st@g@html@files@59234@59234-h@59234-h-11.htm.html#Page_120" class="pginternal">120 Contracted pelvis, measurements in, 29 Convulsions, in infants, 531 Cord, umbilical, 76 - development of, 61
- ligation of, 272
- prolapsed, 285
Corpus luteum, 49 - false, 49
- of menstruation, 49
- of pregnancy, 49
- verum, 49
Corsets, during pregnancy, 121 - front-lace, 122
- maternity, 122
Cow’s milk compared with mother’s milk, 491 Cramps in legs, during pregnancy, 140 Cravings, during pregnancy, 127 Cul-de-sac of Douglas, 36, 39 DÄmmerschlaf, 292 Date of confinement, to calculate, 93, 94 Deaths in childbirth, 112, 405 Decidua basalis, 66 - gravidatis, 65
- reflexa, 66
- serotina, 66
- vera, 66
Deficiency diseases, 372, 378 Delivery, dressings required for, 159 - patient draped for, 262
- preparation of dressings for, 155, 158
- of equipment for, 155
- of room for, 155
- requirements of mother for, 158
- room ready for, 258, 259
Detachment of placenta, 241 Desserts allowed in pregnancy, 128 Development of cord, 61 - of embryo, 61, 76, 78, 80
- of fetus, 61, 76, 78, 80
- of membranes, 61
- of ovum, 61
- of placenta, 61, 72
Diameters of fetal head, 90, 91 Gonorrhea complicating pregnancy, 212 Gonorrheal vaginitis in infants, 540 Graafian follicle, 34, 48 Gymnastics during pregnancy, 130 Harelip in newborn, 541 Head, fetal, 88, 90 - circumference of, 91
- diameters of, 90, 91
- fontanelles of, 89, 90
- rotation of during birth, 236
- sutures of, 89
Health, general, during pregnancy, 106 Heart, fetal, auscultation of, 231 - lesions of complicating pregnancy, 209
Heart beat, fetal, sign of pregnancy, 99 Heart burn, during pregnancy, 135 Heat and acetic acid test for albumen in urine, 118 Hebotomy, 303 Hemorrhage, accidental, 178 - ante-partum, 174
- concealed, 178
- during pregnancy, 143
- during puerperium, 391
- frank, 178
- post-partum, 286, 391
- causes of, 391
- treatment of, 392
Hemorrhoids during pregnancy, 140 Hernia, in newborn, 542 Hot dry pack in eclampsia, 197 Hygiene, of nursing mother, 363 Hysterotomy, vaginal, 305 Icterus, in newborn, 540 Ignorance, dangers of, 546 Ilium, 19 Impetigo, 540 Impregnation, 62 Inanition, 518 Incomplete abortion, 170 Indian binder for breasts, 347 Induced abortion, 309 Infancy, abnormalities of, 518 - disorders of, 518
- infection in, 533
Infant, and see Newborn - colic in, 528
- constipation in, 529
- convulsions in, 531
- diarrheal diseases of, 518
- enema for, 535
- symptoms of, 534
- prevention of, 534
- treatment of, 535
Orange juice, preparation of, 505 Organized prenatal work, 405 Organs of reproduction, female, 30 Ossa innominata, 19 Ova, 34, 47 Ovarian ligament, 34, 38 Ovaries, 34 - changes in during pregnancy, 102
Ovulation, 47 - relation to menstruation, 55
Ovum, 47, 68 - development of, 61
- migration of, 61
- segmentation of, 64, 65
Pack, to give, 521, 522 Palpation of fetus, 224 Pasteurized milk, 494 Pellagra, 380 Pelvic cavity, 22 Pelvic examination in puerperium, 329 Pelvimetry, 19, 25, and see Diameters of pelvis Pelvis, anatomy of, 19 - brim of, 22
- contracted, measurements of, 29
- diameters of, 25, and see Diameters of pelvis
- false, 23
- female, 19, 21, 30
- inferior strait, 23
- inlet, 22
- male, 21, 30
- measurements of, 25
- normal female, 19, 30
- outlet of, 23
- rachitic, 30
- true, 23
Pemphigus, 540 Percentage feeding, 499, 500, 501 Perineal dressings, in puerperium, 336 Perineum, anatomy of, 40 - care of in puerperium, 335
Peritoneum, 34 Pernicious vomiting of pregnancy, 134, 181 - classification, 96
- probable, 98
skin, care of during, 118 - changes in during, 104
- itching of during, 141
- stretching of during, 141
sleep during, 130 spurious, 96 stocking supporters during, 124 supporters, abdominal, during, 122 swelling of feet during, 137 symptoms of, 93 syphilis, complicating, 207 teeth in, 104, 133 temperature of body in, 105 thyroidism, complicating, 210 toxemias of, 142, 179 travelling during, 133 triplet, 82 twin, 82 umbilicus, changes in during, 103 urinary apparatus, changes in during, 104 urine in, 117 uterus, changes in during, 101, 83 vagina, changes in during, 102 vaginal discharge during, 140 varicose veins during, 138 vomiting during, 134, 181 Premature baby, 508 Premature labor, 172, 165 Premature separation of normally implanted placenta, 178 - causes of, 178
- symptoms of, 178
- treatment of, 179
Premature termination of pregnancy, 165 Premenstrual swelling of endometrium, 1. In the generally contracted pelves, all of the external measurements are shorter than normal, the diagonal conjugate being 11.5 cm., or less. In simple flat pelves, on the other hand, the external measurements are normal, but the diagonal conjugate is 11 cm., or less.If the distance between the tuber-ischii is only 8 cm., or less, the patient has some kind of a funnel pelvis; simple, if the inlet measurements are normal, but if they also are shortened, the pelvis is described as a generally contracted funnel. The rachitic pelves present certain characteristic features, one being less difference between the inter-spinous and inter-crestal measurements than is found in a normal pelvis. Another, that the distance between the tuber-ischii is always of normal length and may even be greater than normal. The peculiar deformity of the sacrum, however, is the most characteristic abnormality of the rachitic pelves. The concavity from above downward is markedly increased, in some cases almost forming an angle, while the horizontal concavity is nearly or quite obliterated. The commonest type of a rachitic pelvis is one in which all of the inlet measurements are shortened, the inter-tuberous distance normal, and the sacrum characteristically deformed. This is called the generally contracted, rachitic pelvis. In the flat rachitic pelvis all of the inlet measurements are normal, except the diagonal conjugate, which may be shortened to 11 cm., or less, and the sacrum presents the deformity described above. |