Asterisks indicate foot-notes
class="pginternal">325. Eberstadt, Rudolph, Der Deutsche Kapitalmarkt, 32*. Economics, by Francis W. Blackmar, 255. Economiste FranÇais, 163*, 349*. Economist, London, 16, 18*, 19, 197. (See Hirst, Francis W.). Egyptian Speculation, 62. Emery, Henry Crosby, on Advantages of broad speculative markets, 61. Emery, Henry Crosby, on German Bourse Law, 239, et seq.; on control of speculation, 256–7–8. Emery, Henry Crosby, on Speculation on the Stock Exchange and Produce Exchanges of the U.S., 49*. Employes on ’Change, 289, 318. Engineering News, 202*. England, capital exports, 28. England, Laws of, affecting company organizations, 147. England, Laws, of affecting short sales, 95. English capital in America, 20. English Corn Laws, History of, by J. Shield Nicholson 255. English Economic History, Introduction to, by W.T. Ashley, 224. Exchange, Origin of, 12*. Exchange Register, in Germany, 241. Exchanges, in London in early days, 323. Exchequer, English, 324*. Exports of capital by London, 366. Failures, of stockbrokers, 112, 152, 156; in London, 331; in Paris, 350, 395; opinion of Hughes Commission, 423. Fairs, in primitive countries, 5. Farmers’ Alliance, 7. Farmers, Speculation by, 83. Fayant, Frank, Some Thoughts on Speculation, 32*, 68*, 239, 252*. Fictitious transactions, 425. Financial Crises, etc., by Theo. E. Burton, 183*, 191*. Financial press in London, 348. Fortnightly Review, on panics, 199*. Forum, at Rome, 262. France, Volumes of Securities in, 406. French Government, attitude toward stockbrokers’ monopoly, 401. Future delivery, transactions for, in France, 402, 410; in America, 438. Gambling as distinguished from speculating, 53–54, 417, 92*, 379*. London Exchanges in XVI Century, 323. London Money Market, Rise of the, by W.R. Bisschop, 379*. London Stock Exchange, history of, 326, et seq.; management of, 329; rules, 330, 364*; membership, 332, 335; stockbrokers, 332; admission, 332–3; entrance fees, etc., 333; capital stock, 333*; precautions against monopoly, 333; jobbers, 336–7–8; commissions, 342; settlement days, 344; publicity, 347; borrowings from banks, 353; transfers, 355; volume of business, 356–7; official list, 358 et seq.; securities as affected by war, 368; the day’s work, 372. London Stock Exchange, unincorporated, 267*. London, The world’s banker, 366. Luncheon Club, The, 305. Manhattan Banking Company, 31. Manipulation, efforts of governors to suppress, 169, 174. Manipulation, opinions of Courtois and Conant,175*. Manipulation, opinion of Emery, 257; comment of Hughes Commission, 421. Manipulation prohibited, 254 Manipulation, value of, 170. Margin, speculation on, 50, 51, 52. Margins, insufficient margins prohibited, 255 and 256 Margins required by stockbrokers, 147. Margin Trading a feature of all business, 58. Margin Trading a matter of contract, 53. Margin Trading defined by Hughes Commission, 419. Market in N.Y. compared with London, 340. Market in Paris as affected by stockbrokers’ monopoly, 397 et seq. Markets, defined by Hughes Commission, 415. Markets for produce, 6. Marshall, Alfred, on legislation, 255. Matched orders, 422. McCulloch, J.R., Principles of Economics, 46*. McMaster on Public Sentiment in Early Days, 30. McVey, Frank L., on Stock Exchange Usefulness, 41*. Mechanism of the City, The, by Ellis T. Powell, 105, 431. Values, Relation to prices, 4. Van Vorst, Justice, opinion, 236*. Vendors’ shares, in London, 364. Vidal, E., History and methods of Paris Bourse, 392; monopoly of Bourse, 399, 401*, 403, 404. Vidal, E., on Origin of Bourse and Exchanges, 12*. Villeplaine, Boscary de, on short selling, 88. Visitors’ Gallery, 286. Wall Street and the Country, by Chas. A. Conant, 29*, 175*. Wall Street, distinction between the Stock Exchange and, 64. Wall Street Journal, 83*, 136, 139, 145, 165*, 173*, 178*, 372*. Wall Street not the Stock Exchange, 428. War, between England and a first-rate power, 367, et seq. War, cost of, 367. War, Franco-German, 383, et seq. “Wash Sales,” 168, 422. “Welchers,” 227, 249; in Paris, 402. Wealth of Nations, The, 37. White, Horace, on banking laws, 102, 104; on company promoters, 142, 147*; on gold speculation, 251; on margin transactions, 53*; on money rates, 115; on short selling, 80; on Stock market quotations, 15; on the distinction between Wall Street and the Stock Exchange, 64; on the Hughes Commission, 159; on the panic of 1907, 196; on the panics of 1837, 1857 & 1873, 199*. Withers, G., The Stock Exchange (London), 32*. Withers, Hartley, Stocks and Shares, 379*. Witwatersrand, discovery of gold in, 365. Wood, Henry, Political Economy, 219*. Woolley, C., Phases of Panics, 219*. World’s Wealth in Securities, by Chas. A. Conant, 288*. World’s Work, The, 294*. Worry on Change, 302 et seq. Worry the Disease of the Age, by Dr. C. W. Saleeby 304*. Yale Review, THE COUNTRY LIFE PRESS GARDEN CITY, N. Y.