A Letter to the Kensington Canal Company on the Substitution of the Pneumatic Railway for the Common Railway by Which They Contemplate Extending Their Line of Conveyance |
A LETTER TO THE KENSINGTON CANAL COMPANY, ON THE SUBSTITUTION OF THE PNEUMATIC RAILWAY FOR THE COMMON RAILWAY BY WHICH THEY CONTEMPLATE EXTENDING THEIR LINE OF CONVEYANCE. BY JOHN VALANCE. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE COMPANY. LONDON: GEORGE WIGHTMAN, 24, PATERNOSTER ROW. 1833. “Under circumstances of this sort, there can be no doubt that those microcosmic minds, which, habitually occupied in the consideration of what is little, are incapable of discerning what is great, and who already stigmatise the proposition as a romantic scheme, will, not unsparingly, distribute the epithets—absurd, ridiculous, chimerical. The commissioners must, nevertheless, have the hardihood to brave the sneers and sarcasms of men who, with too much pride to study, and too much wit to think, undervalue what they do not understand, and condemn what they cannot comprehend.” Report on the Practicability of the Erie and Hudson Canal. J. S. Hodson, Printer, Cross Street, Hatton Garden.