Introduction by Sir William Osler, Bart., M.D., F.R.S., v. | CHAPTER I 1822—1843 | Origin of the Pasteur Family, 1—Jean Joseph Pasteur, a Conscript in 1811; Sergeant-major in the 3rd Infantry Regiment, 3; a Knight of the Legion of Honour, 4; his Marriage, 5; the Tannery at DÔle, 6—Birth of Louis Pasteur, his Childhood and Youth, 6. Studies in Arbois College, 7. Departure for Paris, 11. Arrival in Paris, 11; the Barbet Boarding School, Home Sickness, 11. Return to Jura, Pasteur a Portrait Painter, 12; enters BesanÇon Royal College, 13; a Bachelier Ès Lettres, a Preparation Master, 14; his Readings, 15. Friendship with Chappuis, 18; a Bachelier Ès Sciences, 20; Pasteur admitted to the Ecole Normale, 22; Sorbonne Lectures, Impression produced by J. B. Dumas, 21. | CHAPTER II 1844—1849 | First Crystallographic Researches, 26; Pasteur a Curator in Balard’s Laboratory, works with Auguste Laurent, 32. Chemistry and Physics Theses, 34. Pasteur reads a Paper at the AcadÉmie des Sciences, 36. February days, 1848, 37. Molecular Dissymmetry, 38; J. J. Biot’s Emotion at Pasteur’s first Discovery, 41. Pasteur Professor of Physics at Dijon, 43. Professor of Chemistry at the Strasburg Faculty, his Friend Bertin, 45; M. Laurent, Rector of the Strasburg Academy, 47; Pasteur’s Marriage, 51. | CHAPTER III 1850—1854 | Disgrace of the Strasburg Rector, 54. Letter from Biot to Pasteur’s Father, 57. Letter from J. B. Dumas, 60. Interview with Mitscherlich, 61. Pasteur in quest of Racemic Acid, in Germany, Austria and Bohemia, 62. Pasteur a Knight of the Legion of Honour, 70. Biot’s Congratulations, 70. Proposed Work, 72. | CHAPTER IV 1855—1859 | Pasteur Dean of the new Lille Faculty, 75; his Teaching, 77; First Studies on Fermentations, 79. First Candidature for the Academy of Sciences, 81. Lactic Fermentation, 83. Pasteur Administrator of the Ecole Normale, 84. Alcoholic Fermentation, 85. Death of Pasteur’s eldest Daughter, 86. | CHAPTER V 1860—1864 | So-called spontaneous Generation, 88. Polemics and Experiments, 92. Renewed Candidature for the AcadÉmie des Sciences, 100. Lectures on Crystallography, 102. Pasteur elected a Member of the AcadÉmie des Sciences, 103. Conversation with Napoleon III, 104. Lecture at the Sorbonne on so-called spontaneous Generation, 106. Pasteur and the Students of the Ecole Normale, 445; his Jubilee, 447; Speech, 450. Pasteur’s Name given to a District in Canada and to a Village in Algeria, 451. Diphtheria, M. Roux’ Studies in Serotherapy, 453; Pasteur at Lille; Lecture by M. Roux on Serotherapy, 456; repeated at the Buda-Pesth Congress, 456. Subscription for the Organization of the Antidiphtheritic Treatment, 456. Pasteur’s Disciples, 457. Pasteur’s Illness, 458; Visit from Alexandre Dumas, 460; Visit from former Ecole Normale Students, 460. Pasteur refuses a German Decoration, 461. Conversations with Chappuis, 462. Departure for Villeneuve l’Etang, 462; last Weeks, 463. Project for a Pasteur Hospital, 464. Death of Pasteur, 464. | Index: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y, Z | 465 |