The death of Ii Naosuke decided Kano to return to Kyoto with his friends, Ito and Inouye, as he said grimly “to help pull the ground from under the feet of the Court.” His acquaintance with Karassu Maru was of material assistance to him. This kugÉ was of a very impulsive temperament, with none of that self control, characteristic of the samurai. Generous to a fault, he was implacable as a foe. While he frightened some of the more timid kugÉ by the boldness of his speech, he attracted others. The Court mustered the courage to summon the Shogun to Kyoto, to answer the charge of misgovernment brought against him by several clans. No Shogun had deigned doing homage to Tenshi Sama since 1634. The humble reply from the Go rojiu was “Since the barbarian vessels commenced to visit this country, the barbarians have conducted themselves in an insolent manner, without any interference on the part of the Yedo officials. The consequence has been that the peace of the empire has been disturbed and the people have been plunged into misery. Tenshi Sama was profoundly distressed at these things, and the Go rojiu on that occasion replied that discord had arisen among the people, and it was therefore impossible to raise an army for the expulsion of the barbarians, but that if His Majesty would graciously give his sister in marriage to the Shogun that then the court and camp would be reconciled, the samurai would exert themselves, and the barbarians would be swept away. Thereupon His Majesty good-naturedly granted the request and permitted the Princess Kazu to go down to Yedo. Contrary The effect of Kano’s visit to the Gosho is plainly visible in this document. Iyemochi, the Shogun, paid homage to the Tenshi Sama in April 1863, and the same year released the Daimiyo from their compulsory residence at Yedo. At the same time Kano at last secured the long coveted imperial order to commence the expulsion of the barbarians, and he returned to Nagato in high glee. In the south-western part of the main island of Japan, known as Hondo, a narrow strait separates it from the island of Kiusiu. This strait is named after the city of Shimonoseki,[80] situated on the northern shore, in Nagato. This shore is composed of bold bluffs, formed of THE FRIENDS WERE STANDING IN A GARDEN “THE FRIENDS WERE STANDING IN A GARDEN OF A TEAHOUSE.” In the beginning of July, 1863, the friends were standing in the garden of a teahouse, whose upper story overlooked the entrance to the strait, when an attendant appeared and informed them that a barbarian vessel was approaching. The party went up-stairs and watched the ship, as, unable to stem the current, she came to anchor. “She is going to stay there all night” said Kano grimly. “Well, we don’t want any more foreigners nor their vessels, There was grim expectation among Choshiu’s samurai at the prospect of an early battle. They had imbibed the dislike of Kano, and the cry of Sonno JoÏ had excited them. Still, they retired to rest as usual, but were up with the first dawn. The American bark, the Pembroke, was not expecting any hostilities. When the tide turned in the morning, the captain gave orders to hoist the anchor, when he was startled by firing and a moment later a ball went through one of his sails. He had the American flag hoisted, but it produced no effect, except that more batteries opened upon her. The two sailing vessels and the steamer appeared to be preparing to increase her danger, but the sailors worked with a will, and soon had her under weigh. The marksmanship of the Choshiu gunners, however, was very poor, and the Pembroke escaped. After the Wyoming had steamed away, Kano sent for his two friends, and together they discussed the event of that morning. “It is easy to understand,” he said, “why our ships suffered defeat. Our samurai can scarcely be expected to learn to handle strange craft in so short a time. What puzzles me is that we could not sink her with our batteries.” “Why,” said Ito, “that was plain enough. She steamed straight under us and for the vessels. If we had been able to loosen the rock, “Then they are cowards!” Kano cried, “they knew that we could not hit them there, and so crept under shelter. I don’t call that honorable warfare.” “I don’t see that,” said Inouye smiling. “It is fair in war to take every advantage over an enemy; besides, it was decidedly no coward who would come with one small vessel and attack three, while facing the guns of our batteries. No! We lack the skill. Suppose we put armor on our peasants and arm them with our swords, would they be able to fight as well as we, who are trained from our youth? The biggest and most powerful peasant, in armor, would not be a match for Ekichi. It is the same thing in this case. We have the weapons, but we do not know how to use them.” “We fired well enough when she was in the channel,” objected Ito. “Yes, but you confessed yourself that you |