

Abdul Aziz, 231.
Abdul Hamid, 232.
Alexander I, the Well-beloved, 197.
Alexander II, the Liberator, 218.
Alexander III, the Peasants' Friend, 241.
Alexander of Battenberg, 246.
Alexander Nevski, 60, 69.
Alexis Michaelovitch, 141.
Alexis, son of Peter the Great, 170.
Andrew Bogolioubski, 54.
Anne Ivanovna, Czarina, 175.
Area of Russia, 14.
Armenians, 255.
Askold, 30.


Baskak, Tartar tax collector, 71.
Bati, Khan of the Golden Horde, 65.
Battle of the Oka, 102.
Boundaries of Russia, 15.
Boyard, noble, 56.
Byzantium, former name of Constantinople.


Catherine I, wife of Peter the Great, 169, 171, 173.
Catherine II, the Great, 183.
Caucasus, The 264.
ChouÏski, Andrew, 112.
ChouÏski, Czar, 134.
Christianity, 36, 42.
Climate of Russia, 18.
Constantine, 58.
Council of Florence, attempt to unite the Roman and Greek Churches, 60.
Crimea The, annexed, 190.
Crimean War, 215.
Cyril, 36.
Czar, king, 112.
Czargrad, city of the king.
Czarina, wife of the czar.


Dagh Bog the sun god, 20.
Diak, secretary, 107.
Dir, 30.
Dmitri DonskoÏ, 87.
Dnieper, 20.
DonskoÏ, of the Don, surname of Dmitri, 91.
Douma, council of nobles, 131.
Drujina, body-guard, 32.
DÜna, 20.
Dvor, inclosure, 27.
Dwina, 20.


Eikon, image of a saint, 44, 55.
Elizabeth, Queen of England, 118.
Elizabeth, Czarina, 178.


Feodor (Theodore), Son of Ivan the Terrible, 129.
Feodor Alexievitch, 144.
Finland, 26.
Finns, 26.
Frederick the Great, 188.


Galitch, Southwest Russia, 61.
Gedimin, 80.
Genghis Khan, 64.
George Dolgorouki, 51.
George, Grand Duke of Moscow, 83.
Godounof, Boris, Czar, 129.
Gosti, guest, Russian for merchant, 124.
Goubernii, Government or province, 226.
Greece, independence of, 209.
Greek Church, 42.
Gustavus Wasa, 119.


Hetman, chief of Cossacks.


Iarlikh, patent or written authorisation from the khan, 73.
Iaropolk, 41.
Iaroslaf II, 44.
Igor, son of Rurik, 30, 32.
Iouri, George, 111.
Isiaslaf, 50.
Ivan Kalita, 85.
Ivan II, 88.
Ivan III, the Great, 97.
Ivan IV, the Terrible, 111.
Ivan Alexievitch, 145.
Ivan Ivanovitch, 177.


Jagellon, 80.
Jews, persecution of the, 242.


Kalita, alms-bag, 87.
Kazan, 119.
Khanates, the, 265.
Kholop, slave, 123.
Kief, 41.
Kirghiz Steppe, 264.
Kniaz, duke, defender, prince, 30, 45.
Kosciusko, Thaddeus, 191.
Kostroma, 19.
KublaÏ Khan, 68.
Krestianine, true Christian, surname given to the peasants during the Tartar yoke.


Leo the Deacon, historian, 37, 39.


Mangou, grandson of Genghis Khan, 67.
Mazeppa, 147, 158.
Methodius, 36.
Metropolitan, Head of the Greek Church, 56.
Michael, Grand Duke of Tver, 75.
Michael, first czar of the present dynasty, 135.
Mindvog, 79.
Minine, Kouzma, a Russian patriot, 134.
Mir, communal village, 27.
Moscow, Burning of, 202.
Moujik, lit. Manikin, contemptuous word for peasant, 34.
Mstislaf the Bold, 58.
Mstislaf the Brave, 55.
Murad V, 231.
Muravieff Amoorsky, 267.


Namiestnik, ducal delegate, 106.
Napoleon I, 197.
Napoleon III, 213, 229.
Nicholas I, 207.
Nicholas II, 251.
Nicon, Reformer, 144.
Nihilism, 234.
Nestor, Russian historian, 29, 32.
Novgorod, Republic of, 29, 97.


OktaÏ, khan, 69.
Olga, 42.
Olgerd, 80.
Oleg, 30, 41.
Olmutz, Battle of, 198.
Oulogenia, Code of Laws under Ivan III., 105.


Pan-Germanism, 246.
Pan-Slavism, 245.
Paul I, 194.
Peace Congress, 256.
Peipus, Lake, Battle on the Ice, 70.
Perun, god of thunder, 27.
Peter the Great, 145.
Peter II, 174.
Peter III, 179.
Philarete, Metropolitan, father of the first Romanof, 135.
Plemia, confederacy of tribes, 28.
Poland, Partition of, 188.
Poliessa, forest region, 20.
Poniatowski, Stanislas, 187.
Portsmouth, Peace treaty at, 284.
Possadnik, burgomaster or commandant, 52.
Prestige, Russia loses her, 277.
Pskof, Republic of, 51.
Pultowa, Battle of, 81.


Raskol, plur. Raskolnik, Religious Madmen, opponents to Nicon's reforms, 146.
Roman, Duke of Volhynia, 61.
Romanof, Anastasia, wife of Ivan the Terrible, 114.
Romanof, Michael, elected czar, 135.
Rurik, 29.
RusskaÏa Pravda, Russian Right, 45.
Ryndis, young nobles, 110.


St. Petersburg founded, 168.
SaraÏ, Capital of the Golden Horde, 68.
Schamyl, 209.
Scythians, 23.
Simeon, first Grand Duke of All the Russias, 88.
Sineous, 29.
Slavophil, Friend of Slavs, 230.
Slavs, 25.
Smerd, boor, lout.
Sophia, Autocrat of All the Russias, 145.
Starost, elder or mayor, 52.
Streltsi, national guard, 121.
Stri Bog, god of the winds, 27.
Sviatopolk, 44, 49.
Sviatoslaf, 35, 41.


Tamerlane, 92.
Tartars or Tatars, 63.
Tartartchina, Tartar Yoke, 73.
TchernÉ. Black people, name applied to the people by the nobles, 77.
TchÉlobitiÉ, Beating of the forehead, i. e., petition, 123.
Tchin, plur. Tchinovnik, lit. Gentlemen, now Officials, 164.
Tilsit, meeting at, 199.
Transcaspia, 264.
Treaty of Berlin, 234.
Treaty of Paris, 220.
Truvor, 29.
Turkestan, 264.
Turks, 94, 231.
Turkey, war with, 232.
Tysatski, commandant of the militia, 52.


Ukase, imperial edict equal to law Ural Mountains, 18.
Uzbeck, Khan, 68.


Valdai Plateau, 19.
Varingians, Norsemen, 29.
Vassili the Blind, 93.
VetchÉ, Municipal Council, 27.
Vitovt, 81.
Vladimir Monomachus, 49.
Vladimir, Saint, 41.
Voievod, governor of a fortress, 33.
Volga, 119.
Voloss, god of the flocks, 27.
Volost, county or canton, 28.
Vsevolod, 57.


Zemstvo, Assembly, 226.
Zimisces, John, 38.

Footnote 1: Karamsin.(Back) Footnote 2: Karamsin.(Back) Footnote 3: Mstislaf the Brave was buried in the church of St. Sophia.(Back) Footnote 4: Kostomarof.(Back) Footnote 5: Ta, great; hence: the Great Tzis.(Back) Footnote 6: Where Kalouga now stands.(Back) Footnote 7: Planus Corpinius.(Back) Footnote 8: Karamsin.(Back) Footnote 9: Wallace.(Back) Footnote 10: Priests.(Back) Footnote 11: See p. 209(Back) Footnote 12: Parliamentary Papers, Central Asia. 1873.(Back) Footnote 13: Ravenstein, Russians on the Amoor.(Back)


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