FLYING WILD DUCK | 5 | SACRED BEETLE | 7 | SWALLOW | 11 | REARING BIRDS FROM THE NEST | 18 | STARLINGS | 21 | FLYING STARLINGS | 25 | STARLING IN SEARCH OF FOOD | 43 | WILD DUCK | 51 | TINY, SIR FRANCIS DRAKE AND LUTHER | 58 | JAY | 59 | ANOTHER JAY | 61 | A YOUNG CUCKOO. | 66p. 8 | BUTTERFLY AND CATERPILLAR | 67 | YOUNG CUCKOO ATTACKED BY BIRDS | 69 | ARABESQUE | 79 | ZÖE, THE NUTHATCH | 87 | NUTHATCH IN A COCOANUT | 98 | TITMICE IN PURSUIT OF BEES | 99 | TITMICE | 101 | BLANCHE THE PIGEON | 108 | GERBILLES | 112 | WATER SHREW | 125 | SQUIRREL | 126 | MOLE | 131 | MICE | 140 | ROMAN SNAILS | 146 | EARWIG | 156 | EGYPTIAN BEETLES | 157 | FLYING BEETLE | 162 | TRAP-DOOR SPIDERS | 163 | BUTTERFLY | 173 | ANT-LION | 178 | THE ROBIN | 183 | YOUNG BIRDS | 195 | CHILD AND PET BIRD | 201 | RAB MINOR | 202 | RAB MINOR RUNNING | 206 | NESTLINGS | 207 | NEST OF WASPS | 214 | p. 9 PREFACE TO THE FIFTH EDITION. T WO short chapters, one describing the life of an Ant-lion, and the other the habits of a tame Toad, were added to the second edition, which was in other respects a reproduction of the first. The present edition has been improved by the adoption of a number of illustrations which were designed for the German translation of this book. p. 10 p. 11