Having thus solved the problem of spontaneous generation, a problem which was but a parenthesis forced upon his attention, Pasteur returned to fermentation. Guided by his studies on vinegar and other observations of detail, he undertook an inquiry into the diseases of wine. The explanations of the changes which wine was known to undergo rested only on hypothesis. From the time of Chaptal, who was followed by Liebig and Berzelius, all the world believed wine to be a liquid in which the various constituents react upon each other mutually and slowly. The wine was thought to be continually 'working.' When the fermentation of the grape is finished, equilibrium is not quite established between the diverse elements of the liquor. Time is needed for them to blend together. If this reciprocal action be not regular, the wine becomes bad. This was, in other words, the doctrine of spontaneity. Without support from carefully reasoned experiments, these explanations could not satisfy Pasteur, especially at a Pasteur tried first of all to show that wine does not 'work' as much as it was supposed to do. Wine being a mixture of different substances, among which are acids and alcohol, particular ethers are no doubt formed in it in course of time, and similar reactions perhaps take place between the other constituents of the liquid. But if the exactitude of such facts cannot be denied, based as they are upon general laws, confirmed and extended by recent inquiries, Pasteur thought that a false application was made of them when they were employed to explain the maladies of wine, the changes which occur in it through age—in a word, the alterations, whether good or bad, which wines are subject to. The 'ageing' of wine soon appeared to him to consist essentially in the phenomena of oxidation, due to the oxygen of the air which dissolves and is diffused in the wine. He gave manifest proofs of this. I will only mention one of them. New wine inclosed in a glass vessel hermetically sealed keeps its freshness; it does not 'work,' it does not 'age.' Pasteur demonstrated besides, that all the processes of wine-making are explained by the double necessity of oxygenising the wine to a suitable degree, and of preventing its deterioration. In seeking for the actual causes of injurious This hypothesis was verified. In his hands the injurious modifications suffered by wines were shown to be correlative with the presence and the multiplication of microscopic vegetations. Such growths alter the wine, either by subtracting from it what they need for their nourishment, or, and principally, by forming new products which are the effect of the multiplication of these parasites in the mass of the wine. Everyone knows what is meant by acid wine, sharp wine, sour wine. The former experiments of Pasteur had clearly shown that no wine can become acid, sharp—can, in a word, become vinegar—without the presence of a little microscopic fungus known by the name of mycoderma aceti. This little plant is the necessary agent in the condensation of the oxygen of the air, and its fixation on the alcohol of the wine. Chaptal, who published a volume on the art of wine-making, knew of the existence of these mycoderm flowers; but to his eyes they were only 'elementary forms of vegetation,' which had no influence whatever The requirements of the two sorts of flowers are such that even when the flower of vinegar is sown on the surface of a new wine, no development takes place. Conversely, the mycoderma vini sown on wines that have grown old in casks or in bottles will refuse to multiply. The mycoderma vini produces no alteration in the wine; it does not turn the wine acid. In proportion as the wine grows old the flower tends to disappear, the wine 'despoils' itself, to use a technical expression; physiologically speaking, the wine loses its aptitude to nourish the mycoderma vini, which, finding itself progressively deprived of appropriate nourishment, fades and withers. But it is then that the mycoderma aceti appears, and multiplies with a facility so much the greater that it draws its first nourishment from the cells of the mycoderma vini. The mycoderma aceti has played so large a part in the early pages of this book that it is not necessary to go back upon it here. There is another disease very common among wines when the great heat of summer begins to make Authors who have written on the subject of wine attributed this malady to the rising of the lees. They believed that the deposit which always exists in greater or less quantities in the lower part of the cask rises and spreads itself into all the mass of the wine. Nothing can be more inexact. If this phenomenon is sometimes produced—that is to say, if the deposit rises into the mass of wine—the effect is due to a sudden diminution of the atmospheric pressure, as in times of storm, for example. As the wine is always charged with carbonic acid gas, which it holds in solution from the moment of fermentation, one can conceive that a lowering of barometric pressure would Many wines acquire with age a more or less bitter taste, sometimes to a degree which renders them unfit for consumption. Red wines, without exception, are subject to this disease. It attacks by preference wines of the best growth, and particularly the finest wines of the CÔte-d'Or. It is once more a little filamented fungus which works the change; and not only does it cause in the wine a bitterness which little by little deprives it of all its better qualities, but it forms in the bottles a deposit which never adheres to the glass, but renders the wine muddy or turbid. It is in this deposit that the filaments of the fungus float. If white wines do not suffer from this disease of bitterness, they are exposed, particularly the white wines of Orleans and of the basin of the Loire, to the disease of greasiness. The wines lose their limpidity; they become flat and insipid and viscous, like oil when poured out. The disease declares itself in the casks or in the best-corked bottles. M. Pasteur has discovered that the greasiness of wines is likewise produced by a special ferment, which the microscope shows to be In short, according to Pasteur's observations, the deterioration of wines should not in any case be attributed to a natural working of the constituents of the wine, proceeding from a sort of interior spontaneous movement, which would only be affected by variations of temperature or atmospheric pressure. They are, on the contrary, exclusively dependent on the development of microscopic organisms, the germs of which exist in the wine from the moment of the original fermentation which gave it birth. What vast multitudes of germs of every kind must there not be introduced into every vintage tub! What modifications do we not meet with in the leaves and in the fruit of each individual spoilt vine! How numerous are the varieties of organic dust to be found on the stems of the bunches, on the surface of the grapes, on the implements of the grape gatherers! What varieties of moulds and mildews! A vast proportion of these germs are evidently sterilised by the wine, whose composition, being at the same time acid, alcoholic, and devoid of air, is so little favourable to life. But is it to be wondered at that some of these exterior germs, so numerous, and possessing in a more or less marked degree the anaerobic character, should find at certain The cause of these alterations having been found, a mode of preventing the development of all these parasites had still to be sought. Pasteur's first endeavour was to discover some substance which would be antagonistic to the life of these ferments of disease, while harmless to the wine itself, and devoid of any special smell or taste. But in this research success was dependent on too many conditions to be easily attainable. After some fruitless trials, the thought occurred to Pasteur of having recourse to heat. He soon ascertained that, to secure wine from all ulterior changes, it sufficed to raise it, for some instants only, to a temperature of from fifty-five to sixty degrees. His experiments were first directed upon the disease of 'bitterness.' He procured some of the best wines of Burgundy, wines of Beaune, and of Pomard, of different years—1858, 1862, and 1863. Twenty-five bottles were left standing forty-eight hours to allow all the particles suspended in the wine to settle; for, however clear wine may be, it always produces a slight deposit. Pasteur then decanted the wine with minute care, by means of a syphon of slow delivery. This last precaution was necessary to prevent the deposit from being stirred up. When there remained in each bottle only one cubic centimeter of Without uncorking it, Pasteur then heated a bottle of each of these wines. The heating was carried to a temperature of sixty degrees (140° Fahr.). After the cooling of the bottles he laid them by the side of other unheated bottles of the same wines in a cellar, the temperature of which varied in summer between thirteen and seventeen degrees. Every fifteen days Pasteur inspected them. Without uncorking the bottles, he held them up against the light, so that he could see the sediment at the bottom of each bottle, and thus detect the least formation of deposit. In less than six weeks, particularly in the wine of 1863, a very perceptible floating deposit began to form in all the unheated bottles. These deposits gradually augmented, and on examining them with the microscope they were seen to be formed of organised filaments, mixed sometimes with a little colouring matter which had become insoluble. No deposit appeared in the heated bottles. The idea of heating wines does not belong to Pasteur. Those who love to search into questions of Nothing is more simple than to realise the condition of heating in bottles. After having firmly tied down the corks, the bottles are placed in a water-bath. An iron basket is here useful. The water ought to rise up to the wire of the cork. Among these bottles is placed a bottle of water, into which the bulb of a thermometer is plunged. The bath being heated, as soon as the thermometer marks fifty or sixty degrees Centigrade, the basket is withdrawn. The subsequent soundness of the wine is thus insured. But if Pasteur had overlooked nothing in his efforts to prevent or arrest the evil changes of wine, he still saw that full confidence was not felt in the efficacy of a process which must, it was thought, damage the taste, or the colour, or the limpidity of the wine. After having invited the judgment of people in society, whose preference, if they felt any, was generally for the heated wines, Pasteur wished to have a more decisive opinion. He addressed himself first to wine merchants and others practised in detecting the smallest peculiarities of wines; and afterwards he organised a grand experiment in tasting. On November 16, 1865, a sub-commission, nominated by the representative commission of the wholesale wine-sellers of Paris, repaired to the The resulting uncertainty as to whether the heated or the unheated wines were to be preferred was so absolute as to be comical. It is unnecessary to say that the heated wines had not experienced the least alteration. At a certain point Pasteur, who was astonished at the extraordinary delicacy of the palate of these tasters, employed a little trickery. He offered them two specimens absolutely identical, taken out of the same bottle. There were preferences, very slight it is true, but preferences gravely expressed for one or the other glass. The commission, making allusion in its report to this special tasting experiment, was the first to allow with a good grace that the differences between the heated and non-heated wines were insignificant, imperceptible Thus Pasteur, after having revealed the causes which determine the alterations of wines, had found the means of practically neutralising them. By the application of heat, and without producing any change in the colour or flavour of the wines, he had been able to insure their limpidity, and to render them capable of being indefinitely preserved in well-closed vessels. If these wines, being afterwards exposed too long to the air, were again threatened with alteration, it was because the air brought to them new living germs of those ferments which had been destroyed by the heat. But germs from this source are so trifling compared with those contained in the wine itself, that one may almost say the heating process renders the wine unalterable even after it has been rebottled in contact with the air. Thus, by a series of experiments which left nothing to chance, one of the greatest economic questions of the day was solved. Wines could be kept or transported into all countries without losing their flavour or their perfume. These experiments of the laboratory were destined to have an extensive application; for very soon arrangements were made for heating wine in barrels, the inquiry thereby assuming the proportions of a public benefit. |