- Accelerating speed, Vardon on, 104
- Address and impact similar, Braid on, 137
- Address, Braid on, 133
- Apportionment of back-spin, 263, 270, 271
- Arm roll in stroke, 210
- Arms measure distance, 46, 174
- As you go up so you come down, 97, 219
- Ayres, F. H., Ltd., 289, 324
- Ayres, Mr. Rupert, 289-291
- Back-spin at impact, rate of, 272
- how obtained, 247
- Professor Tait's experiment, 225
- Professor Thomson's error, 246
- Badminton Golf, 120, 158, 214, 218
- Badminton Magazine, 222, 226
- Ball, Mr. John, 153, 157
- Ball, action of, during impact, 237
- brambly, inaccuracy off putter, 287
- centre of gravity, 292
- centre of gravity, test for, 294
- effect of marking, 302
- effect of untrue centre, 299
- flight parallel with earth, 265
- guttie, truth of, 294
- Haskell, 253
- indented or dimpled, 286
- instability of the golf, 284
- smooth, flight of, 289, 311
- tests, 296
- the golf, 283
- track of, on green, 286
- unscientifically made, 261
- Balls, dimpled, 291
- Base ball, spin in, 233
- Beauty of flight, 3
- Billiard balls, excrescences on, 283
- Billiards, blind spot in, 175
- Blackwell, Mr. Edward, 153
- Blindfold golf, 164
- Blind spot, 168, 169, 173
- Blow in golf horizontal, Professor Tait, 265
- Body movement after impact, 167
- Braid on distribution of weight, 119, 135
- on influence of club after impact, 101
- on putting, 50, 55, 58, 77
- Braid's putting, 240
- Vardon on, 183
Push stroke, Vardon's, 194 Put, Braid on cutting the, 83 - not a wrist stroke, 67
- position of ball, 67
- run on, 69
- short grip for, 84
- Vardon on cutting the, 87
Put, short, the easiest stroke, 48 - Braid on the, 50
- should be taught first, 48
- Taylor on the, 50
- Vardon on the, 49
Putter, short, 326 Putting, 11, 47 - chief point in, 64
- fundamental principles of, 53
- importance of address in, 65
- mechanically simple, 57
- most important factor, 52
- off heel or toe, 64
- pendulum action in, 66
- tests, 304
- with drag, 60
- St. Andrews, Royal and Ancient Golf Club of, 322
- Schenectady putter, 320, 326
- Self-consciousness, 20
- Shaft, torsional strain of, 321
- Simplicity of golf, 2
- Slice, the, 179
- axis of, vertical, Professor Thomson, 237
- impact in, 252
- Mr. John L. Low on, 258
- pressure on rear of ball, Professor Thomson, 241
- Professor Thomson on, 250
- true axis of, 238
- Walter J. Travis on, 190
- Slow back, 96
- Smooth ball, uneven flight of, 311
- Snap of wrists in drive, 205
- Soles, broad, of clubs, 328
- Spalding, A. G., & Bros., 291
- Speed, gradually increasing, 29
- Spin, 181
- effect on flight, Braid on, 260
- Spread of golf, 6
- Style, 19
- Stymie, cutting round, 73
- "Sweep," a hit with iron clubs, 109
- Sweep, the, 12, 98
- Swerve, or the Flight of the Ball, 224
- Swerve, principles of, Printed by R. & R. Clark, Limited, Edinburgh.
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