
This, as we have said, is the most simple form of the key, or correspondent. It is a modification of that shown at figure 11. The following figure, 21, represents a key, where the lever is taken advantage of to make a more perfect connection, with less application of power. A key of the above form has been used during the past winter for reporting the proceedings of Congress, and has been found to operate with ease, with certainty, and with great rapidity. A A is the block or table to which the parts are secured. E represents the anvil block. J the anvil, screwed into the block, both of brass. B is another block, for the stop anvil, K, and the standard for the axis of the lever C. L is the hammer, and is screwed into the lever, projecting downward at V, almost in contact with the anvil, J. R is another screw of the same kind, but in contact with the anvil, K, when the lever C is not pressed upon. Under the head of each of these two screws, are tightening screws, which permanently secure the two hammers, to any adjusted position required for the easy manipulation of the lever, C. D is a spring which sustains the arm of the key up, preventing the hammer, L, from making contact with the anvil, J, when not in use. G is a screw connecting with the brass block, B, and F a screw connecting with the block, E. To these screws the two wires, I and H, of the battery are connected. Now, in order to put it in operation, it is necessary to bring the hammer, V, in contact with the anvil, J, for so long a time, and at such regular intervals as are required by the particular letters of the communication. When the key is pressed down, the fluid passes from the battery to the wire, H, then to the screw, G, then to the block, B, then to the lever, C, at the axis, S, then to its metallic anvil, J, then to its screw, F, then to the wire, I, and so to the battery.

Fig. 21.

The circuit of the Electro Magnet, closed and broken by the movement of the lever itself, acted upon by the Electro Magnet. Showing the rapidity with which it is possible to close and break the circuit.

In order to give some idea of the rapidity with which the circuit may be closed and broken, and answered by the motion of the lever, a figure, 22, is here introduced to explain its construction and arrangement. The platform is shown at T, and the upright at S, to which the coils of the electro magnet, A, are secured by a bolt with its thumb-nut, E. D a projecting prong of the soft iron, and C the armature attached to the metallic lever, B, which has its axis or centre of motion at K, in the same manner as the electro magnet of the register; R being the standard through which the screws pass. O is the steel spring secured to R, by a plate, U, upon it, and the screw, N. L and M are adjusting screws, for the purpose of confining the motion of the lever, B, within a certain limit. P is a wire with an eye at the top, through which the end of the steel spring passes, with a hook at the other end, passing through the lever. The wire, Q, from one of the coils is connected with the plate, U, at the top of the standard, R. As the standard, R, is of brass, the plate U, the axis of the lever of steel, and the lever, B, of brass, all of them being metals, and conductors of the galvanic fluid, they are made in this arrangement to serve as conductors. I is the wire proceeding from the other coil, and is extended to one pole of the battery. The wire, H, coming from the other pole, is soldered to the metallic spring, J, which is secured to the upright, S, by means of the adjusting thumb screws, F and G. This spring is extended to J, where it is in contact with the lever, B. We have now a complete circuit. Commencing at I, which is connected with one pole of the battery, from thence it goes to the first coil; then to the second; then by Q to U, the plate; then to the standard, R; then to the steel screw, K; then to the steel axis; and then to the lever to the point, J; where it takes the spring to H, the wire running to the mercury cup of the other pole of the battery.

Fig. 22.

The battery being now in action, the fluid flies its circuit; D becomes a powerful magnet, attracting C to it, which draws the lever down in the direction of the arrow, X. But since B and J are a part of the circuit at V, and since, by the downward motion at X, and the upward motion at V, the circuit is broken at J, the consequence is, that the current must cease to pass, and D can no longer be a magnet. Hence the lever at V returns, coming again in contact with J. Instantly the fluid again passes and the lever at V separates from J. Again the fluid ceases to pass, and the lever again returns. By this arrangement, then, the lever breaks and closes the circuit, and it does it in the best possible manner to show how rapidly the magnet can be made and unmade. When its parts are well adjusted, its vibrations are so quick that no part of the lever is distinctly seen. It appears bounded in size by the limits of its movement up and down, and the motion is so rapid as to produce a humming noise, sometimes varying the notes to a sharp key. In this way it will continue to operate so long as the battery is applied. We infer from this, the almost inconceivable rapidity, with which it is possible to manipulate at the key of the register in sending intelligence, far surpassing that of the most expert operator. This arrangement of the electrome, was devised by Mr. Vail in the summer of 1843.[8]


After the close of the session of Congress in the spring, 1844, a series of experiments were commenced by the request of Prof. Morse, under the direction of Mr. Vail, for the purpose of ascertaining what amount of battery was absolutely required for the practical operation of the telegraph. From the first commencement of its operations to the close of the session, so anxious were the public to witness its almost magic performances, that time could not be taken to put it in a state to test either the size of the battery required, or bring into use all the machinery of the register. On that account, but one wire was used during that period for transmitting and receiving intelligence, and the capabilities of the instrument were shown to some disadvantage; requiring the constant attendance of those having charge of the two termini.

This first experiment made was to ascertain the number of cups absolutely required for operating the telegraph. Eighty cups had been the number in use. Upon experiment, it was found, that two cups would operate the telegraph from Washington to Baltimore. This success was more than had been anticipated and urged on further experiments, which eventually proved that the earth itself furnished sufficient galvanic power to operate the electro magnet without the aid of a battery. In the first experiment, a copper plate was buried in the ground, and about three hundred yards from it, a zinc plate was also buried in the ground. To each of these plates a wire was soldered, and the ends brought into the telegraph office, and properly connected with the key and electro magnet of the register. The battery not being in connection. Upon manipulating at the key, it was found that the electro magnet was operated upon and the pen of the register recorded. This led to another experiment upon a more magnificent scale, and nothing less than that of using the copper plate at Washington, and the zinc plate at Baltimore, with the single wire, connecting those distant points, and the battery thrown out. Here, too, success followed the experiment, though with diminished effect. By the application of a more delicate apparatus the Electro Magnet[9] was operated upon, and the pen of the registering instrument recorded its success. From these experiments, the fact appears conclusive, that the ground can, through the agency of metallic plates, constantly generate the galvanic fluid.

Six Independent Circuits, with six wires, each wire
making an independent line of communication.

Fig. 23.

In the above figure, 23, let the right hand side represent Washington, and the left, Baltimore. The lines marked 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, between m and k, respectively, represent the six wires connecting (for example) Washington with Baltimore. Each cluster of black dots, P and N, represent the batteries of that line upon which it is placed. There are three batteries at W, and three at B; m 1, m 3, and m 5, represent the three magnets, or registers, and k 2, k 4, and k 6, the three keys, or correspondents, at Baltimore; k 1, k 3, and k 5, are the three keys, or correspondents, and m 2, m 4, and m 6, the three magnets, or registers, at Washington. C B is the copper plate at Baltimore, and C W, the copper plate at Washington, one at each terminus.

In order to operate the six lines, simultaneously, if required by the pressure of telegraphic communications, there must be three operators at each station, commanding their respective keys, and presiding at their respective registers. If the three operators at Washington choose to write in Baltimore, together, or in succession, on their respective registers at the latter place, the galvanic current of the three lines 1, 3, and 5, takes this direction. Commencing at the point, P, of the three batteries, 1, 3, and 5, at W, it passes to k, of the keys; thence along the wires to m, the magnets, 1, 3, and 5 at B; thence to the single wire, where the three currents join in one to C B, the copper plate; then through the ground to C W, the other copper plate; then up the single line to their respective batteries at the point, N, having each finished its circuit independently of each other.

If, in reply, the three operators at Baltimore wish to write upon their registers at Washington, either together, or in any succession, they may choose; the fluid leaves the point, P, of their respective batteries, at Baltimore, 2, 4, and 6; unite in the single wire to C B, the copper plate; then pass through the ground in the direction of arrows to C W, copper plate at Washington, then along the single wire to their respective magnets, m, 2, 4, and 6; then along the extended wires to k, 2, 4, and 6 at Baltimore; and then to N pole of their respective batteries. In this manner six distinct circuits may be operated independently of each other, at the same time, or in any succession, with only one wire for each, and the ground in common, as a part of the circuit.

It is obvious from the above arrangement that if one wire only, extended between two distant points, will suffice to enable communications to be exchanged with each other; that any number of wires extended, will also, each, individually, give a distinct and separate line for telegraphic purposes, independently of all the other lines on the same route.

Fig. 24.

In figure 24, the same arrangement of wires is observed as respects their number, and the situation of the keys and magnets; but, with this difference, that instead of six batteries, one for each wire, there is but one, which is placed upon the single wire, with which the six wires join. The battery is represented by four black dots, marked N B P. The course of the fluid in this case is from P to C, the copper plate on the left side; then through the ground to C, the copper plate on the right; then through the single wire to any of the six wires, which may be required, then to the single wire on the left side to N, of the battery. It is obvious that in this arrangement there is a division of the power of the battery, depending upon the number of circuits that may be closed at any one instant. For example: if circuit 1 is alone being used, then it is worked with the whole force of the battery. If 1 and 2 are used at the same instant; each of them employ one-half the force of the battery. If 1, 2 and 3 are used, then each use one-third its power. If 1, 2, 3 and 4, then each circuit has one-fourth the power; if 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are used, at the same moment, then one-fifth is only appropriated to each circuit, and if 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, then each employ a sixth part of the galvanic fluid generated by the battery.


The great advantage which this telegraph possesses in transmitting messages with the rapidity of lightning, annihilating time and space, would perhaps be much lessened in its usefulness, could it not avail itself of the application of a secret alphabet. We will now proceed to describe some of the various systems by which a message may pass between two correspondents, through the medium of the telegraph, and yet the contents of that message remain a profound secret to all others, not excepting the operators of the telegraphic stations, through whose hands it must pass.

For this purpose let the telegraphic characters representing particular letters be transposed and interchanged. Then the representative of a, in the permanent alphabet, may be represented by y, or c, or x, in the secret alphabet; and so of every other letter. As there are twenty-seven characters in the telegraphic alphabet, they can, by transposition, furnish six hundred and seventy-six different kinds of secret alphabets; nearly two for every day of the year. Two persons have agreed to use, in their telegraphic correspondence, the secret alphabet. From the six hundred and seventy-six combinations, they have selected one for each day in the year, and given each their particular date. In the course of their business, it becomes necessary on the first of July, for one to transmit important information to the other. He then refers to the telegraphic book, for the alphabet belonging to that date, and from it writes his communication, as follows: The firm of G. Barlow & Co. have failed. He runs his eye along the alphabetical column for t, and finds that for the first of July it is e, that h is j, e is n, and in the same manner, he proceeds with the remaining letters of his message, which, when completed, reads as follows: Ejn stwz ys & qhwkyf p iy jhan shtknr. As every person employing the telegraph has his name, occupation and place of business registered in the record book of the office, with his telegraphic number, we will suppose, that Mr. Hammond, Builder, 57 Anson-st. Philadelphia, sends the above communication to the office for Messrs. Talford & Co. Lumber Merchants, 41 Bradford-st. New York. In the record, the former name is numbered 14; and the latter 31. The private message is then directed thus, No. 14 to No. 31, and reads thus: Mr. Hammond, &c. sends the following communication to Messrs. Talford & Co. &c. “The firm of G. Barlow & Co. have failed.” This message, in substituted characters, is copied at the receiving station, and immediately delivered. The messenger returns with the following: Syw fjhe hzyxce. To which is prefixed No. 31 to No. 14. This is sent to Mr. Hammond, who, on translating it, discovers that it must be answered by figures. He then refers to the secret numerals, under the date of the first of July, and finds the private numerals required are 897, 312, adding to it a few letters, when it reads thus, No. 14 to No. 31, 879, 312 rykkm. If it should happen, that on the 6th of December, or 13th of May, it was necessary to send a private communication, the secret alphabets of those dates are used, and so for any date of the year.

July 1st. March 28th. December 6th. May 13th.
A change to H A change to A A change to Q A change to X
B change to Q B change to N B change to P B change to M
C change to I C change to O C change to N C change to G
D change to R D change to V D change to O D change to T
E change to N E change to P E change to V E change to L
F change to S F change to C F change to A F change to F
G change to & G change to Q G change to C G change to &
H change to J H change to D H change to R H change to K
I change to T I change to R I change to D I change to S
J change to B J change to E J change to & J change to N
K change to U K change to S K change to E K change to Z
L change to K L change to F L change to Z L change to J
M change to Z M change to T M change to F M change to P
N change to C N change to G N change to X N change to E
O change to Y O change to U O change to G O change to U
P change to L P change to H P change to W P change to I
Q change to D Q change to B Q change to H Q change to V
R change to W R change to I R change to B R change to B
S change to M S change to & S change to I S change to Y
T change to E T change to J T change to U T change to O
U change to X U change to Z U change to J U change to H
V change to A V change to K V change to Y V change to Q
W change to F W change to Y W change to K W change to D
X change to O X change to L X change to S X change to W
Y change to V Y change to X Y change to L Y change to A
Z change to G Z change to M Z change to T Z change to R
& change to P & change to W & change to M & change to C
1 change to 5 1 change to 6 1 change to 0 1 change to 7
2 change to 7 2 change to 1 2 change to 9 2 change to 8
3 change to 1 3 change to 7 3 change to 4 3 change to 6
4 change to 8 4 change to 2 4 change to 5 4 change to 9
5 change to 2 5 change to 8 5 change to 3 5 change to 4
6 change to 9 6 change to 3 6 change to 8 6 change to 1
7 change to 3 7 change to 9 7 change to 6 7 change to 0
8 change to 0 8 change to 4 8 change to 2 8 change to 5
9 change to 4 9 change to 0 9 change to 7 9 change to 2
0 change to 6 0 change to 5 0 change to 1 0 change to 3

The transposed secret alphabet is not perfectly secure for private messages, when the message contains more than eight or ten words. It is, therefore, necessary to adopt some of the following modes of making it perfectly incomprehensible, and beyond the power of any person to decypher it. Any one or two, or more, of these modes may be selected and combined for this purpose. Let the following key or transposed alphabet, be used in illustrating the following rules:

A to R F to X K to U P to E U to K Z to M
B Y G B L V Q P V G & I
D A I W N & S F X J

1st. Let the last letter of a word remain unchanged, viz. Rome, transposed, lqde.

2d. Let the first letter of a word remain unchanged, viz. Rome, transposed, rqds.

3d. Let the first and last letter remain unchanged, viz. Rome, transposed, rqde.

4th. Let the middle letter of a word of 5, 7, 9 or 11 letters remain unchanged, viz. First, transposed, xwrfo, and in words of 4, 6, 8, 10 or 12 letters, let the two middle letters remain unchanged, viz. Rome, transposed, loms.

5th. Let the first, middle, and last letters of a word remain unchanged, viz. first, transposed, fwrft.

6th. Let the middle letter of words of 5, 7, 9, 11 or 13 letters commence the word, viz. first, transposed,lxwfo.

7th. Let the two middle letters of a word of 4, 6, 8, 10 or 12 letters commence the word, viz. Rome transposed, qdls.

8th. In a word of 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 or 14 letters, let the first half of the word be substituted for the last half, viz. Rome, transposed, dslq.

9th. Let every other entire word be reversed, viz. What is the news, transposed, ntro fw ots fns &.

10th. Let every third word be reversed.

11th. Let every fourth word be reversed.

12th. Let every fifth word be reversed.

13th. Let the three middle letters of every word of 5, 7, 9, 11 or 13 letters be reversed, viz. first, transposed, xflwo.

14th. Let every word of two or three letters be prefixed to the beginning of the following word, or affixed to the end of the preceding word, viz, State of Maine, transposed, forosqx drw&s.

15th. Let one, where double letters occur in a word, be excluded, viz. will transposed, nwv.

16th. Where two or more words, of two or three letters, follow each other, let them be joined together, viz. Cotton is on the rise, transposed, zqoq& wfq&ots lwfs.

17th. Make no separation between words of less than eight letters, viz. Cotton is on the rise, transposed, zqoq&wfq&otslwfs.

18th. Make no separation between words.

19th. Reverse the order of the letters of the whole message, viz. Cotton is on the rise, transposed and reversed, sfwl sto &q fw &qoqz.

20th. Change the key, alternately, every ten or fifteen words, using two keys.

21st. Let the two first letters of all words of four letters be affixed to the end of the preceding word, and the remaining two letters be prefixed to the word following, viz. stocks have fallen, transposed, foqzuftr gsxrvs&.

22d. Change the key irregularly, thus, for example, the first three words transpose from one key; the next three words from another key; the next three from another key, and so on.

23d. Reverse the termination of those words ending with tion, sion, ness, less, tive, ty, ly, ed, &c.

24th. Make a division of long words into two.

25th. Let those words which occur frequently and have only two or three letters remain unchanged, viz. to, a, the, of, and, for, with, &c.

26th. Let every two words, or every three, or every four, be reversed.

27th. Omit one vowel in every word.

28th. Omit the letter e at the beginning and end of a word.

29th. Omit the letter i or y at the beginning and end of a word.

30th. Omit the letter o at the beginning and end of a word.

31st. In words of 4, 6, 8, 10 or 12 letters, let the first of the two middle letters commence the word, and the last of the two middle letters end the word.

32d. Let t signify the; e for of the; f for of; u for you; wi for with; i for by; tt for that; ts for this; fr for from; n for no or not; w for will; td for to-day; tm for to-morrow; s for was; sh for shall; wd for would; sd for should; cd for could; te for to the.

We have here given a few of the various modes, by which a message can be made so complicated, that no clue will be given that shall enable the inquisitive to decypher it. Others may be easily devised, and as it is better that those using the secret alphabet should devise their own modes of transposition and reversion, none others need be given.

The following is written from the secret alphabet, and afterwards rendered more obscure by one of the methods laid down above. The key does not accompany it. Who can decypher it?

zbpvp yslup nbguxpyu zbyi, lovmy-&-yux gxp, zlegvt lovappai lubyizlvji hozovpsg zplup cbynb zbvloxbgm the jpgvizl nlep ibgm izgua zlnvlvlcu the inypvnp lhlov xmlvyloi mgua, the pnpuzvyn wmgrhzb gzhmgibpili’pv the itjcbpu the gypagvlpui and the izlveyi byxbwj wlma yu & puzyla and iovsguyux ilymulc wlci, giowkpnzl the bvegu cymicyhzpv zbgu zbloxbz zb’ yuzpurp and iowzmp. Zlal egu’i wyayux hmypi gmlux the cyop. Lmazyep yinlufopvpa, ayizgunpyi l’ pvbvlcu, and ul&g rpewmy klyui the zlvyarlup. Hgep ibgmwp byicblip ipgvnbyux eyua byixy&pu. Zlegu the slcpvzl oip the hyvp of bpg&pu, and the lmahgwmpi, cbynbyu mpxpuai voulh bgvpiyux the blvipi of the iou, sppeulc ulhgwmpi, iyunp, elvp cluavloihgv, bpjltpi the myxbzuyux zlbyi vgsya ngv; pgepibgmwp byi; and cbpuyu hozovp agji sbymlilsbj bpveluvepuz ibymgyzp zlzbip cblwlmapiz mgci, luth eigep zgwmpz cyzblov hvgulmyu’i ugep zbyup, elvip, yuwmgryux nbgvgnzpvi ibgmhmgep.

The following is from another key.

grvlvhmz agcxv hrvy all the zacyavzwe rexzgvlcekz, gvmarcyohc gradevn neelz; rmqcyogrvcl cycgcmgvn, grvclredt dmyokmova ndgrvcl blvxmzeylt, srlcaz, ovexvglt, xvncacyv, olmxml, rczgelt, all were gmkorgi ndmgcy, they zmcdvn in the adcknz, bmlmueqv the qkdoml; and they dvgbmd mgth ekgxezg. Lex grvcl zkudexv umbwa bohnvgmarvn dvmqvz hrcar xvy were to gmwvks hcgrolvmg lvzsvag, ukghrcar they were not sulxcgvnt opknov, yehvqvlt greyoi sarmyovn, ovycqz odelcozi nxmwcyo cyzvdb kynvlzgen by the xmyt; and mbgvl rmqcyo zemlvn to the vgrvlvmd lvocyzo fzacvyav in elnvl grvlv to zuciv the glqt gr in rvlrcorvzg lvglvmgz, it vxsdetz, cgsehvl in mzalgmcycyo the hmtumaw, to vrnlgr and in mslemarcyo odezvdt to us grmgi txmt zreh us the lekgv it has glmqvdvn, and the zvalvgz it has glmqvdvn, and the zvalvgz it has ncx aeqvlvn, ukg, cbzkar isye hthemdxezg kycqvlzmd gvynvyat of the rkxmy zaev yavz it was vgvl the nczgcyagcqv armlmayvlczgca of glkv zacvyavz amynczsvyzv with the svesdv as the svesdv as the svesdv nczsvyzv with them; glkvgrvedeotey the aeyglmlt, rmzyvn of the svezdvmz the svesdv rmqvv frvl zrvokmlnz grvcl lvdcocey; and grvcl lvdocey, in cgzgklx, okmlnz rvl he to grvx hrvy grvedeot dmyokczrvz, and nevzyeg zsvmwtogrvx; he to rvlhrvg the lvdcocey of the arklarvz yvodvag rvl and avmzvz to vzgvoxrvl; hvxkzg grvyzv to it. uegrey rvlmaekyg and eygrvclz, grmgzrv zsvmwz to them rvmlz them zgkncvz in lvbvlvyav to them and wvsz grvcl zarcedz esvymz eklgvxsdvz mlv.

Another example of the manner of writing secret correspondence is here given, and for those to decypher who can.

ibeg pycydc peocyenxez yndexc tcacbp bepkpaetzo pcpcgkocevd pqzpeuw bpwuaqy iatdd pctpcawu uyyc elgcvkwl tytp wlwlxgy ppe kepcuwnc ptkeb badokecy in vkqunwac wuatza qodazw prvsaue tpeoebztqg ckphvkwv epgyecp wzqv adyge zcgtey eppd wubk prozlwy pwzopwzieydt. tytp wzqv tytp qznokw ptpcawu yclep tcbbcg epdptp tytzenncyp ywzpw lccypetglydcn ezwgo eppd igwdc czgt tbzwp lhzuczpowxck, acktepzgh tvkextpc aeptveg jezpcktncw epcgh gwvcncxc cgbtpy iatdd pvgcvcw itgzcxch qkcczn zwkkepcpwgc pzuczpowxck tzckptutzo pwcytmp, eppd ypepcb zoypdt in lceppd pypvw watbc, in tpykpeptwzpkezyvw beyawkcyzwvnczac jiyzc, in geozwp dkqwy lqphyne txnled ppkeztuyytwz cucye zoypdt wodpdk ezdpwck tquucn; jeppd etquucn lcqozwtzo pwvkextpe tzntntxqegy jawzwkpgcn pvkextpc xictyj kypytzpc.

Another plan for sending secret intelligence, is, that of using select sentences, previously agreed upon by correspondents. In this plan, the first letter of each word in the sentence, combined, is made the representative of that sentence, as in the following examples:

iwrom I will return on Monday.
mhii My health is improving.
shf Stocks have fallen.
smtbop Send me ten barrels of pork.
ymir Your message is received.
dygml Did you get my letter?
gmlt Give my love to.
witsotmf What is the state of the market for?
cha Cotton has advanced.
cwycit Call when you come in town.
sosn Sails on Saturday next.
hjaip Has just arrived in port.
hyfmo Have you filled my order?
wmietg When may I expect the goods?
wyegfef Will you exchange gold for eastern funds?

Another arrangement, equally adapted to the same purpose as the last, is that of taking the first letter of the sentences, then arranging them in alphabetical order, and numbering them, thus:

a. 1. At five o’clock I leave for home.
a. 2. A thunder storm is rising in the west.
c. 1. Can you send me?
c. 2. Cotton has advanced a little to-day.
h. 1. How much have stocks fallen?
h. 2. Have you received my last package?
h. 3. Has the rain done much damage?
t. 1. The weather is excessively hot.
t. 2. There is no demand for tobacco.
t. 3. Take all they have at that price.
t. 4. The Eliza sails to-morrow with full cargo.
t. 5. The steamer Caledonia has just arrived.
w. 1. What news does she bring?
w. 2. What is the state of the market for sugar?

These two systems have been found to answer in practice, and were much used in telegraphic business during the last session of Congress.

[From Silliman’s Journal.]

Art. XVI. Experiments made with one hundred pairs of Grove’s battery, passing through one hundred and sixty miles of insulated wire; in a letter from Prof. S. F. B. Morse, to the Editors, dated New York, Sept. 4th, 1843.

Dear Sirs—On the 8th of August, having completed my preparations of 160 miles of copper wire for the Electro Magnetic Telegraph, which I am constructing for the government, I invited several scientific friends to witness some experiments in verification of the law of Lenz, of the action of galvanic electricity through wires of great lengths. I put in action a cup battery of one hundred pairs, which I had constructed, based on the excellent plan of Prof. Grove, but with some modifications of my own, economising the platinum. The wire was reeled upon eighty reels, containing two miles upon each reel, so that any length, from two to one hundred and sixty miles, could be made at pleasure to constitute the circuit. My first trial of the battery was through the entire length of 160 miles, making of course a circuit of 80 miles, and the magnetism induced in my electro magnet,[10] which formed a part of the circuit, was sufficient to move with great strength, my telegraphic lever. Even forty-eight cups produced action in the lever, but not so promptly or surely.

We then commenced a series of experiments upon decomposition, at various distances. The battery alone (100 pairs) gave, in the measuring gauge in one minute, 5.20 inches of gas. When four miles of wire were interposed, the result was 1.20 inches; ten miles of wire, .57; 20 miles, .30 inches; 50 miles, .094. The results obtained from a battery of 100 pairs are projected in the following curve:

Fig. 25.

Battery alone 5.20 inches.
1 mile 3.85
2 2.62
3 1.84
4 1.20
5 1.05
6 .92
7 .80
8 .71
9 .64
10 .57
20 .30
30 .20
40 .14
50 .094 “

During the previous summer, I made the following experiments, upon a line of 33 miles, of number 17 copper wire, with a battery of 50 pairs. In this case, I used a small steelyard, with weights, with which I was enabled to weigh, with a good degree of accuracy, the greater magnetic forces, but not the lesser, yet sufficiently approximating the recent results to confirm the law in question.

Table of Results.
50 pairs through 2 miles attracted and raised 9 ozs.
4 4
6 3
12 ?
14 ?

and each successive addition of two miles, up to 33, still gave an attractive and lifting power of one-eighth of an ounce.

Curve from these Results.

Fig. 26.

A great irregularity is seen between the 10th and 12th miles, which is due, undoubtedly, to a deficiency of accuracy in the weighing apparatus. I take pleasure in sending you the following calculation of the law of the conducting power of wires, for which I am indebted to my friend Prof. Draper, of the New York City University.

On the Law of the Conducting Power of Wires.
By John W. Draper, M. D. &c. &c.

It has been objected, that if the conducting power of wires, for electricity was inversely as their length, and directly as their section, the transmission of telegraphic signals, through long wires, could not be carried into effect, and even the galvanic multiplier, which consists, essentially, of a wire making several convolutions round a needle, could have no existence. This last objection was first brought forward by Prof. Ritchie, of the University of London, as an absolute proof, that the law referred to is incorrect. There is, however, an exceedingly simple method of proving that signals may be despatched through very long wires, and that the galvanic multiplier, so far from controverting the law in question, depends for its very existence upon it.

Assuming the truth of the law of Lenz, the quantities of electricity which can be urged by a constant electromotoric source through a series of wires, the lengths of which constitute an arithmetical ratio, will always be in a geometrical ratio. Now the curve whose ordinates and abscissas bear this relation to each other, is the logarithmic curve whose equation is a?=x.

1st. If we suppose the base of the system, which the curve under discussion represents, be greater than unity, the values of y taken between x=0, and x=1, must be all negative.

2d. By taking y=0, we find that the curve will intersect the axis of the x’s, at a distance from the origin, equal to unity.

3d. By making x=0, we find y to be infinite and negative. Now, these are the properties of the logarithmic curve, which furnish an explanation of the case in hand. Assuming that the x’s represent the quantities of electricity, and the y’s the lengths of the wires, we perceive at once, that those parts of the curve which we have to consider, lie wholly in the fourth quadrant, where the abscissas are positive and the ordinates negative. When, therefore, the battery current passes without the intervention of any obstructing wire, its value is equal to unity. But, as successive lengths of wire are continually added, the quantities of electricity passing, undergo a diminution, at first rapid, and then more and more slow. And it is not until the wire becomes infinitely long that it ceases to conduct at all; for the ordinate y, when x=0, is an asymptote to the curve. In point of practice, therefore, when a certain limit is reached, the diminution of the intensity of the forces becomes very small, whilst the increase in the lengths of the wire is vastly great. It is, therefore, possible to conceive a wire to be a million times as long as another, and yet, the two shall transmit quantities of electricity not perceptibly different, when measured by a delicate galvanometer. But, under these circumstances, if the long wire be coiled, so as to act as a multiplier, its influence on the needle will be inexpressibly greater than the one so much shorter than it. Further, from this we gather that for telegraphic despatches, with a battery of given electromotoric power, when a certain distance is reached, the diminution of effect for an increased distance becomes inappreciable.


This useful instrument, the invention of which is based upon Oersted’s discovery of the deflection of the magnetic needle, by the action of conducting wires conveying galvanic currents, seems to have furnished to most of the inventors of telegraphs, the main spring of communication. It was a very natural suggestion, as being the most convenient and ready mode of obtaining the required motion, by making and breaking the galvanic circuit. Thus Steinheil, Wheatstone and Bain have availed themselves of this one idea to effect that part of the telegraphic operation which may be called the galvanic, in contradistinction to the mechanical parts, which last have varied considerably with different operators. The construction and operation of the galvanometer may be understood by reference to the figures 27, 28, 29. A A, fig. 28, are two long coils of covered copper wire, a side view of which is shown in fig. 27. These coils are connected with the binding screws, L L, attached to the frame, or box, holding the coils.Two coils are used for the convenience of allowing the pivot sustaining the magnetic needle to pass between them; one coil might be used, by leaving room enough between the wires for a socket for the pivot, but the arrangement, represented, is the most readily constructed. A side view of the instrument, figure 27, shows the arrangement of the needles, two of them being generally used to increase the operation of deflection, and to neutralize the influence of the earth’s magnetism. The pair of needles is usually denominated, an astatic needle, or a needle without directive power; as the current traversing a conducting wire gives different directions to needles placed above and below the wire, the action upon the two needles thus placed is combined, by arranging their poles in opposite directions. When the current is in the direction indicated by the arrows in figure 27, the north pole of the needle, within the coil, is carried in a direction from you, as you face the drawing, and the north pole, without the coil, in a contrary direction. The operation upon the south pole is the reverse. Changing the direction of the galvanic current, reverses the motions. It is usual to apply the force of torsion, or of a hair spring, or of the superior weight of one extremity of the needle, to act against the deflective force of the current, and to attach a graduated scale to the instrument, fixing it between the uppermost needle and the coils as in figure 29. Instead of deflecting the needle, the coils themselves may be deflected, as in the galvanoscope of Prof. Page, invented in January, 1837, and described by him in the 33d vol. of Silliman’s Journal, page 376. The object of this contrivance was to enable him to use powerful magnets and lighter coils. This modification of the galvanoscope, Mr. Bain has preferred as the means of operating his telegraph.

Fig. 27.

Fig. 28.

Fig. 29.

An Interesting Experiment of Supporting a Large Bar of Iron within the Helix.
Discovered by Mr. Vail, January, 1844.

It has been shown, many years since, that a magnetic needle would be drawn into and suspended within a helix, conveying a galvanic current, and that in the case of using large bar magnets, the coils or helices might be made to move over them, as in De La Rives’s rings; but in no instance, I believe, has it been recorded, or observed, that a bar of iron weighing a pound or more, could be drawn up into the helix and there sustained in the air, as it were, without support. If the helix, as shown in figure 30, be connected with from 6 to 12 pairs of Grove’s battery, the bar may be drawn up into its centre and there sustained in a vertical position by the action of the helix, forming an exceedingly interesting and paradoxical experiment.

Fig. 30.

[From the National Intelligencer.]


Among the wonderful developements of the new telegraph, one has just came to light which will be regarded in the world of science as deeply interesting. Prof. Morse suggested to the distinguished Arago, in 1839, that the electro magnetic telegraph would be the means of determining the difference of longitude between places with an accuracy hitherto unattainable. By the following letter from Capt. Charles Wilkes to Prof. Morse, it will be believed that the first experiment of the kind of which we have any knowledge, has resulted in the fulfilment of the Professor’s prediction.

Washington, June 13, 1844.

My Dear Sir—The interesting experiments for obtaining the difference of longitude through your magnetic telegraph were finished yesterday and have proved very satisfactory. They resulted in placing the Battle Monument square, Baltimore, 1 m, .34 sec. .868 east, of the capitol. The time of the two places was carefully obtained by transit observations. The comparisons were made through chronometers and without any difficulty. They were had in three days, and their accuracy proved in the intervals marked and recorded at both places. I have adopted the results of the last day’s observations and comparisons, from the elapsed time having been less.

The difference of the former results, found in the American Almanac, is .732 of a second. After these experiments, I am well satisfied that your telegraph offers the means for determining meridian distances more accurately than was before within the power of instruments and observers.

Accept my thanks, and those of Lieutenant Eld, for yourself and Mr. Vail, for your kindness and attention in affording us the facilities to obtain these results. With great respect and esteem, your friend,


Professor S. F. B. Morse,
Capitol, Washington.


The following extract from Professor Morse’s letter to the Secretary of the Treasury, and by him submitted to the House of Representatives, Dec. 23, 1844, in relation to this interesting subject, will sufficiently illustrate it:

“In the autumn of 1842, at the request of the American Institute, I undertook to give to the public in New York a demonstration of the practicability of my telegraph, by connecting Governor’s Island with Castle Garden, a distance of a mile; and for this purpose I laid my wires properly insulated beneath the water. I had scarcely begun to operate, and had received but two or three characters, when my intentions were frustrated by the accidental destruction of a part of my conductors by a vessel, which drew them up on her anchor, and cut them off. In the moments of mortification, I immediately devised, a plan for avoiding such an accident in future, by so arranging my wires along the banks of the river as to cause the water itself to conduct the electricity across. The experiment, however, was deferred till I arrived in Washington; and on December 16, 1842, I tested my arrangement across the canal, and with success. The simple fact was then ascertained, that electricity could be made to cross a river without other conductors than the water itself; but it was not until the last autumn that I had the leisure to make a series of experiments to ascertain the law of its passage. The following diagram will serve to explain the experiment.

Fig. 31.

A, B, C, D, are the banks of the river; N, P, are the battery; E is the electro magnet; w w, are the wires along the banks, connecting with copper plates, f, g, h, i, which are placed in the water. When this arrangement is complete, the electricity, generated by the battery, passes from the positive pole, P, to the plate h, across the river through the water to plate i, and thence around the coil of the magnet, E, to plate f, across the river again to plate g, and thence to the other pole of the battery, N. The numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, indicate the distance along the bank measured by the number of times of the distance across the river.

The distance across the canal is 80 feet; on August 24th, the following were the results of the experiment.

No. of the experiment, 1st. 2d. 3d. 4th. 5th. 6th.
No. of cups in battery, 14 14 14 7 7 7
Length of conductors, w, w 400 400 400 400 300 200
Degrees of motion of galvanometer, 32 & 24 13½ & 4½ 1 & 1 24 & 13 29 & 21 21½ & 15
Size of the copper plates, f, g, h, i, 5 by 2½ ft. 16 by 18 in. 6 by 5 in. 5 by 2½ ft. 5 by 2½ ft. 5 by 2½ ft.

Showing that electricity crosses the river, and in quantity in proportion to the size of the plates in the water. The distance of the plates on the same side of the river from each other also affects the result. Having ascertained the general fact, I was desirous of discovering the best practical distance at which to place my copper plates, and not having the leisure myself, I requested my friend Professor Gale to make the experiments for me. I subjoin his letter and the results.

New York, November 5th, 1844.

My Dear Sir—I send you, herewith, a copy of a series of results, obtained with four different sized plates, as conductors to be used in crossing rivers. The batteries used were six cups of your smallest size, and one liquid used for the same throughout. I made several other series of experiments, but these I most rely on for uniformity and accuracy. You will see, from inspecting the table, that the distance along the shores should be three times greater than that from shore to shore across the stream; at least, that four times the distance does not give any increase of power. I intend to repeat all these experiments under more favorable circumstances, and will communicate to you the results.

Very respectfully,

Professor S. F. B. Morse,
Superintendent of Telegraphs.

Series of Experiments on four different sizes of plates, to wit: 1st, 56 square inches; 2d, 28 square inches; 3d, 14 square inches; and 4th, 7 square inches.

Experiment 1st.—Surface of one face of the copper plate, 56 square inches; battery, Morse’s smallest, 6 cups.

Note.—In all the experiments, f and g are stationary.

Distance from
bank to bank.
1 1 22° 23° 23° 22° 22° 22°
1 2 31 32 31½ 31 31 31
1 3 36 36 35½ 35 35 35
1 4 36 scant 36 scant 34½ 34 34 34

Experiment 2d.—Plates 28 square inches, conducted as above.

Distance from
bank to bank.
1 1 18° 17° 17° 17° 17° 17°
1 2 27 26 27½ 27½ 27½ 27
1 3 31 31 31 31 31 31
1 4 31 31 31 31 31 scant. 31

Experiment 3d.—Plates 14 square inches, conducted as No. 1.

Distance from
bank to bank.
1 1 8½° 8½°
1 2 19½ 20 19½ 19 19 19
1 3 23½ 23½ 23½ 23½ 23½ 23½
1 4 24½ 24½ 23½ 23½ 23½ 23½

Experiment 4th.—Plates 7 square inches, conducted as No. 1.

Distance from
bank to bank.
1 1
1 2 15 14½ 14 15 15 12
1 3 17½ 18 17½ 17½ 18 17
1 4 18 18 18 17½ 17½ 17

The distance from bank to bank, 30 inches. Depth of water, 12 inches. In experiment 4, the liquor of the batteries was very weak, exhausted towards the last; and in trials 5 and 6, the irregularities are to be attributed in part to the weak liquor, and in part to the twilight hour at which the experiments were made.

As the result of these experiments, it would seem that there may be situations in which the arrangements I have made for passing electricity across the rivers may be useful, although experience alone can determine whether lofty spars, on which the wires may be suspended, erected in the rivers, may not be deemed the most practical. The experiments made were but for a short distance; in which, however, the principle was fully proved to be correct. It has been applied under the direction of my able assistants, Messrs. Vail and Rogers, across the Susquehanna river, at Havre-de-Grace, with complete success; a distance of nearly a mile.


In order to give some idea of the accuracy with which the telegraph transmits intelligence, we here give two games of chess, as played by distinguished gentlemen in Baltimore and in Washington. The two games are selected from the seven played. The number of moves made in playing the seven games, were 686, and were transmitted without a single mistake or interruption. The Baltimoreans played with the white pieces, placed on numbers 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, and 64, figure 32. They were commenced November 16th, 1844. B, Baltimore; W, Washington.

Fig. 32.

First Game of Chess.

W 12 to 28 W castles W 11 to 29 W 17 to 30
B 53 37 B 59 to 45 B 26 24 B 26 38
W 6 30 W 14 19 W 10 23 W 14 5
B 51 46 B 45 51 B 62 26 B 57 58
W 7 22 W 3 21 W 4 3 W 30 45c
B 52 36 B 61 45 B 43 40 B 51 45
W 28 36 W 22 5 W 30 35 W 35 45
B 46 36 B 55 39 B 45 42 B 42 23c
W 30 18 W 2 17 W 7 9 W 9 8
B 63 46 B 49 48 B 40 23 B 61 52
W 13 20 W 19 30 W 5 14 W 27 37
B 56 41 B 36 29 B 23 6 B 24 9
W 9 24 W 21 13 W 3 6 W 18 36
B 58 43 B 39 26 B castles B 23 7
60 to 62
64 61
W gives up.

Second Game.

B 52 to 36 W 14 to 19 B 50 to 34 W 14 to 4
W 11 27 B 49 48 W 21 28 B 45 27
B 62 38 W 9 24 B 36 28 W castles
W 13 20 B 56 40 W 20 28 B 27 to 21c
B 53 44 W 10 23 B 38 42 W 7 8
W 7 22 B 58 43 W 22 25 B 61 39
B 51 35 W 2 13 B 42 56 W 13 22
W 12 21 B 63 46 W 6 10 B 39 41
B 59 45 W 4 14 B 43 52 W 3 21
B 41 21 B 39 53 B 42 54 B 42 54
W 6 5 W 3 4 W 4 52 W 4 21
B 21 11 B 35 30 B 57 58 B 55 42
W 4 45 W 4 61 W 12 13 W 45 47
B 64 62 B 59 61 B 48 33 B 43 38
W 1 4 W 24 25 W 52 45 W 47 34
B 52 37 B 44 37 B 47 51 B 38 27
W 22 37 W 22 39 W 24 11 W 23 27
B 46 37 B 56 42 B 60 63 B 37 27
W 45 37 W 2 4 W 16 17 W 21 30
B castles B 61 60 B 63 62 B 42 39
W 4 2 W 5 13 W 10 24 W 25 39
B 62 61 B 53 35 B 62 60 B 54 42
W 37 27 W 39 24 W 11 4 W 24 44c
B 11 14 B 58 57 B 54 42 B 58 57
W 5 3 W 13 52 W 45 52 W 30 37
B 14 12 B 54 43 B 51 46 B 42 48
W 27 6 W 8 9 W 52 45 W 37 54c
B 12 21 B 35 21 B 46 64 B 57 55
W 6 5 W 52 13 W 13 36c W 54 45
B 21 39 B 21 47 B 64 36 B gives up
W 25 22 W 13 12 W 28 36

Improvement in the Magneto Electric Machine,
and Application of this Instrument to
operate the Magnetic Telegraph.

The magneto electric machine was originally contrived by Mr. Saxton, soon after the announcement of the interesting discovery of Faraday, that magnetism was capable of exciting electricity. The conditions necessary for obtaining electricity in this way were, chiefly, the disturbance of magnetic forces in a bar of soft iron surrounded by coils of wire. A number of mechanical contrivances were resorted to, in order to effect this disturbance, by causing the bar of iron, thus surrounded, to approach to and recede from the poles of powerful magnets; but the ingenuity of Mr. Saxton far exceeded them all, by giving to the coils and enclosed bar a rotary movement about the poles of a U-form magnet. This instrument afforded bright sparks and strong shocks; but the currents of electricity thus obtained could not be converted to any useful purpose, as, in each half revolution of the coils, the currents were in opposite directions. In 1838, Professor Page published in Silliman’s Journal an account of an improved form of the machine, doing away with many existing objections, and furthermore rendering it at once a useful instrument, by a contrivance for conducting these opposing currents into one channel or direction, which part of the contrivance was called the unitrep. The current produced in this way was capable of performing the work to a certain extent, of the power developed by the galvanic battery; and the machine was found adequate to the furnishing of shocks for medical purposes, for exhibiting the decomposition of water, furnishing the elements oxygen and hydrogen at their respective poles, and producing definite electro-chemical results. These two last results could not be obtained without the aid of the unitrep. But, with this improvement, the instrument was still wanting in one property of the galvanic battery, viz. that property which chemists call quantity, or that power upon which depends its ability to magnetize, and also to heat platinum wires. This last property has been given to the machine by the recent contrivance of Professor Page. The machine, in its novel construction, under his improvement, developed what is called, by way of distinction, the current of intensity, but had a very feeble magnetizing power. By a peculiar contrivance of the coils, (not to be made public until his rights are in some way secured,) the current of quantity is obtained in its maximum, while, at the same time, the intensity is so much diminished that it gives scarcely any shock, and decomposes feebly. It has been successfully tried with the magnetic telegraph of Professor Morse, and operates equally well with the battery. It affords, by simply turning a crank attached to the machine, a constant current of galvanic electricity; and as there is no consumption of material necessary to obtain this power, it will doubtless supersede the use of the galvanic battery, which, in the event of constant employment, would be very expensive, from the waste of zinc, platinum, acids, mercury, and other materials used in its construction. It particularly recommends itself for magnetizing purposes, as it requires no knowledge of chemistry to insure the result, being merely mechanical in its action, and is always ready for action without previous preparation; the turning of a crank being the only requisite when the machine is in order. It is not liable to get out of order; does not diminish perceptibly in power when in constant use, and actually gains power when standing at rest. It will be particularly gratifying to the man of science, as it enables him to have always at hand a constant power for the investigation of its properties, without any labor of preparation. We notice among the beautiful results of this machine, that it charges an electro magnet so as to sustain a weight of 1,000 pounds, and it ignites to a white heat large platinum wires, and may be used successfully for blasting at a distance; and should Government ever adopt any such system of defence as to need the galvanic power, it must supersede the battery in that case. Professor Page demonstrates, by mathematical reasoning, that the new contrivance of the coils affords the very maximum of quantity to be obtained by magnetic excitation.

Report of Commissioner of Patents, for 1844.


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