Carl, 200, 202
Wilde, Oscar, 20, 43, 48, 55, 63, 64, 66, 70, 85, 86, 87, 187, 239, 282, 307
Winter, William, 320, 324
Wodehouse, P. G., 222
Women, Saltus's opinion of, 73
WÜllner, Ludwig, 246
Yeats, W. B., 192
Yohe, May, 219
Zandonai, Riccardo, 329
Zeus, 82
Ziegfeld, Florenz, 283
Zuloaga, 290
Variations in spelling, hyphenation, and punctuation have been retained from the original book except for the following changes:
Table of Contents: Added listings for Footnotes and Index.
Page 189: Changed "their's" to "theirs".
Page 227: Added "Young" to the chapter title, "Two Young American Playwrights," to match the Table of Contents and section title.
Page 259: Changed "Eightenth Century" to "Eighteenth Century".
Page 303: "Mrs. Siddone" might be a typo for "Mrs. Siddons". Retained.
Page 320: Capitalized "It" in "As You Like It" for consistency.
Page 331: (Index) Changed "Aeschylus" to "Æschylus" to match text.
Page 332: (Index) The reference for BergstrÖm, Hjalmar, 90 was not found anywhere in the original book, and page 90 was a blank page.
Page 332: (Index) Changed page ref. 122 to 222 for Bernhardt, Sarah.
Page 332: (Index) Changed "Caesar, Julius," to "CÆsar, Julius," to match text.
Page 338: (Index) Changed page ref. 176 to 76 for Michelet.
Page 339: (Index) Changed "PÉladin, Josephin" to "PÉladan, Josephin" to match text.
Page 341: (Index) Changed "Scriptores Historiae Augustae" to "Scriptores HistoriÆ AugustÆ" to match text.